1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys

100 W Public Works DR

Shelton WA 98584

Dear Commissioner Jeffreys;

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: Governor Jay Inslee
State Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson

State Senator Tim Sheldon

State Rep. Kathy Haig

State Rep. Drew McEwan

Mason County Director of Public Works Brian Matthews

1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

Mason County Public Works Director Brian Matthews,

100 W Public Works DR

Shelton WA 98584

Dear Director Matthews;

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: Governor Jay Inslee
State Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson

State Senator Tim Sheldon

State Rep. Kathy Haig

State Rep. Drew McEwan

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys

1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

State Rep. Drew McEwan

431 John L. O'Brien Building

P.O. Box 40600

Olympia, WA 98504-0600

Dear Rep. McEwan;

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: Governor Jay Inslee
State Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson

State Senator Tim Sheldon

State Rep. Kathy Haig

Mason County Public Works Director Brian Matthews,

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys

1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

State Rep. Kathy Haig

JLOB 320
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600

Dear Rep. Haig;

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: Governor Jay Inslee
State Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson

State Senator Tim Sheldon

State Rep. Drew McEwan

Mason County Public Works Director Brian Matthews,

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys

1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-000

Dear Governor Inslee;

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: State Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson

State Senator Tim Sheldon

State Rep. Kathy Haig

State Rep. Drew McEwan

Mason County Public Works Director Brian Matthews,

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys

1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

Ms Lynn Peterson, Washington State Secretary of Transportation

PO Box 47316
Olympia, WA 98504-7316

Dear Secretary Peterson;

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: Gov. Jay Inslee

State Senator Tim Sheldon

State Rep. Kathy Haig

State Rep. Drew McEwan

Mason County Public Works Director Brian Matthews,

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys

1521 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd

Shelton WA 99584

October 22, 2013

State Senator Tim Sheldon

312 Legislative Building
PO Box 40435
Olympia, WA 98504-0435

Dear Senator Sheldon

The recent deaths of two Phillips Lake Residents in a collision at the corner of State Route 3 and Pickering Rd. has prompted us to request that you direct the relevant offices to conduct a safety study of that intersection.

This corner is the main route to and from Harstine Island, the Pickering Commercial District, and Spencer and Phillips Lake. All of these areas are increasing in population, creating additional traffic.

There are a number of hazardous intersections on Route 3 between Shelton and Belfair, but the accidents at this intersection seem to result in greater injuries, and now in two deaths. We think this warrants attention by the Department of Transportation and from Mason County.


Mary Ann Hughes, Secretary

On behalf of the Phillips Lake Community Association Board of Directors

Cc: Governor Jay Inslee
State Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson

State Rep. Kathy Haig

State Rep. Drew McEwan

Mason County Public Works Director Brian Matthews,

Mason County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys