Welcome to the LW Kids team. This handbook is designed to inform you of the policies, procedures, and philosophy of ministry we use at Living Water Kids (LW Kids). All the LW Kids Team members are volunteer leaders. You are the individuals who faithfully serve God by giving your gifts, talents, time, and resources to Living Water Church. In a nut shell, YOU are the people who make everything possible for kids of all ages to come and hear about God, His Son, Jesus, and how a life can be forever changed by trusting Him.

You will hear a bunch of catch phrases like, “philosophy, vision, team, strategy, plan, goals, and excellence” and probably a few other terms that make you ask, “Is this a church or a business?” To answer your question, we are a living organism that has grown so large and deals with so many critical children’s safety issues, that we must learn a few principles in leading an organization in the right direction. But don’t get confused, we are a group of people who seek to be led by God in everything we do. We want to give Him our absolute best by being prepared and ready for anything that comes our way. That is why we have set such high standard for our volunteer leaders (you).

So sit back, relax, make a cup of coffee, because contained in these pages are what we think you need to know about being a LW Kids Team member!


Mark Hirst – Lead Pastor

330-828-8356 Ext. 202

John Grandy – Campus Pastor (Dalton)

330-828-8356 Ext. 204

Nathan McWherter – Campus Pastor (Massillon)

330-828-8356 Ext. 212

Janice Kelley – Director of Children’s Ministry

All elementary groups report to Janice.

330-828-8356 Ext. 218

330-289-9226 (call or text)

Kelly Manley – Children’s Ministry Assistant (Dalton)

All Nursery and Preschool classes report to Kelly.

330-828-8356 Ext. 201

330-224-9603 (call or text)

Joyce Combs – Volunteer Children’s Coordinator (Massillon)

330-327-2381 (call or text)

Kid’s Leadership Team

Amy Greer

Janice Kelley

Kelly Manley

Ryan Zaleski

Vicky Falb

Joyce Combs


Dalton Campus

Sunday 9:00am

Nursery 1 – Birth-12 months (Room 1)

Nursery 2 – 1 Year Olds (Room 2)

Toddler – 2 Year Olds (Room 3)

Preschool – 3 Year Olds (Room 4)

Preschool - 4 Year Olds (Room 5)

Preschool – 5’s Pre-K (Room 6)

Kind/1st Grade Boys (Room 11)

Kind/1st Grade Girls (Room 8)

2nd/3rd Grade Boys (Room 22 upstairs)

2nd/3rd Grade Girls (Room 9)

4th/5th Grade Boys (The Shack upstairs)

4th/5th Grade Girls (Room 21 upstairs)

Sunday 10:30am

Nursery 1 – Birth-12 months (Room 1)

Nursery 2 – 1 Year Olds (Room 2)

Toddlers – 2 & 3 Year Olds (Room 3)

SPLASH 7:00pm-8:10pm

Childcare for volunteer children (Room 3)

Kind/1st Boys (Room 7)

Kind. Girls (Room 5)

1st Grade Girls (Room 6)

2nd/3rd Grade Boys (Room 8)

2nd Grade Girls (Room 9)

3rd Grade Girls (Room 11)

4th/5th Grade Boys (Room 24 upstairs)

4th Grade Girls (Room 22 upstairs)

5th Grade Girls (Room 23 upstairs)

Massillon Campus

Sunday 11:00am

Nursery 1 – Birth-2 Years (Room 1)

Preschool – 3 Year Olds – Pre-K5’s (Room 2)

Elementary – Kindergarten – 5th Grade (Room 3)


We desire to see children who are totally dependent on Jesus. We want to see children whose actions are led by Jesus living in them and through them. As we teach children to know God, we want them to understand that Christ is their life (Phil 1:21), attitude (Phil 2:5), goal (Phil 3:14) and strength (Phil 4:13).

We desire to see changed lives. Each time a child walks into Living Water, we want them to be forever changed by the power of God before leaving this place. We know that there is a culture today that seeks to conform the next generation into their images. We also know that God seeks to transform lives by His word. Children must know that the only way to know God’s plan for their life is to be changed from the inside out.

We desire to teach kids about God using new and original approaches. As leaders, we must be teachable and open to new methods of teaching in order to reach and teach the next generation. We recognize that God is the creator of everything and that within His creation and new and modern methods of teaching a historic and perfect story. We desire to be culturally transcendent without compromising God’s word and its’ integrity.

We desire to see children who live and grow in a community of believers. We know that the responsibility of raising up a child to know God is placed upon the parent. As a church, we want to partner with parents and equip them to raise their children. We believe the most effective way to train up a child is to surround that child with Godly leaders who are saying the same things that parents should be teaching at home.

We desire to see kids who are passionate about God. We believe that children can play a big role in spreading the Gospel to all nations. Jesus said “Let the children come.” It takes the heart of a child to ignite a fire in the hearts of adults. We want children to take God to their schools, neighborhoods, and sport fields and watch what hundreds of kids moving in unity can do.

Our Vision Statement

Discovering God’s truth and developing a forever friendship with Jesus.

Light of the Church


Heart of a Family


2 combined influences make a greater impact on the spiritual development of a child.

Our Mission

Leading our kids into a transformational relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Strategy

Partner with the family.


Living Water is connected to the Free Methodist Church of North America and operates under the guidance of the Ohio Conference. Our roots go back to John Wesley, who began the Methodist movement in the 1700s. Methodists believed the church makes its greatest impact when individual Christ-followers see themselves as His ambassadors to the culture. The Free Methodist Church began in the 1860s.

As Free Methodists, we believe:

The written Word of God found in the Bible is absolutely reliable and authoritative as God's revelation to all people. It teaches the truth about God, the way of salvation and the life of faith (Psalm 19:7, Isaiah 40:8, 2 Timothy 3:17, Matthew 5:18).

There is One God who exists in three persons (the "trinity"): Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each has His own function; each is fully and equally God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19).

God the Father reigns in heaven. He is beyond human understanding, yet He invites people to know him (Isaiah 55:8-9, Jeremiah 9:23-24).

Jesus Christ was and is God in human flesh. His love for us caused Him to take on human likeness (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58, John 10:30-33, Philippians 2:5-11).

When Jesus died, He paid the penalty of sin for all people (Matthew 1:21, 1 John 2:1-2).

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death is the most significant event of history (Romans 1:4, 1 Corinthians 15:17).

God dwells in His people by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God's guarantee that He will keep all of His promises (1 Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians 1:13-14, Galatians 2:20).

Citizenship in God's Kingdom and entrance into heaven comes through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. His people are called to live out their life by obeying God's commands to love Him wholeheartedly, and to love others unselfishly (Matthew 22:35-40, John 1:12, Galatians 2:16, Philippians 2:12).

To find out more about the Free Methodist Denomination, please visit www.freemethodistchurch.org


The following is required of all volunteers serving with minors at Living Water Church:

Christians who are in places of responsibility in the church are required to be examples in faith, conduct, and business affairs. To maintain a high standard for volunteers is one of the best ways to present Christ to the people of our community. Therefore, to serve within LW Kids at Living Water Church, all potential volunteers must meet the following policies and guidelines:

1.  All those interested in volunteering must complete a LW Kids Volunteer Application.

2.  A follow-up report will be completed with all references, including a criminal background check.

3.  All applications, follow-up reports, and interview records will be kept confidential.

4.  A personal interview will be completed with a LW Kids staff member.

5.  A training and apprentice program will be available for each volunteer.

6.  You must attend Living Water Church on a regular basis for at least six months prior to serving.


LW Kids is an amazing team of dedicated volunteers whose passion is to make a difference in the lives of children. We expect a lot from our volunteers because God wants us to give our best for His kids. Please help us be an exceptional team by:

Be in agreement with Living Water Church’s statement of “What We Believe”.

Live a life modeled after Christ.

Regularly attend an adult worship service.

Small Group Leaders need to be an “Owner” at Living Water Church.

Be able to make a one-year commitment.

Be faithful to your assigned volunteer position.

Attend volunteer meetings, training events, and team “Huddle” time.

“Huddle” together with your team 15 minutes before the beginning of each service to pray and go over any last minute details.

Be ready to receive children 15 minutes before the beginning of each service.

Wear your LW Kids volunteer name tag and lanyard.

Be well prepared by studying your curriculum the week before.

Only use curriculum that is assigned to you.

Dress appropriately depending upon your specific area of ministry.

Please give at least a week’s notice if you will be absent.

Please give thirty (30) days notice, if possible, when resigning your position.


There are over 120 volunteers on the LW Kids team that care for hundreds of kids every week. It is not possible for us to know each child and the many different changes in each of their unique family situations. We rely on your diligence to protect the children left in our care.

1.  Parents will check their children in at the check-in desk located on the upper or lower level. They will receive a coded security parent tag. It can be cut in half so each parent can have one. It is a good idea for parents to wear their tag on the front of their clothing.

2.  Parents will receive a name tag for each of their children with the same security code. Babies and Preschoolers should place the name tag on their backs and Elementary kids can place it on the front of their clothing.

3.  When picking up their child, the parent MUST show their coded security parent tag. Please ask to see it even if you know the parent. Say the numbers audibly “C2W” and make it fun and interesting.

4.  Do not take the parent’s security tag as they may need it to pick up several of their children.

5.  If a parent gives their security parent tag to another family member or older sibling, they are giving that person the responsibility to pick up their child.

6.  If the parent has lost their security tag you will need to find a paid staff member or service coordinator. They will ask the parent for a photo ID and may also check the computer database to make sure who may pick up the child and there are no custody issues.

7.  If there are no custody issues and the ID matches the database, the child will be released.

8.  If there is a custody issue, the children’s staff will immediately alert someone on the Living Water security team. Parents will be contacted immediately. We will not release the child until the parents are found.

9.  Stay calm and reassure the parents we are taking precautions to protect their children.

10. Please follow these steps even when you know the person. You never know if a visitor or new family is watching you. We want everyone to know that we take this seriously and treat everyone the same.


This policy is specifically intended to safeguard our children from all forms of abuse. This policy addresses the areas of child abuse, reporting abuse, protecting our kids from evil and additional safeguards.

Protecting our kids from abuse (or the appearance of it)

Our culture has become very sensitive to protecting children from physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. The world is in a mess, and we've all learned to be more careful than ever.

Sexual abuse is a topic that is unpleasant to discuss. But as a team responsible for other people’s children, it is important that we understand the topic as the law sees it to make certain that we (1) never allow abuse to occur and (2) never do anything that could be misunderstood by others to be abuse.

“Sexual abuse includes the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or having a child assist any other person to engage in any sexually explicit conduct or any simulation of the conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of the conduct; or the rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children as those acts are defined by law. Sexual exploitation includes allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution and allowing, permitting, encouraging or engaging in the obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depicting of a child for commercial purposes.”