Dear Parents,

Welcome to Light of the World Academy! As a ministry of

Ephesus Baptist Church, our K-9 school was designed to help children build moral character on intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual levels while gaining an exceptional education. We, the staff and administration, are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment where your child is taught biblical truths as the foundation of their educational experience.

Our prayer is for your child to grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ while enjoying all of the wonderful experiences of an excellent academic program. We hope our curriculum will bless both you and your child in a special way this school year. Come join us; an exciting adventure awaits! Please read through the handbook carefully and call if you have any questions or concerns.

Love in Christ,

Michelle Jett Robinson



Mission Statement

Light of the World Academy exists to partner with Christian parents to educate children in the love and truth of God’s word through an affordable Christian curriculum. We strive to provide a balanced approach to each child’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and social development. We put our trust in God’s guidance and base our decisions on Christian principles and ultimately, on the authority of the Bible.

Welcome to Light of the World Academy,

A Ministry of Ephesus Baptist Church


It is the philosophy of Light of the World Academy that every child is a gift from God, fearfully and wonderfully made. As parents, we are responsible for teaching our children about God and raising them to be moral citizens.

In that belief we wish to provide an enriching, safe, and loving environment where children can learn, through structured and unstructured activities, how to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Our intention is to meet the needs of each individual student while in our care, provide a balanced approach to his/her physical, social, emotional, academic, and spiritual development and assist parents in meeting their responsibility in raising moral children.

We strive to accomplish and implement these goals through many varied developmental experiences and activities, putting our trust in God’s guidance and basing our decisions on Christian principles and ultimately, on the authority of the Bible. 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


·  To provide a safe, secure, nurturing environment

·  To provide interesting and exciting activities that promote learning

·  To introduce children to God’s love and His Word (the Bible)

·  To introduce foundational truths of the Christian faith

·  To encourage the use of manners

·  To encourage children to respect themselves and others

·  To encourage creativity and logical thinking

·  To provide opportunities for students to practice new skills

·  To offer encouragement and praise

·  To offer the absolute best Christian curriculum available

Statement of Faith

· We believe in the inspiration of the Bible, equally and all parts and that it is without error in its origin; it is our sole authority and final appeal in matters of faith and practice.

· We believe there is only one true God, eternally existing in three persons- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Who spoke all things into existence.

· We believe in the preexistence, incarnation, sinless life, miracles, substitutional death, bodily resurrection, ascension to Heaven, and second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

· We believe in the person and the work of the Holy Spirit that He is equal to God the Father and the Son and is of the same nature. We believe His holy work includes the conviction and conversion of sinners and that He seals, teaches, guides, sanctifies, and empowers believers.

· We believe in the fall of man, the need of repentance by the leading of the Holy Spirit on the basis of grace alone, and the resurrection of all to life with God or eternal separation from Him determined by each individual’s personal decision to receive Christ as Lord and Savior.

· We believe that salvation binds us together as a body of believers, united in Christ and that we are kept by the power of God through faith unto eternal life.

· We believe as followers of Jesus Christ our purpose is to continue His good works as witnesses of His saving grace and to make disciples by sharing His love and teaching the gospel of salvation to all the world.

Student Outcomes

At Light of the World Academy our desire is that students…

· Seek God’s Kingdom first

· Have an understanding of the Word of God and the Gospel message

· Become ambassadors for Christ

· Obey God and the authorities He has established

· Honor Christ in all they do

· Follow God wherever He leads, seeking His will through prayer

· Continue to grow in faith and Godly wisdom

· Become mission-minded and active in outreach, having a heart for the World

· Take personal responsibility for their actions and decisions

· Respect themselves and others

· Seek to listen to and understand others

· Obtain a well-rounded biblical education

· Become life-long learners

· Become positive, responsible citizens and role models in their communities

· Cultivate cultural literacy and recognize the blessings God has given


Light of the World Academy is operated by the director, Michelle Robinson, preschool director, Beth Schools, and overseen by the School Board of Ephesus Baptist Church. A parent will be chosen every two years to represent the students and parents on the School Board. School Board members include: Larry Schools, Skipper Garrett, Marion Akers, June Beale, Glenn Haydon, Beth Schools, Katie Rogers, Dena Stevens, and Michelle Robinson. Light of the World Academy will follow the policies of the Virginia Department of Social Services as well as any policies of Ephesus Baptist Church in determining the procedures of operation for the school.

Hours of Operation

Light of the World Academy operates from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, September 05, 2017 through June 12, 2018. Parents may begin bringing children at 8:00a.m. when the doors are unlocked and may pick-up children at 3:30 p.m. Before and After Care is available upon request.

If a student remains at the school past the 4:00 p.m. pick-up time, a late charge will be applied at a rate of $1.00 per minute after 4:15 p.m., and payment will be expected at the time of pick-up. If payment has not been received by the end of the week, termination of enrollment may result. If by 4:15 p.m. the student has not been picked up and the parent has not contacted the center, the authorized persons listed on the enrollment application will be notified. If the student still remains at the school at 5:00 p.m. and the parent has made no contact, the Sheriff’s Office and/or the Essex County Department of Social Services will be called to pick-up the child. After-school care is available upon request until 5:00 p.m.

All parents and children should enter the school by the car port doors. All other doors will be locked. Parents, of children in grades K through 5, must sign-in each day at the podium in the hallway and indicate who will pick-up the child that afternoon. Children will be released only to their parents or those authorized persons specified on the enrollment form unless other written or verbal instructions have been received from the parent. All students (K – 8) must be signed-out in the afternoon.

Religious Exemption

Light of the World Academy, a ministry of Ephesus Baptist Church, is exempt from licensing by the Commonwealth of Virginia and will operate under the Code of Compliance as a Religiously Exempt Christian School. We will comply with all requirements and policies set forth by the Virginia Department of Social Services and the Virginia Department of Education.

Liability Insurance

Light of the World Academy is covered under Ephesus Baptist Church’s public liability insurance. This policy provides coverage in the event that someone files a suit against the school for personal or bodily harm suffered during the operation of the school as a result of negligence. This type of insurance is not to be confused with accidental injury insurance, which provides medical benefits to the injured regardless of whether a suit is filed or the injury is a result of the school’s negligence. The school is not liable for accidents or illnesses occurring to the child while he/she is in the school’s care, unless proof is presented that the accident or illness was the direct result of the school’s negligence.


Light of the World Academy uses the Christian curriculum, Sonlight. The Mission Statement of Sonlight is, “The way you wish you’d been taught.” It is a literature-rich program that teaches concepts through quality historical fiction and biographies. When searching for a Home school Curriculum for my boys this one stood out far above the rest. As a veteran teacher, I was looking for quality and that is what I have found with Sonlight. Our students love school. Sonlight offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes History, Geography, Bible, Reading, Science, Language Arts, Handwriting, Math, and electives such as Music, Art, Computer, and Physical Education.

The school will provide a daily schedule consisting of structured and unstructured activities based upon your child’s developmental needs. Children will have an opportunity to practice fine and gross motor skills, learn to communicate effectively with others, build physical and mental capacities, develop a relationship with God, practice manners, and develop skills needed to learn how to read, write, and work with numbers.

Our curriculum is challenging, and students are expected to accept responsibility for completing work on time to the best of their ability.

The music and art programs are taught by teachers who come into the school each week to instruct our students and add creativity and enrichment to our core curriculum. Physical education is an integral part of our program and students will exercise daily. Computer instruction begins in third grade and builds each year using various programs to enhance skills.

Grading Scale

The grading scale for Kindergarten through Second grade is as follows:

Blank- Not Yet Introduced



N-Needs Time & Help to Improve

Third through Ninth grade is as follows:

A 94-100

B 87-93

C 80-86

D 73-79

F Below 73


Each student enrolled at Light of the World Academy has the right to accurate and complete school records, maintained in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The policy for use of these records is as follows:

1.  All cumulative student records shall be kept in locked files.

2.  School personnel shall have access to all student records.

3.  Parents have the right to inspect academic and disciplinary records of their child or dependent.

4.  It is customary when a student leaves Light of the World that the legally transferable scholastic and disciplinary records shall be sent to the designated school upon request from that school or from the parent. Before records are released, all financial obligations to the school must be met.


Homework is an extension of class work and is intended to reinforce learning, review skills, and provide opportunity to strengthen research skills. Students will be given long and short-term assignments.

Since each student works at his/her own pace, the following time schedule is to be used as a guideline.

Kindergarten 20 minutes/night

First Grade 30 minutes/night

Second Grade 40 minutes/night

Third-Fifth Grade 60 minutes/night

Sixth-Ninth Grade 90 minutes/night

Student Responsibilities

Students are required to complete and hand in all assignments on time.

It is the responsibility of all students to review math skills on a daily basis. In addition, independent reading should be a part of each day’s routine.

Bible Memory verses should be reviewed daily.

Parent Responsibilities

Parents should provide a structured time and a quiet place for working at home. This should be a time when there are no interruptions. Televisions, phones, computers, video games, and other distractions should not be allowed during study time. Consistency is the key to success.

Parents are strongly encouraged to read with (and to) children and to review math facts and Bible verses with them daily.

Parents should check Homework Agendas/Folders nightly to see what is due the next day. Supervision and checking of homework depends upon the age of the child and the student’s level of independence.

Report Cards

Report cards are an important communication tool between home and school. Parents are encouraged to look over them carefully and discuss them with their children.

Signed report cards should be returned to the school within five days.

Preschool students receive written reports and checklists in January and June.

Kindergartens through Ninth grade students receive progress reports quarterly.


Testing will be conducted in the spring of each year. Scholastic School Readiness and Stanford 10 Achievement Tests (Subject to change) will be used.



Observance #1 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Observance #2 “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39

Discipline will be handled in a manner in which to develop positive, responsible behavior. Positive guidance, modeling, replacement behavior, and conscious discipline will be used to empower children to develop self-control, self-regulation, personal responsibility, and good behavior. Time-out will be used after a warning has been issued in the early grades. Our CRT program is used in the later grades.

There may be times when parents will be asked to pick-up their children if certain behaviors are exhibited. These behaviors include, but are not limited to: biting, using foul language (profanity), hitting or threatening teachers, and/or other forms of disrespect. If these behaviors continue, the child may be suspended from school for a period of time. Children will not be allowed to attend any school functions or events during that time. Expulsion or repeated suspension may result in termination of enrollment.