Email to Council, Area, and Region Presidents
Dear Navy League Leaders:
Thank you for all that you have done in our fight against sequestration. Our message on the impact on the sea services, our national security, and our defense industrial base has been heard. As you would expect, legislators in the defense community have been the most vocal in speaking out and acting to stop sequestration.
However, the fight is not over yet. Though the military got relief during fiscal years 2014 and 2015, sequestration is set to again come into full force on October 1st, 2015. To get around the spending caps, the House moved needed funding into the Overseas Contingency Operations account which is not a sustainable strategy. The underlying problem of the sequester remains unresolved. There are many Members of Congress and members of the public for whom the defense and national security message is not enough. To help them see how sequestration will affect them in other ways, we need your help. Navy Leaguers are up to date and well-informed on the perils of these mindless cuts, and we need you to educate others in your community.
We know that people who step up to take leadership positions in the Navy League like yourself are leaders in your community. The sea services need you to use that leadership to help stop sequestration. Please ask other community groups in which you are involved, or which you believe would be willing to listen, for the opportunity to brief them about the upcoming cuts which will impact jobs, the economy, national security, schools, health programs, and safety.
We have prepared a toolkit, which includes a draft letter to your Congressman, phone script, and draft letter to the editor. These are also available at the Sequestration Action Center site. Please distribute these widely, and encourage your friends and neighbors to visit the site for materials to use.
If you have questions or would like to be trained on this presentation, please contact Sara Fuentes at Navy League headquarters at or 703-312-1560. You should also feel free to contact your Legislative Affairs and Public Affairs VPs, who have familiarity with the topic and with presenting CSOPs to community groups. They will be a valuable resource. Please share these materials with members of your council. We need them to help educate others in the community. We are asking for your leadership in encouraging your council to get involved in this public education.
We have a limited amount of time to stop sequestration. The cuts that will be coming to the sea services will be devastating. We are trying to stop this in every way can, and are approaching this fight from all angles. We need all concerned Americans to contact their Congressional representatives and tell them to stop sequestration.