Application for Advanced Approval of Transferred Course(s)
1.) If as a Judson student you wish to transfer a course(s) from another institution to Judson University, you must secure the advance approval of your advisor and the registrar, and attach a copy of the course description to this application.
2.) You must complete at least 40% of your major at Judson.
3.) You must earn a minimum of 30 semester hours in courses at the 300 level and above.
4.) You are allowed a maximum of 30 hours in alternative credit options.
5.) Courses with grades below C- are not transferable. Grades lower than C will not be transferred for English Composition courses.
6.) Grades of transferred courses are not calculated into a student’s cumulative GPA.
7.) No transfer course work may be taken during the semester you plan to graduate.
8.) No transfer course work may be taken during the semester in which the course is offered at Judson.
9.) No transfer course work may be taken if it causes the student an overload. (18 hours or more)
10.) A pass or satisfactory grade for any course will not be transferred.
11.) After earning 90 semester hours, a maximum of 10 semester hours may be transferred and applied to degree requirements.
12.) A maximum of 66 hours of lower division coursework may be transferred to Judson.
13.) The beginning and ending dates of the transferred course must fall within the following dates: Fall course: August 1st through December 31st
Spring course: January 1st through April 30th
Summer course: May 1 through July 31st
Complete ALL appropriate information below, obtain your advisor’s initials and submit this form with course description(s) to the Office of Registration & Records:
Incomplete applications will be returned to the student.
ID/SS#______Name (please print): ______Advisor: ______CPO (Trad): ______
Daytime phone/Voice mail: ______E-Mail: ______Planned graduation date: ¨Fall ¨Spring, 20_____
University/University course will be taken: ______City/State: ______Month/year: ______, 20_____
This section is to be completed by the student:Note: Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits are nontransferable.
Unit of credit: ¨ Semester hour ¨ Quarter hour ¨ Other: ______/
Advisor/Registrar Initials
TransferCourse Code / Transfer Course Title / Beginning /Ending dates
See guidelines above / Credit Hours / To meet Requirement for: / Advisor / Date /
/ Date / Judson Equivalent / (Registrar only)Lib Arts / Major / Elective / Approved / Denied
¨ / ¨ / ¨ / ¨ / ¨
¨ / ¨ / ¨ / ¨ / ¨
¨ / ¨ / ¨ / ¨ / ¨
Reason for transferred course:
Student’s Signature: Date: ______/______/20______
Upon completion of your course(s), order a copy of your transcript to be mailed to the Registrar’s Office, Judson University. Transcripts must be received by the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of the following semester.
Registrar’s Comments: ______