…………Welcome to KORNGESUND!

This is Anne Meyer. She is 19 years old and does a training at Korngesund in Dortmund.

They sell many different kinds of bread, rolls and pastries. Their philosophy is to sell healthy food that only contains ingredients from eco-farming. Anne is new at Korngesund – she has been working here for one month now…

(auch als ppt-Datei vorhanden)

Eukona ClassLF 2 At a bakery


Describe what you see in the following pictures:

Mrs Green

a) Imagine what the customer might be thinking.

b) What could she ask Anne?

Version II

Read the situation below:


It is Saturday morning, 9 a.m., in Dortmund.

This is Mrs Green. As she has currently moved from England to Germany, she wants to get used to the German way of life. Therefore, she intends to adapt some typical customs such as “German breakfast”. However, the German bread and rolls are new to her. She is at the bakery KORNGESUND for the first time…

Discuss the following questions.

  1. Decide which product she could refer to.
  2. What will she probably do to find an answer?
  3. Do you think Anne will be able to give her detailed information about the ingredients of the product? Why (not)?
  4. What can Anne do to be prepared for such situation?

Eukona ClassTask-sheetLF 2 Sales dialogueAt a bakery

For Mrs Green it is very important to buy healthy food with a clean origin and produced in ecological cultivation.

She has a question about the following item:


  1. Mrs Green’s question: Think about what Mrs Green’s exact question could be and write it down on a sheet of paper!
  2. Product information: Imagine you are Anne, one week ago. Inform yourself about the product!  Read the enclosed information material and take notes on:ingredients, origin, nutritional value, allergenic factor …
  3. Anne’s answer: Now find a polite and detailed answer to Mrs Green’s question and write it down.
  4. Tandem paper Dialogue: Create a complete dialogue between Anne and Mrs Green. Keep in mind that Mrs Green is an English speaking customer in a German store! Further, the dialogue should contain polite expressions. Use the dictionary/ vocabulary list if you need it.

(You can extend the flow chart if you want.)

  1. Practise: Fold the Tandem paper in the middle. Now practise the dialogue:

One of you is Mrs Green (customer), the other one is Anne (shop assistant).

a)Hold up the dialogue paper between you and read it.

b)Now read it again and try to smile meanwhile.

c)Practise the dialogue once again and try to have eye contact.

  1. Present the dialogue in class. Decide whether you still need the paper or not.



Wholemeal rye (eco-farming)

Wholemeal wheat flour (eco-farming)





1Egg yolk (local product, free range eggs)

Spelt* rolls with carrots

Wholemeal spelt or wheat (eco-farming)




Sugar beet molasses*


Carrots (pesticide free, eco-farming, local product)

Sunflower seed rolls

Wholemeal wheat (eco-farming)





Sunflower seeds (controlled organic producer)

Your task:

Think of other healthy combinations which you could offer.

*spelt – Dinkel

*sugar beet molasses - Zuckerrübensirup

TANDEMAt a bakeryVersion 1

(Use white areas only)

Mrs Green (customer) / Anne Meyer (shop assistant)

TANDEMAt a bakery Version 2

Use white areas only!

Mrs Green (customer) / Anne Meyer (shop assistant)
Excuse ______, do you ______English?
/ Oh yes, of ______. How can I ______?
I’d like to ______
/ ______
Thank you very ______for this i______!

You’re ______!

TANDEMAt a bakeryVersion 3

Write the dialogue in your mother tongue into the grey areas first!

Then use a dictionary to translate it and write the English versions into the white areas.

Mrs Green (customer) / Anne Meyer (shop assistant)
______? / Entschuldigen Sie,
 / ______
______/ 

VOCABULARY(Hungarian - English Version)

APolite expressions:

Hungarian / English
Excuse me
could you …?
…, please?
Yes, of course! / Certainly, Sir/Madam.
I’d like to know…
Thank you very much for / Thanks a lot for…!
You’re welcome!
What can I do for you? / How can I help you?
If you have any further / more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me!

BBakery/ food:

Talking about sustainability

Korngesund is a company that has many small branches in bigger supermarkets around Dortmund. They will open near a new branch near the airport soon, so speaking English is important. Anne’s colleague Maria would like to apply for the position of a branch manager there. To prepare for her job-interview she searches some information on sustainability in bakeries on the internet and finds the following information on another bakery:

Bernice's Bakery

  • We are successful because we focus on raw, natural, sometimes organic and local ingredients to create our products
  • Our food contains well prepared, quality ingredients but they aren’t expensive
  • We sell our products in recycled paper bags
  • We have friendly and helpful shop assistants who know a lot about the ecology and agriculture of our products
  • our staff walks or bicycles to work or use a company ticket for public transport.
  • We pick up and compost our coffee grounds every week
  • Our cleaning products are environmentally friendly and we always use energy efficient lighting


(Slightly adapted)

Your Tasks:

  • Make a vocabulary list of those words you would like to look up in a dictionary.
  • Write down some key sentences for your job-interview (in German, if you like)
  • Discuss in class, which of the above mentioned ideas belong to the ecological, the economical or the social aspect of sustainability. As a guideline use the magic triangle of sustainability of „Eukona-mapping“ or on the blackboard.
  • Could you imagine that some of the ideas of the text could be applied to your own shop?


© Leonardo Project Eukona Module 2.1 Customer oriented sales conversation including sustainability aspects

Lautenbach / Westhues, KSBK Dortmund Learning Situation: Talking about sustainability issues in a foreign language