Student Induction Checklist

Welcome to interprofessional learning at ACH Group

ACH Group embraces a learning culture and values the contribution that students make to this culture.

To support students to prepare for their placement at ACH Group we require ALL students to:

  • complete an online pre-placement induction
  • site induction

Additionally, for some tertiary (University) students on block placements (or undertaking project work that requires significant contact with older people), you are required to:

  • attend, a full day of education (called Positively Gold) to orient you to working effectively with older people (includes healthy ageing, dementia support and WH&S et al).


It is essentialto complete the online induction BEFORE the first day of placement.

Go to web link

and complete the induction module - it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

  • You will need your police certificate on hand as the online induction will guide you to enter important information on your police certificate.
  • You will also need to demonstrate you have completed the online induction (the system will prompt you when).

You can do this by either:

a)Emailing the page when prompted directly to your ACH Group site supervisor before commencing placement (when prompted in the induction go to file, send, page by email)

b)Printing the page when prompted and bring with you on your first day of placement.


  • Please bring this checklist with you as it will continue to guide you through the induction process
  • Ensure you bring your originalNational Criminal History Record Check (NCHRC) orDepartment for Communities and Social Inclusion Letter. Your NCHRC must be no older than 3 years old and must be accompanied by a Statutory Declaration.
  • You will not be able to commence placement without this.
  • Please bring evidence you have completed the online pre placement induction.

Student Name:______Student Discipline:______

ACH Group site: ______Dates of Placement: ______

Your ACH Group site supervisor will guide you through the following induction checklist; please initial as you go through the checklist.

Site Induction Checklist / Initials: ACH Group / Initials:
Section 1 Provision of evidence to be eligible for placement
  • On-line induction completion print-out

  • Completed National Criminal History Record Check (NCHRC)
(note that site staff will need to view your original Certificate but it may not be copied or kept by the site)
  • Statutory Declaration re convictions (mandatory)
(you are declaring that you have had no convictions since applying for your police check)
Section 2 Privacy and confidentiality
  • Check name tag

  • Confidentiality, confidential bin, shredding and recycling

Section 3Workplace Health & Safety
  • Identify site or role specific /potential hazards

  • Manual handling requirements
  • Site and discipline specific

  • First Aid Officers and Fire Wardens

Section 4 Tools and information for students
  • Student tool kit on intranet

  • Log in and access to ACH Group IT network (where applicable)

  • Key staff at site relevant to role and placement activities

  • Site communication mechanisms
  • Site specific communication methods and mediums

Section 6 Site tour and placement arrangements
  • Evacuation point - Student Responsibilities in event of an emergency

  • Areas appropriate for student use:
  • Break and lunch areas including kitchen protocols
  • Meetings areas
  • Storage of valuables including mobile phones
  • Areas for administration and documentation

  • Confirm start/finish times

  • Confirm who/where to report to

  • Car Parking protocols

  • Introduce site student supervisor and preferred contact method ie: phone/mobile/email, including sick leave and absences protocols

  • Discuss post survey at back of Induction checklist

As part of your online induction the following topics have been covered:
  • Privacy policy
  • Dress code
  • Missing resident procedure
  • Preventing elder abuse
  • WHS & IM hazard management
  • Infection prevention
  • Grievance procedure
  • Manual handling theory


Student Declaration

Student Name: ______

As a student on Placement at ACH Group I understand and agree with the following conditions regarding my Placement with ACH Group:

  1. Any information, products, concepts or programs I generate during placement will be considered ACH Group’s intellectual property.
  1. I give permission for photographs to be taken and published whilst on placement at ACH Group.
  1. I agree to apply the expectations outlined in the pre placement online induction during my student placement at ACH Group.
  1. I will not disclose or communicate any confidential information other than to an authorised person whilst and after I am on placement with ACH Group.
  1. If I am unclear about any of the expectations outlined in this induction I agree to clarify these with my ACH Group placement supervisor.
  1. I agree tosimultaneously provide ACH Group with any assignments, theses or reports that are submitted to a University or Educator that is based on any ACH Group clients/residents, practices, statistics or processes.
  1. During my placement I agree to consider participating in research projects which have been approved by the ACH Group ethics committee.
  1. I do/do not(cross out whichever not applicable) give permission for ACH Group to contact me in the future. This will be used to request post placement feedback to help improve our processes and to notify you of any employment opportunities relevant to your discipline.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Form– National Criminal History Record Check Authorisation

Status / Approved / Issued / 9/11/2015 / Next Review / 1/08/2017 / Version / 30.0 /
Employee No: / Volunteer No:
First Name: / Family Name:
Applicant position:
Employee/Volunteer is required to provide DCSI Police Check forCHILD RELATED National Disability Agreement/Health and Community Services Yes No
National Criminal History Record Check (NCHRC) Details:
NCHRC Date of Issue:
NCHRC Reference No:
Department of Communities and Social Inclusion. (DCSI)Details - Please tick relevant boxes:
Child Related
Date: ______
Ref: / Vulnerable Persons
Date: ______
Ref: / Aged Care Sector
Date: ______
Ref: / General Employment
Date: ______

Please complete Part A and Part B, C and D where applicable

PART A:NCHRC indicates no criminal history, DSCI indicates no preclusions
Yes, there is no criminal history and no preclusions, complete Authorisation below.
No, there is criminal history and or preclusions go to section B (further investigation and consultation required)
PART B: Reported Convictions (under the Aged Care Act 1997 which preclude a Candidate/Volunteer)
A Candidate/Volunteer is unsuitable to provide aged care when their NCHRC records
i.a conviction of murder or sexual assaultYes
ii.a conviction of, and sentenced to imprisonment from, any other form of assaultYes
Yesto either of the above this Candidate/Volunteer is unsuitable for employment or voluntary activities with ACH Group
No go to sections C & D ( further investigation and consultation required)
PART C: Other offences not precluded by the Aged Care Act 1997
Document each year othercharges, warrants, court orders, offences, findings of guilt, with or without conviction (including suspended sentences) in relation tothe person have occurred.
Year Reported / Year Reported / Year Reported
1) / 2) / 3)
4) / 5) / 6)
Further assessment and consultation is required with the HR Business Partner/HR Manager, regarding the offences and all disclosed information is required, this will be done inconjunction with the relevant line managerto determine the suitability of employment and/or voluntary activities with ACH Group.
A Relevant History Assessment (Part D, page 2) is to be completed. (Used in conjunction with the ACH Group Risk Matrix)
AUTHORISATION – to be completed
Manager’s Name: / Position:
Manager’s Signature: / Date:

Payroll Office use only (employees for reimbursement only):

Code / Reimburse Cost / Cost Centre / Location / Account / Date

Forward this form to Payroll – Volunteer Coordinators please retain

PART D: Relevant History Assessment (to be completed by People and Culture HR Manager or Business Partner)
The person provided, or consented toproviding, acceptable evidence relatingto their criminalhistory
(For example, an originalor certificate copy report ofhis/her police certificate, a letterof clearance or an interstateworking with childrenclearance.) / Yes Record type of evidence accepted (e.g.police certificate, letter or certificate of clearance fromthe Authorised Screening Unit, interstateclearance)
No A person who does not provide evidence, or consent to evidence being obtained, is precluded from engagement to work with children in a prescribed position.
Date evidencerequested
Date evidencereceived
The police certificate orother evidence disclosedinformation requiring furtherassessment / Ensure there is evidence on file regarding the relevant information.
The police certificate orother evidence disclosedconvictions or other informationthat indicate a prima-facie riskof harm / Ensure there is evidence on file regarding the further assessment that was undertaken and the result of the assessment.
The police certificate orother evidence disclosedconvictions or other informationthat potentially indicatea unsuitability toundertake prescribedfunctions / Ensure there is evidence on file regarding the further assessment that was undertaken and the result of the assessment.
The applicantprovided information relevant tothe assessmentprocess / Ensure there is evidence on file regarding how and when the applicant was provided with an opportunity to submit information, what information provided and how it contributed to the assessment process.
Assessment Consultation Notes :
Risk assessment outcome – to be completed
Low Medium High Extreme
Employ or continue employment recommended: YesNo
Manager’s Name: / Position:
Manager’s Signature: / Date:
People and Culture Rep(s) / Position/Title
Signature: / Date:

Commonwealth of Australia


Statutory Declarations Act 1959

New Employee Use Only

I, ...... (Full Name)

of ...... (Address)

...... (Occupation)

make the following declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959:

1I declare that (place a tick or cross in applicable box):

since turning 16 years of age, I have been a citizen or permanent resident of a country/countries other than Australia.

□since turning 16 years of age, I have never been a citizen or permanent resident of a country/countries other than Australia

2I declare that I have never been:

(a)convicted of murder or sexual assault; or

(b)convicted of, and sentenced to imprisonment for, any other form of assault.

3I declare that the following is a full and complete history of all criminal convictions, (including spent convictions) recorded against me under either the abovementioned name or any other name that I have been known by, at any other time:

Court / Date / Offence / Result

4I declare that Ido nothave any outstanding matters (including warrants or Court Orders) where I have been or may be charged of the offences set out in 2 abovebut am awaiting criminal proceedings or have yet to be sentenced by the relevant court.

5I have applied for a National Criminal History Record Check. Date of submission to SAPOL or Accredited CrimTrac agency: ______(receipt attached)

I understand that a person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offence under section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 (Cth), and I believe that the statementsin this declaration are true in every particular.

Signature of person making the declaration: ......

Declared at Adelaide on the ...... (day) of ...... (month) 20......

(Signature of person before whom the declaration is made)

Before me ...... (Full Name)

of ...... (Address)

...... (Occupation)

Note 1 A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offence, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of 4 years — see section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.

Note 2 Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code applies to all offences against the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 — see section 5A of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.

The following to be declared by a manager/person with delegated authority within ACH Group:

I, ...... (Full name)

Hold the position of ...... declare that the above said person will be appropriately supervised until an original National Criminal History Record Check is deemed acceptable by ACH Group.

Date ...... Signature ......

A statutory declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 may be made before–

(1) a person who is currently licensed or registered under a law to practise in one of the following occupations:

Chiropractor DentistLegal practitioner

Medical practitioner Nurse Optometrist

Patent attorney Pharmacist Physiotherapist

Psychologist Trademarks attorney Veterinary surgeon

(2) a person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described); or

(3) a person who is in the following list:

Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public Australian Consular

Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)


Bank officer with 5 or more continuous years of service

Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

Chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court

Clerk of a court

Commissioner for Affidavits

Commissioner for Declarations

Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service Employee of the Australian Trade Commission who is:

(a) in a country or place outside Australia; and

(b) authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and

(c) exercising his or her function in that place Employee of the Commonwealth who is:

(a) in a country or place outside Australia; and

(b) authorised under paragraph 3 (c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and

(c) exercising his or her function in that place Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this list

Judge of a court

Justice of the Peace


Marriage celebrant registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

Master of a court

Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia

Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student

Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants

Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Member of the Australian Defence Force who is:

(a) an officer; or

(b) a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of continuous service; or

(c) a warrant officer within the meaning of that Act

Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants

Member of:

(a) the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or

(b) the Parliament of a State; or

(c) a Territory legislature; or

(d) a local government authority of a State or Territory

Minister of religion registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961 Notary public

Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public

Permanent employee of:

(a) the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or

(b) a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority; or

(c) a local government authority;with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this list

Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made

Police officer

Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court

Senior Executive Service employee of:

(a) the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or

(b) a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority Sheriff

Sheriff’s officer

Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution

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