Dear Parents,
Welcome to FOURTH GRADE! We are excited about this school year and having your child in our class.
We hope to work closely with you to help your child get the most out of our year together. It is our responsibility to work as a team in order to ensure your child’s success in school.
We have high expectations for our students. The work we do can be difficult, and there willbe more responsibilities for students than in previous years. It is important for children to learn at a young age that effort leads to success. We will provide support for your child as he/she encounters many opportunities for academic, social, and emotional growth this year.
Responsibility is important in 4th grade. Students must learn to keep track of unfinished assignments, complete them at home, and return them to school. Your child will receive a planner that can help develop this responsibility. Please sign the planner each night after looking at it and discussing it with your child. Students should bring the planner back to school each day.
Communication will help us have a successful year. We check our e-mail at least once a day Monday through Friday. This is preferred and the most successful way of direct communication with both of us at times that we are able to focus attention on your concerns and questions.Our e-mail addresses and . Please send your e-mail to both teachers.
Below you will find a “suggested” school supply list. If you are able to obtain these supplies for your child, it would be greatly appreciated. Have your child bring these items the first week of school.
We are looking forward to a positive and productive year. Your support and willingness to work as a team is deeply appreciated.
Mrs. Riter
Mrs. Krebs
BackpackColored pencils (24 ct. or 36 ct.)6 red correcting pencils
1 three ring binder1’’6 glue sticks1 roll paper towels
1 zipper pencil pouchExtra pencils1 box Kleenex
2 COMPOSITIONnotebook1 big pink eraser$3.00 planner donation
1 two-pocket folder without claspsPencil-top erasers $5.00 classroom donation
4 BLACKdry erase markers NO OTHER COLORS(classroom and art supplies)
Write your child’s name on his/her school supplies with a permanent marker.
A box of 16 ct. crayons is provided by the school.
One pencil per quarter is provided by the school.
Mrs. Riter’s and Mrs. Krebs’s ClassroomPolicies
PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE:Please have students to class on time. When students are late, they miss learning opportunities. When a student misses school, a parent needs to help their child read through the lesson(s) and complete the assignment(s)at home. It is physically impossible for me to re-teach a lesson to each student who is absent.Many activities done in class are graded on participation which CANNOTbe made up or excused. Keep your child home only when they are sick. Please send a dated note to school stating the reason for the absence when your child returns.
MISSING WORK:When students are absent, they need to complete missing assignments AT HOME. If your child is absent the day the work was given or due, full credit can be earned. A student has 1 day for each day absent to turn missing work in. If missing work is not turned in, a zero score will be recorded.
If a student is unprepared on an assignment not because of an absence, score will be taken on the part completed.
HOMEWORK: Homework is an essential part of school that teaches responsibility and strengthens the concepts being taught. Fourthgrade students should spend 20 to 40 minutes each school night on homework. Homework isany work that a student did notfinish in class and specific homework assignments given. Homework includes5-10 minutespracticing math facts each night, studying spelling words,home reading, book reports and assigned projects.
HOME READING:Students need to read at least 20 minutes 5 days a week. Record reading minutes in your student’s planner.Home reading is recorded the first school day each week. One book report will be assigned each month. Book reports are due the last school day of each month, but can be turned in early. Specific information about book reports will be sent home the first week of September.
HOMEWORK PLANNERS:Each student will use a “School Planner” to keep track of daily assignments and home reading minutes. Your child should bring this home each day with assignments written down. Please check each evening for any homework needing to be finished, and sign your child’s planner. PLEASE DON’T SIGN PLANNERS IN ADVANCE.This defeats the purpose of daily communication about school.A $3.00 donation to cover the cost of the student planner is appreciated.
RESPONSIBILITY:Students are encouraged to be responsible. This means responsible for their actions, words, work and materials. Homework is the student’s job. Please do not write or type your child’s homework. Helping your child is different than doing it for him/her. Encourage your child to turn assignments in on time.
BEHAVIOR AND CITENZENSHIP:Students will be expected to behave appropriately at all times. Classroom and school rules are reinforced daily.There are consequences for all types of behavior. The teacher has the right to teach and EVERY student has the right to learn.
*Please sign and return this paper to school.A copy will be sent home.
I have read and discussed the classroom policies with my child.
Parent’s Signature______Date ______
Student’s Name ______
Print student’s first and last name.
Homework Policy
Homework is a valuable tool in your child’s education. Homework not only teaches students to work independently, but also to assume responsibility for their own work. Some homework prepares students for upcoming topics, while other assignments reinforce skills and material taught in class. All written work should be done in pencil, unless otherwise specified.
Daily Homework
1. Reading
Students should read at least 20-30 minutes at home each night. The minutes your child reads should be written in the student planner. Home reading totals are due the first school day of each week. Total 20 minute reading days for the week need to have a parent’s signature to receive credit.
2. Spelling
The spelling packet will be handed out the first day of the school week, and it is due on Friday. Each day student’s should study these words for the spelling test on Friday. Our blog has all spelling work and word lists for study or accidental loss. Suggestions for study are writing the words multiple times, spelling the word aloud, writing a sentence with the word, and a parent given practice test.
3. Regular Daily Assignments (Math, Language, Reading, Science etc.)
Students need to record their daily assignments in their planner each day (assignment, text page, due date). All work that is not completed at school is homework. Most assignments can be finished or nearly completed in class if your child uses his/her time wisely. Assignments are due the next school day unless a different due date has been written in the planner.
4. Basic Math Facts
By fourth grade it is critical that students have basic math facts memorized
(add, subtract, multiplication, and division) and can recite them quickly. Please have your child practice math facts DAILY at home. Class time for this type of practice is limited, so help at home is needed so they don’t get behind and/or continue to struggle in math.
Long Term Homework
1.Book Reports/Projects
Specific guidelines on book reports/oral presentations will be provided when assigned.
Positive reinforcement at home helps children complete homework by making it a top priority. Never allow your child to avoid doing his/her homework. Create a quiet environment to complete work. Establish a time each day when homework is to be done. Be sure completed work is praised and put in your child’s backpack to return to school each day. Last, but not least, contact(e-mail)both teachers if you have any other concerns.
Riter/ Krebs Homework Policy
Please sign and return
I have read and discussed this homework policy with my child.
Student’s Name______Date______
Parent’s Signature______Date______