Below are some questions and answers to help our Davis families start the school year. Please keep in mind that our Meet the Teacher nights are Monday, September 10th for grades K-2 and Tuesday, September 11th for grades 3-5. On those evenings, teachers will provide more specific information about your child’s class and daily schedule.

What hours are school doors open?

The school day begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:15.

Where does the bus drop off/pick up the kids at school?

Bus students are dropped off in the circular driveway in the back of Davis school. Kindergarten students are escorted by classroom teachers and aides to their classrooms until they are comfortable with the arrival routine. In addition, throughout the school year, there are always teachers on hall duty to monitor the children.

What happens if my child leaves something on the bus?

It is best to contact transportation directly at 576-4230 in this situation. They can help to contact the bus company directly so that you can locate your lost item.

Where is the entrance for kids who walk/drive to school?

All students can enter through the main entrance of the school. Kindergarten students can enter the building through the doors on the far left as you face the front of the school. Once inside, kindergarteners can line up at their classroom doors and wait for their teacher.

What is the PTA? What happens to the money they raise? How can I join?

The PTA is an association of parents and teachers. Our PTA fundraising supports the curriculum by providing supplemental funds and programs that enhance educational experiences. We also support our families and regularly communicate with the Davis community so that we stay connected. Joining the PTA can be done on our website: davispta.org , at Meet the Teacher night or by sending the membership form to school.

Who are the class parents? What is their role?

All parents can volunteer to be a class parent or lead parent. The lead parent usually corresponds with the teacher and then contacts the class parents to assist with organizing class parties or special classroom events. Lead parents also create emergency call chains and submit them to the main office in the event of an early dismissal. Additionally, this year the lead parent will communicate any grade level concerns to the Parent Liason. The Parent Liason is Amy Ecker and she can be reached at . Sign up for lead/class parents is available at both Meet the Teacher nights and forms are also sent home via backpack.

How do I volunteer to work at school events?

There are several events throughout the year that require many volunteers. There will be volunteer signup sheets available at Meet the Teacher night. The PTA will also send requests for help through email and notices in backpacks as events approach. Contact information for volunteers will be provided and this year the PTA has a Volunteer Coordinator. Mia Egelberg will be filling this position and can help direct volunteers. She can be reached at: .





Come meet other parents and learn more about Davis and out PTA.