e-NEWS November 29, 2006

Dear Family and Friends,

As we approach the holidays and anticipate having our children home from school, we become interested in activities to do together as a family. We also look for information to help us make this time special. On December 8th there will be a one hour presentation in Oceanside on “Holiday Hints for Parents”. They will focus on ways to enjoy the holidays with your spirited, sensitive, active, or intense child. You will also get tips on: choosing successful and fun activities for your family, helping your child communicate and interact with extended family members, prioritizing holiday responsibilities, and handling difficult situations (e.g., long meals, breakable decorations, structured religious services…), and much more!

Please look at the upcoming events below for more family activities. Enjoy!



For event details go to http://www.efrconline.org/calendar/maincal.cfm

By clicking on an event link you may view the event details.


11/30/06 Understanding ADHD & Learning Differences workshop for children ages 7 - 11

12/06/06 Free Developmental Check-Ups – Chula Vista

12/07/06 Community Advisory Committee meeting - Clairemont

12/08/06 Holiday Hints for Parents – Oceanside

12/8-9/06 Christmas on the Promenade – Pt. Loma

12/10/06 Spina Bifida Holiday Party – Balboa Park

12/16/06 Jingle Jam Holiday Dance – Chula Vista

12/17/06 DSA Holiday Party - Loew’s Coronado Bay Resort


12/11/06 Access to Readiness: Disability Summit on Emergency Preparedness - Sacramento.



For details: http://www.efrconline.org/efrc.cfm?pid=Support_Groups

12/01/06 Apoyo para familias de niñosmenores de 5 años con necesidades especiales. Hora: de 9:30-11:00am. Lugar: Boys and Girls Club, 1430 D Avenue, National City.Contamos con cuidado de niños. Información y reservaciones de cuidado de niños, llame aLaura Cervantes 619-470-5227, Tessie Salcedo 619-594-7391 o EFRC800-281-8252. Ver el Volanteo mapa.

12/04/06 Evening support group for parents of children 0 - 5 with special needs. Meetsfrom 6:00 - 7:30pm atScripps Mercy Well Being Center, 311 Del Mar Avenue (between F & G Ave), Chula Vista 91910. Supervised playtime by advance reservation only. Call Mary at (858)569-5370. VIEW FLYER.

12/04/06 Down Syndrome Association and Exceptional Family Resource Center host monthly informational meetings for parents of children (birth-5) with Down syndrome. Meets from 6:30 – 8:30pm at the Harold J Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress Street, San Diego 92110(Old Town). Supervised play for children up to age 10 is available with reservation. Pleasecall EFRCat (619) 594-7416. View flyerfor details.

12/08/06 Grupo de Apoyo para familias de niños con necesidades especiales mayores de 5 años.Viernes de 9:30 a 11:00am Lugar: Boys and Girls Club, 1430 D Avenue, National City.Informes: Laura Cervantes (619)470-5227,Tessie Salcedo (619)594-7391 o EFRC (800)281-8252.

Ver el Volante o mapa.

12/11/06 Evening Parent Support Group for parents of young children on the Autism spectrum. Meetsfrom 6:00-7:30pm at Greg Rogers Elementary School, located at 510 E Naples St, CV 91911.Supervised playtime is available ONLY by advanced reservation, Call Mary at (858) 569-5370. Sponsored by Exceptional Family Resource Center and Hope Infant Family Program. View Flyer.

12/13/06 Grupo de Apoyo para familias de niños con necesidades especiales. El tercer miercoles del mes de 10:00am a 12:00pm. Lugar: Centro Regional del Condado Imperial, 512 West Aten Road, Imperial,CA 92251.Para más información llame Bertha Mendoza al (760)355-0147.

Ver el Volante.

12/14/06 Asociación Síndrome de Down y Centro de Recursos para Familias Excepcionales lo invitan a asistir una seria de juntas para padres de niños (0-5 años de edad) que presentan Síndrome de Down de 6:30 a 8:30pm. Lugar: Harold J Ballard Center,2375 Congress Street,San Diego, CA 92110 (Old Town). Habrá una area de juegos supervisada para niños menores de 10 años. Reserve su lugar. Para hacer su reservación, llame al Centro de Recursos para Familias Excepcionales con Edna al 619-594-7407. Ver el volante.



The following 2 online resources are good for parents to see, although they are not focused on disability-related issues. Let us know what you think of them!

The Foundation of the State Bar of California is proud to partner with the State Bar of California to educate Californians about their rights and responsibilities under the law through the publication of three public education guides.Copies of all three guides are free and available to the public in a variety of languages.

Kids and the Law: An A-Z Guide for Parents - Last updated in 2004
Kids and the Law is a close-up look at laws that define children's rights and responsibilities.Topics covered include alcohol, cars and traffic laws, civil laws and lawsuits, criminal law, curfew laws, drugs, emancipation, fighting and violence, gangs, graffiti, guns and other weapons, juvenile court, parents' rights and responsibilities, dealing with the police, privacy, school rules, sex, smoking, stealing, truancy, and vandalism.This is a helpful resource for parents, teachers, counselors, youth program coordinators, and others who supervise, care for, and teach California's children.

English (PDF) http://www.calbar.ca.gov/calbar/pdfs/cbj/2004-Kids-Law.pdf (15pages)
Spanish (PDF) http://www.calbar.ca.gov/calbar/pdfs/cbj/2004-Kids-Law-Spanish.pdf (15pages)

When You Become 18: A Survival Guide for Teenagers - Last updated in 2005 . When You Become 18 provides young adults with valuable information to help them navigate the transition from childhood to adulthood.The guide touches up such topics as reaching the age of maturity, alcohol and drugs, money matters, working and taxes, sex and the law, marriage and partnerships, domestic violence, crimes, guns and other weapons, hate crimes, civil laws and lawsuits, surfing the Internet, identity protection, and consumer protection.

English (PDF) http://www.calbar.ca.gov/calbar/pdfs/publications/Becoming-18.pdf (15pgs)
Spanish (PDF) http://www.calbar.ca.gov/calbar/pdfs/publications/Become-18-Spanish_2005.pdf (34pages)

AOL introduces a NEW Ability blog site and forumhttp://ability.aol.com/
dedicated to millions of people with disabilities, and their families, friends and colleagues. Designed to provide focused content for people with disabilities and to heighten disability awareness with mainstream audiences, the AOL Ability blog will bring together relevant news, stories and information in the key areas of employment, entertainment, family, health and technology. The site incorporates specific features to increase accessibility among users with disabilities and functional limitations including the ability to select a high contrast view (yellow text on a black background) and increase fonts to a larger text size for blind and low vision users.It also provides links to other resources on the AOL® network that offer additional features for people with disabilities, including direct access to free, daily CNN videos with closed captions from the AOL® Video portal (http://www.aol.com/video) to enhance the online media experience for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

GOOGLE ACCESSIBLE SEARCH for Blind and Visually Impaired Users


“Home for the Holidays” Easter Seals Offers Tips for Adult Sons and Daughters this Season

Remember when you used to get sick and mom and dad would take care of you? In adulthood, however, the tables are turned. With more people living well into their 80s and 90s, many adult children are now caring for their parents well into their own retirement years. If you are traveling home during this holiday season, it may be the perfect time to evaluate the ever-changing needs of your aging loved ones. Keep these tips from Easter Seals in mind during your next visit:




Don’t miss the chance to join the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
that’s BEST For You! Read this public service announcement.

Also, a there was a very informative article in the Union Tribune on Tuesday, November 28th titled “Give Medicare Part D a second look” by Jane Brody. To view this article, go to http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20061128/news_1c28brody.html



12/16/06 “Jingle Jam” Holiday Dance for individuals with developmental disabilities from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at the Norman Park Center, 270 F Street in Chula Vista. City of Chula Vista Recreation Department Therapeutics Section - members: free, residents: $5 andnon-residents: $6.For more information,please contact Carmel Wilson at 619-409-5800.



The 6th Annual National Inclusive Schools Week, December 4 - 8, 2006, sponsored by the Education Development Center highlights and celebrates the progress our nation's schools have made with inclusive practices to ensure a quality education. The organizers of the Week announced the theme for the 2006 celebration-Charting an Inclusive Journey through School, Work, and Life: Successful Transition Planning for All Students. For more information go to http://www.inclusiveschools.org



On October 18, the Social Security Administration declared that the monthly benefits for Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) and Social Security beneficiaries will increase for more than 53 million Americans by 3.3 percent in 2007. Furthermore, the substantial gainful activity (SGA) level will increase by $40 per month for individuals with a disability, and for individuals who are blind or visually impaired, the amount will increase by $50. To view a press release from the Social Security website, use the following link:
http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pressoffice/pr/2007cola-pr.htm . The effect of the changes can be found at: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pressoffice/factsheets/colafacts2007.htm

The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition is funded

by and is a partner with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of

Special Education Programs, cooperative agreement # H326J000005.

The TATRA Project is funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration.

Visit http://www.ncset.org.


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November 29, 2006

Exceptional Family Resource Center does not promote or recommend any therapy,treatment, institution, etc. and does not espouse any particular political, educational or religious views.Inclusion of information or resources does not necessarily imply promotion or recommendation by EFRC. Content is provided for informational purposes only.