Richard Gau

Tanya Lovrenovich

Chris Lockard









The team standards document contains guidelines that the team will follow through the course of the project. These guidelines include the roles of each team member, organization of meetings, document standards, behavior/cooperation standards, and a method for self-evaluation. By following the outlined standards the team increases it’s ability to work efficiently and effectively giving the client the best possible results.

1.  Roles

1.1.  Leader: Richard Gau

·  The leader coordinates and runs the meetings. Makes sure everything is running smoothly and people are doing their tasks on time.

1.2.  Communicator: Chris Lockard

·  This person is responsible for all communication between the team and outside entities. He is also responsible for the printing of e-mails and memos that were exchanged between the client and the team for use in the team notebook.

1.3.  Recorder: Tanya Lovrenovich

·  The person who keeps and distributes detailed notes of all meeting and maintains the team notebook.

1.4.  Facilitator: Richard Gau

·  This person acts in a neutral role to help resolve disputes. The facilitator should also help ensure sound meeting structure.

2.  Meetings

2.1.  Weekly meeting times

·  Team OrbiTech will hold weekly meetings on Tuesday’s at 8pm. Additional meetings can be scheduled during the week and the regularly scheduled meeting can be postponed with the consent of the entire team.

2.2.  Standard agenda

·  OrbitTech team meetings will have a standard agenda for each of its meetings. In the case of non-standard meetings, which are held to focus on one particular item, the standard agenda will not be used. The standard agenda shall contain the following: individual team member reports, overall assessment of progress, determining the next week’s projects and assignments, compilation of “Weekly Team Task and Status Meeting Report,” discussion of design issues, and closing discussion.

2.3.  Decision strategy

·  Team OrbiTech will make decisions by a vote; and will call for by the team leader. Since the team is small, a unanimous vote will be strived for on all issues, but if this is not possible a 2/3 majority will be considered adequate to pass a decision.

2.4.  Minutes

·  Minutes will be taken at all standard meetings by the Recorder, and will be distributed to the rest of the team within 24 hours of the meeting via e-mail. The minutes shall consist of an overview of the main topics discussed, pending deadlines, and extra meetings.

2.5.  Attendance rules

·  All members of team Orbitech will be expected to attend all standard weekly meetings on time. If for some reason a member is unable to attend, that member is responsible for notifying the team leader with any pertinent information concerning their individual tasks at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time. If an individual misses several meetings or is regularly late, disciplinary action will be taken in the form of low peer evaluations, or termination from OrbiTech.

2.6.  Conflict resolution Strategy

·  Members of team Orbitech are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Should a conflict arise between team members concerning design issues, the matter will be resolved by a vote. For personal conflicts, the individuals concerned should resolve the issue outside of normal meeting times, with the help of the Facilitator, if necessary.

3.  Document Standards

3.1.  Word Processor Version

·  All documents are to be written using Microsoft Word.

·  Allowable versions will be 97, 2000, or XP.

3.2.  Coordination

·  All documents will be fully compiled from the individual efforts in the presence of all three team members.

·  Compilation should happen at during a team meeting no less than 24 hours before the review session. Giving all team members a chance to review the document before the review session.

3.3.  Version Control

·  For simplicity, each member will be responsible to all version changes to their portions of the document.

·  If changes are added, or suggested by another team member. The reviewing team member will turn on the “Track Changes” command in Microsoft Word and will make changes and comments as they are needed.

·  The reviewing team member will then submit an electronic copy of the file with the changes to the responsible team member.

·  Any contested changes and/or comments are to be submitted to the team as a whole for discussion and a vote, if necessary.

3.4.  Format

·  Cover Page: Centered horizontally and vertically. Bold Times New Roman 16pt font. Order – Document Name, “Presented To:”, “by” our team.

·  Table of Contents: Times New Roman 12pt font, in following format:

o  Major Heading…………………….page#

§  Minor Heading…………………page#

o  Major Heading…………………….page#

§  Etc.

·  Content Pages: Page number in lower right hand corner.

o  Major Heading: Bold Times New Roman 14pt font.

o  Minor Heading: Bold, Times New Roman 12pt font.

o  Body: Times New Roman 12 pt font, single spaced.

3.5.  Review Process

·  Documents are to be reviewed by the team during a team gathering time. A full review will be done by every member of the team with they are all together.

·  Changes to the document will be discussed and voted upon, if needed.

·  The final draft must be completed and ready for the review which will be held no less than three days before the final due date.

3.6.  Submission

·  All compiled and completed documents are to be submitted to the appropriate parties by the Communicator.

·  The Communicator is responsible for seeing that all team members have a copy of the submitted document.

·  The Recorder is responsible for making sure that a copy of the document is kept in the Team Notebook.

4.  Self Evaluation Method

4.1.  Evaluation Timeline

·  The team will give self-evaluations at the end of each major deliverable and/or task at the next weekly scheduled team meeting.

4.2.  Method of Evaluation

·  The self-evaluation will take the form of an informal discussion. The facilitator will announce the tasks assigned to each team member. Each team member will then have a chance to comment on how well that member did on his/her task.

5.  Standards for Behavior/Cooperation

5.1.  Design changes

·  All major design changes will require a vote of the team. Minor changes that do not affect the performance, appearance, or functionality of the program can be made without a vote. Changes to another team member’s work are strictly prohibited, unless the team member responsible for the material grants permission.

5.2.  Meeting behavior

·  Meeting behavior is to be professional and respectful. Side talk, tardiness, and non-constructive criticism will not be permitted at anytime. To do any of the above will result in a low peer evaluation.