C2. Videos

for Training Delivery


From Go to Whoa: Amphetamines and Analogues: The Trainer’s Package for Health Professionals

Pead, J., Lintzeris, N. & Churchill, A. 1996, From Go to Whoa: Amphetamines and Analogues: The Trainer’s Package for Health Professionals, National Drug Strategy, Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health, Canberra.

Duration: 37.45 minutes.

Target audience: AOD health professionals and generalist GPs.

The video is part of a training package that consists of a training manual with activities, slides and a participant’s workbook. The video has thirteen vignettes that illustrate various aspects of working with patients. They are not complete consultations or ‘perfect’ ones but act as triggers for discussion about what GPs would do in similar circumstances. The video is of a high quality, well-structured and sign-posted, and each vignette enables exploration of interaction with patients.

The vignettes average 2 minutes each and explore the following:

  • signs of amphetamine intoxication (presented case and participants’ experiences)
  • withdrawal (different stages)
  • assessment of associated mental health issues
  • GP presentation requesting sleeping tablets and the dynamics of changing behaviour.


The Therapeutic Series of four videos demonstrates a patient-centred approach to facilitating health behaviour change (see next page for descriptions).

The authors and production team are Sue Helfgott and Shireen Narayanan. Sue Helfgott has over sixteen years experience as a senior social worker, senior education officer and policy and planning officer in the alcohol and drug field. Shireen Narayanan has over 22 years experience as a clinician in the field of mental health and a background in psychology and social work. Currently she is a psychotherapist in private practice and also involved in film production.

Contact for series: Sue Helfgott, Phone: 0403 465682 or


Sushi Productions, PO Box 717, Mt. Lawley, WA 6929.

Mental Health & Drug Problems. Series 1 – Working with Adults

Helfgott, S. & Narayanan, S. 2003, Sushi Productions, Mt. Lawley, Perth.

Duration: 34 minutes.

Target audience: Mental health, generalist and specialist drug workers who encounter clients with mental health and drug-related problems.

The video is a valuable tool for examining the issues that surround dual diagnosis and the skills involved in using a patient-centred approach.

The video features two sessions:

  • the counsellor explores with her client (a young woman) her anxiety and panic attacks, an unwanted sexual encounter and her increasing use of speed. The client presents at a mental health agency after being referred by her GP.
  • the counsellor meets with a man referred by his doctor for alcohol related issues. The impact of his drinking is explored, as well as his underlying depression. He presents at an alcohol and drug agency after being referred by his GP.

A clinical psychologist conducts the interviews which illustrate the link between mental health and alcohol and drug problems. It also includes assessment of mental health and drug use problems and motivational interviewing and effective counselling skills – listening skills, empathy, appropriate questioning, summarising, clarifying and a non-judgmental approach.

Cost: $110 (includes $10 GST) plus postage.

Exploring Choice. Series 1 – Alcohol & Drug Counselling Skills

Helfgott, S. & Narayanan, S. 2001, Sushi Productions, Mt. Lawley, Perth.

Duration: 53 minutes.

Target audience: Generalist and specialist drug workers who encounter patients with drug-related problems.

This video focuses on five themes – assessment, counselling, motivational interviewing, problem solving and relapse with a client who uses cannabis.

The video features:

  • The client, a 28 year old professional woman, believes she is dependent on cannabis and is becoming increasingly worried about her heavy use. She is also concerned at her panic attacks and acknowledges that she has been using cannabis as a way of managing her anxiety.

The interview illustrates the following skills: general counselling, assessment, motivational interviewing, problem solving and short-term goal setting, dealing with relapse and termination issues.

Cost: $99.00 plus $4.00 postage.

Exploring Roadblocks and Effective Counselling. Series 2 – Basic Counselling Skills

Helfgott, S. & Narayanan, S. 2002, Sushi Productions, Mt. Lawley, Perth.

Duration: 12 minutes.

Target audience: Generalist and specialist drug workers who encounter resistant patients with drug-related problems.

This short video focuses on problem solving and basic counselling skills.

The video features two vignettes:

  • an initial assessment with a reluctant client who has alcohol-related problems, demonstrating roadblocks
  • demonstrates effective counselling skills.

Cost: $44.00 plus $4.00 postage.

Counselling Aboriginal Clients and their Families – Series 3

Helfgott, S. & Narayanan, S. 2002 Sushi Productions. Mt. Lawley.

Duration: 38 minutes

Target audience: Generalist and specialist drug workers (Indigenous and non-Indigenous)

The video is a valuable learning tool for those who encounter clients and their families with drug-related problems.

The video features three journeys:

  • a counselling session with an Aboriginal man, referred for alcohol-related problems
  • an interview with his two children (aged 15 and 19) who are concerned about his alcohol use, but they have alcohol and cannabis use issues themselves
  • a family session.

An Aboriginal counsellor, Wendy Casey, conducts the interviews. The interviews illustrate a number of issues and approaches including: gender and cultural issues, a ‘family sensitive’ approach, general counselling skills, drug assessment, motivational interviewing, short-term goal setting and harm reduction.

Cost: $132 (includes GST) plus postage.

Respecting Choice: Brief Motivational Interviewing

Mason, P. 1997, Respecting Choice: Brief Motivational Interviewing, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Commonwealth Department of Human Services & Health, Canberra.

Duration: 72 minutes.

Target audience: Counsellors and trainers.

This video provides trainers with materials to incorporate into their own workshops as a trigger for discussion and to illustrate key points. The video is a recording of a seminar presented by Pip Mason, a National Drug Strategy Visiting Fellow (1997). It

Includes Prochaska and DiClemente’s stages and processes of change, resistance as a response to confrontation, reflective listening skills and motivational interviewing principles and strategies. There is a three-page trainer’s note that describes the video and suggests interactive activities. A number of printed handouts can be used as overhead supplements with the video.

The video features:

  • an introduction to the rationale for using motivational interviewing in brief interventions (7 minutes)
  • negotiation and some dangerous assumptions (12 minutes)
  • a method for negotiating behaviour change (27 minutes)
  • demonstration role play (11 minutes) and discussion of the role play (10 minutes).

Cost: $30.00.

Contact: NCETA, Level 3B, Mark Oliphant Building, Science Park, Bedford Park, SA 5042. Phone: 08 8201 7535 Email:

Brief Alcohol Intervention in General Practice: Motivational Interviewing Techniques

Litt J., Ali R., Pols, R.G., White J., Ramsay A., Henry-Edwards S. & England, J. 1993, Brief Alcohol Intervention in General Practice: Motivational InterviewingTechniques,Flinders Medical Centre, South Australia.

Duration: 27 minutes.

Target audience: GPs, counsellors and health workers.

This video, in conjunction with the associated handbook Dealing with Alcohol Problems in General Practic,e provides GPs with some of the necessary skills to recognise and manage patients with alcohol-related problems at an early stage using brief interventions. Some of the skills demonstrated include taking a drinking history and motivational interviewing.

Cost: $90.00.

Contact: Training Health and Educational Media
PO Box 2131 Bendigo Mail Centre VIC 3554
Phone: 03 5441 7673 Fax: 03 5441 765



University of Newcastle & the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), 1998

This video series covers core clinical strategies for working with people who have alcohol or other drug problems. This series is an effective teaching tool developed by the Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Newcastle and the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA). The series consists of five modules with videos and training notes. Modules include triggers to learning, introductory notes, discussion points and suggestions for evaluation of skill acquisition.

Contact: Training Health and Educational Media
PO Box 2131 Bendigo Mail Centre VIC 3554
Phone: 03 5441 7673 Fax: 03 5441 7655


The five modules comprise:

Motivational Interviewing

3 videos plus accompanying manuals.

Duration: unspecified.

Target audience: Counsellors and Health Workers.

Cost: $214.50 for 3.

Relapse Prevention

3 videos plus accompanying manuals.

Duration: unspecified.

Target audience: Counsellors.

Cost: $214.50 for 3.

Raising the Issue and Assessment

Duration: unspecified.

Target audience: Counsellors.

Cost: $86.90.

Brief Intervention

Duration: 25 minutes

Target audience: Counsellors

Cost $86.90

Brief Intervention & Counselling for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Clients
Duration: 15 minutes.

Target audience: Counsellors who have A&TSI clients.

Cost: $86.90.

This video aims to heighten counsellors’ cultural awareness and encourage them to consider the cultural appropriateness of interventions with their clients. It includes strategies to do with cultural sensitivity, differences between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, brief intervention methodology and understanding of specific problems.

Sample interviews include male and female clients and demonstrate:

  • developing relationships
  • understanding the client base
  • gathering information & data
  • broaching the alcohol problem.

Meaningful Conversations project

Tedd Noffs Institute & Next Step Drug and Alcohol Youth Service, 2003

The resource (3 videos and a 50 page manual) provides audiovisual tools to assist those working with young people experiencing AOD problems. Together, the clinicians featured in this video package share over 40 years’ experience working in the AOD field as clinicians, frontline workers and managers.

Target audience: GPs, counsellors and health workers.

The video package addresses four areas of skill development for working with young people who present with AOD-related issues:

Motivational Interviewing

‘My Friend Doesn’t Speak to Me’ (21 minutes)

‘She Still Wants to Help Me’ (12 minutes)

Assessing a Young Person for Comorbid AOD-related Issues (Depression and Suicide)

What Goes Up Has To Come Down (23 minutes).

Managing Cravings

‘Riding the Waves’.

Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviours

Enraging (2 minutes).

Engaging (10 minutes).

Each video is accompanied by explanatory notes and some suggested prompts to use when showing them.

Cost of the total package is $225

Contacts for resource package:

Matt Stubbs ()

Tania Towers ()

Resource Kit for GP Trainers on Illicit Drug Issues

Part C2: Videos