Welcome to Avon’s Junior Musical Theater program’s production of Willy Wonka, Jr. Below you will find some important information about the program.

DATES/TIMES: The program will run for two weeks from July 2 – July 13 from 8:30 – 2:30 at TBS.

We will not meet on Wednesday, July 4th.

PERFORMANCE DATE: There will be two performances on Friday, July 13. The first one will be at 10:30

and the second one at 1:30. Doors will open a half hour before the performance.

STUDENTS SHOULD: Wear comfortable clothing, sneakers or footwear that is appropriate for

movement and dance. Flip-flops, backless sandals/shoes are strongly


Bring a midmorning snack, lunch and plenty of water/juice. We will be taking

a morning and afternoon break and about 30 minutes for lunch. If possible, I am

asking that you try to avoid giving your child anything that has nuts in it especially

anything with peanuts.

AUDITIONS/CASTING: You should have signed up for your child to audition on one of the scheduled

audition dates on either June 28 from 12-2:30 or June 29 from 9:00-11:30 when

you registered. This allows us to start rehearsals right away instead of to take

the first two days for auditions. You are welcome towait while your child

auditions. It is possible that auditions will end earlier than scheduled. Please

have your child bring with them to the audition his/her audition form,

emergency form, If wouldbe willing to volunteer your time to help during

arehearsalsplease circle the date at the bottom of the audition form.

Students will be asked to read a chosen monologue from the sheet I emailed

home, sing a song they have prepared (Mrs. Harris should be providing a link to

the music that she has prepared with certain songs for each character), and dance

a short routine that the choreographer will teach the group.

Students that are not comfortable singing by themselves can sing with others in a

small group. But please note that we cannot consider them for a lead part if the

child doesn’t sing alone. There are many small solo singing parts in this show

that they may be considered for.

COSTUMES/PROPS: Specific costume and prop needs will be sent home once the show is cast.

DROPOFF/DISMISSAL: We will first meet in the chorus room every morning at 8:30. Dismissal will

either be from the chorus room or the gym at 2:30. If your child will be going

home with someone besides a parent, walking home, riding their bike home, or

needs to leave early, please send your child in with a note to that effect and let

one of the directors know.

You are not allowed to park or leave your car unattended in the fire lanes.

Please park in the parking lot.

EMERGENCY FORM: There will be no nurse on duty during the summer session, therefore it is

imperative that you fill out the form that is attached and have your child

bring it with them on Tuesday, July 3. Any medication sen to the program

must be in the original bottle and clearly labeled with your child’s full name.

Please highlight any food allergies or other allergies.

PRODUCTION STAFF: Terri Schulman, Director

Laura Harris, Music Director

Christine Simoes, Choreographer

Pat Bialaski, Costumes

Kathy Maghini, Sets, Props

Danielle Schroyer, Assistant to the Directors

In case of an emergency, you can contact me at Thompson Brook School, 860 404-4870

Just a reminder that if you can help supervise one day during the next two weeks, or help backstage during one of the performances, please let me know in person or you can send me an email at tes828@comcast. net. or put it on your child’s audition form.

AUDITION FORM for Willy Wonka Jr.

Please print clearly

Your name ______

Parent/Guardian name ______

Parent/Guardian email ______

Address ______

Parents phone: Mom Cell ______Home ______

Dad Cell ______Home ______

Emergency contact name and number: ______


Role(s) I would like to be considered for (in order of preference): If you just want to be in the ensemble, just write ensemble.


2) ______

3) ______

Please list any prior theater or dance experience on the back of this form or on an attached piece of paper.

Do you give permission to have your child video taped or photographed for possible publicity? Yes No

Signature ______Date ______

I am available to help with supervision on 7/3, 7/5, 7/6, 7/9, 7/10, 7/11, 7/12, 7/13

(circle the ones you would be available to help)

Performance backstage 7/13 10:30 show 1:30 show (circle one)

Character Descriptions


Sizable role. A mysterious and mischievous character but also charismatic. Should be funny and serious and be able to change between the two on a dime.


Sizable role. Charlie is full of lots of pluck and enthusiasm.


A grandfather we all wish we had. He is caring, patient and sweet. A man who always reminds Charlie to remain cheerful. Not much of a singing role.


Charlie’s parents. Some solo singing


The reporter who announces the winners of the Golden Ticket contest throughout the show. Some singing.

Can be a male or female role.


The overachieving eater who represents the evils of eating too much. Some solo singing


Augustus’ mother who has overindulged her son with food. Some solo singing.


Mike is a TV junky and addicted to video games, the internet and any other mind-numbing technological device.

Mike is bratty, loud and obnoxious. He does not know the word”no.” Some solo singing


She is perfectly put together and a bit vacant. She resembles June Cleaver (Leave It To Beaver), Marion Cunningham (Happy Days) or Carol Brady (Brady Bunch). Some solo singing


Gum chewer extraordinaire, Violet hails from Snellville, Georgia, so it would be nice if she has a Southern American accent, but not necessary. A blue-collar, middle class brat. Some solo singing


A teacher of geography and has invested a great deal of hard-earned money on therapy for her orally fixated daughter, with less than stellar results. Not much singing.


The wealthy, class-conscious, spoiled brat. Some solo singing.


He is upper class. His solution to most problems is to buy his way out. Sings very little.



Charlie’s three grandparents are mainly non-singing character roles.


Schoolmates of Charlie’s. Has a few lines and sings in the introduction. Matilda is a bit of a bully.

Non-speaking, non-singing roles.


Willy Wonka

And here we have the Chocolate Smelting Room – where thousands of miles of copper pipe twist through the earth, carefully chilling the chocolate to a precise temperature perfect for dipping strawberries. No matter how tempting – and isn’t it deliciously tempting? – Do not TOUCH the chocolate! It will instantly harden like cement. We’ve had an early revelation and lost a child in the chocolate smelter. It’s a shame! the boy really seemed to know about food. Alas, take Mrs. Gloop’s to the strawberry dipping room and heat him to precisely 102 degrees Fahrenheit…or is that Celsius?..no, Fahrenheit? Yes. 102 degrees Fahrenheit! but no higher – or he may spontaneously boil and that would be a tragedy. The tragedy would be the wasted chocolate! Goodbye Mrs. Gloop and good luck. Ladies and Gentlemen, please follow closely as we continue our tour.

Charlie Bucket

Mr. Wonka, I don’t deserve a lifetime supply of chocolate – you see, I tasted the Fizzy Lifting Drink and broke the rules. And I’m very sorry. Thank you for a wonderful day and tour. It was better than Christmas. It’s the most wonderful place in the whole world! You want me to run this entire factory? What about my Mom and Dad and Grandpa Joe and - I’d love to – I’d positively love to!

Phineous Trout

Ladies and Gentlemen, Wonka bar sales are up to over two hundred thousand an hour and this JUST IN. The fourth Golden Ticket has been located in Television City, California. Leaving only the fifth and final ticket to be found! We’re live at the home of Mike Teavee, the finder of the fourth Golden Ticket. Here’s Ms. Teavee now. Tell us about finding the Golden Ticket, ma’am!

Mike Teavee

Yeah! I GOT a Ticket, dawg. Big deal! Means I’m gonna miss at least an hour of my second favorite show AND I’m gonna have to leave the house to tour some stupid Chocolate Factory. Right. Whatever…

Violet Beauregaarde

I’m a gum chewer, normally, but when I heard about Wonka’s contest, I laid off the gum and switched to candy bars. Now of course I’m right back on gum. In fact, I’ve been working on this piece for over three months solid. I’ve beaten the record set by my best friend, Cornelia Prinzmetel. Hi, Cornelia…listen to this… (chews loudlyinto the mic)That’s thesound of you losing!

Mrs. Gloop

Ya. I just knew my little snausage-vausage Augustus would find das Golden Ticket! He eats so much candy-vandy that it vas almost impossible for him not to find one! In fact, you could say ve’ve been training him for this day ever since our little pudgy-vudgey was born! For der Junge to eat as much as Augustus he has to be trained from morning to night – eating all kinds of foods.


Herr Vonka, I vant to taste ze chocolate. It’s so good! I think I’ve had too much chocolate. Ah….Ah…Ah…CHOOO!! (Augustus falls into the smelting pot)

Mr. Bucket

Well, I’ll be a chocolate crispy! Will youlook at this? “Wonka factory to be opened to a lucky few.” “Mr. Willy Wonka has decided to allow five children to visit his factory. The lucky five will tour the factory and receive a lifetime supply of Wonka chocolate.” “Five Golden Tickets have been hidden among five million ordinary candy bars. The finders of these Golden Tickets will win the tour and the chocolate!”

Mrs. Bucket

The tickets could be anywhere. How exciting! I wonder if any of ‘em have been found yet. That paper’s a day old. Charlie can you imagine winning? Touring the factory, Meeting Mr. Wonka. Eating a lifetime supply of chocolate! One o’clock already? Charlie, you’d better hurry. You’ll be late for school.


Excuse me, Mr. Wonka, I just love your hat! It really setsoff your eyes, but of course you have great taste. You know, I would simply adore a pink candy boat…and maybe one of those sweet little Oompa-Loompas… Mr. Wonka, did you hear me? I said I WANT a PINK CANDY BOAT! AND an OOMPA-LOOMPA!

Mr. Salt

As soon as my little girl told me that she simply had to have one of those Golden Tickets, I bought hundreds of thousands of Wonka bars. I’m in the nut business, peanuts, cashews, but mainly Brazil nuts. So I had my factory girls stop shelling Brazil nuts and start shelling wrappers. After days of shelling chocolate one of my factory gals finally found the blasted Golden Ticket. I let her take the lucky piece of chocolate home to her 17 kids.

Grandpa Joe

Do you mean people are actually going to be allowed inside the factory? That’s a million to one shot! Charlie can you imagine winning? Seeing for yourself all those undead, zombie workers. Eating a lifetime supply of chocolate! Charlie- remember we may be starving, we may be poor, but the Bucket family always thinks positive. Write it in purple ink, Charlie. Purple ink.

Grandpa George, Grandma Josephina, Grandma Georgina/Mrs. Beauregarde/Mrs. Teavee

SURPRISE! Happy Birthday, Charlie! It’s from all of us! Go on boy, open it! Show us what thinkin’ positive’s all about! Now don’t be too disappointed if you don’t find what you’re looking for. The thing to remember is what whatever happens, you still have the bar of candy. For goodness sake, open it, boy. You’re making me jumpy.

Candy Man

Charlie, Charlie! Where’s your coat? Here, take my scarf; you’ll freeze to death. Oh, Charlie, would you grab that last case of Nut Crunchies for me? Don’t want ‘em to freeze. You should get the Whipple-Scrumptious Nutt-a-riffic Totally Twisted Combo bar. Just out. Here you go. I know you’re going to share it and all, but you might as well take a little taste. You know, to make sure it’s not bad or anything.

Matilda/ James

It’s the Candy Man! What are you going to get? He Charlie, help me pick something out. I got a nickel. I’ve already got a lollipop and I should finish it first but I can’t help it. I love candy! All candy! Chocolate, caramel, jawbreakers, suckers.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the worldwide rush for Wonka bars is getting bigger by the minute. It seems a second Golden Ticket has been found. We’re off to our live remote in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where things are “sweet” for Veronica Salt. So Mr. Salt, I understand you “sweetened” Veruca’s chances with a little assistance.