Avalon WoodsFall 2012
Thank you for taking the time to read the most recent edition of your neighborhood newsletter. If you are new to the community, welcome to the neighborhood! We hope you will find this newsletter informative and helpful. If you have specific questions that are not answered, please contact the Association office at (540) 434-6166
Ground Illusions will once again be applying ice melt and plowing snow this year. Please remember that residents are responsible to remove snow from their own sidewalks and parking spaces. Be considerate of your neighbors and don’t just use spaces someone else has cleared out.
Flower beds, Grass, and Leaves
Please remember to properly maintain your flower beds. Weeding, shrub trimming, and mulching are an important part of keeping the community looking good. Remember to also cut your grass in a timely manner. Please remind your neighbors if mowing has been neglected and then the association office if the problem persists. Be a good neighbor and do your part. Leaves should be cleaned up before December 15. Coordinating this with your neighbors will help make this project easier and more enjoyable.
Property Maintenance
Consistent maintenance is important for both appearance and extending the lifetime of the materials. Many fences and decks in the community have been identified as being in need of sealing or painting. Clear and natural brown colors have been pre-approved, other colors are required to be approved by the Board prior to application. The deadline for completing projects is September 1, 2013. Properties that are not properly addressedmay be assessed fines. Thank you for helping keep the community looking its best. Please contact the Association office with any questions.
Association Quarterly Inspections
Management will continue to conduct quarterly inspections to check for violations. Please be sure your property is well maintained and organized to keep Avalon Woods a safe and attractive place to
live. If violations are found, you will receive a notice reminding you of the rules and a date to have the issue corrected by. Uncorrected violations will result in a minimum $25 fine. Fines will be doubled every two weeks for continuing violations. You may contact the Association office with questions or to request an extension if needed. Common issues are weeds in flower beds, overgrown shrubs, unmowed grass, trailers, and trash. Please remember that items stored outside should be neatly organized at the rear of the unit and not along the side or in the front.
Kindly remind others to pick up after themselves and don’t be afraid to help out and pick up miscellaneous trash. This will help keep the neighborhood looking good and keep association costs down as well. Make sure all trash bags are not stored outside and are placed inside the dumpster.
LARGE ITEMS may be put out along the outside of the dumpster fences the 1st Monday of every quarter
(January, April, July, and October). Please do so before 7 AM on Monday, but not before 5 PM the preceding Friday.
Christmas Tree Pick Up Jan 9
Mark your calendar for the second Wednesday in January. Be sure to have your trees out no earlier
than 5 PM on the 8th and no later than 7 AM on the 9th.
Recycling Bins
The city of Harrisonburg picks up recycling on Mondays. Please do not put out bins before 5 PM on Sundays and be sure to remove empty bins before 7 AM on Tuesdays. Bins on the curbs outside of this time period may be confiscated by the Association and owners may be fined for violations.
Occupancy Restrictions
The Avalon Woods covenants and restrictions limit unit occupancy to single families only with a restriction of no more than two unrelated occupants. If you are currently in violation of this policy, you may provide a copy of your signed lease to the Association office and the Board will allow you to honor the remainder of the lease (up to one year) if it was signed before December 1, 2011. Occupancy violations will result in a $250 fine. Fines will be doubled each month for continuing violations.
Each unit is entitled to two parking spaces. Additional parking spaces are for visitors and temporary guests only. A resident using more than two spaces and visitors parking overnight more than 2 nights per month is not allowed. All vehicles must be operational and have current registration and inspections. Also remember that trailers and boats may not be stored in Avalon Woods on a permanent basis. Vehicles may only be parked in marked spaces. Violations will be monitored by the towing company and the Association and may result in fines or the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense. Contact Freshmanparking.com for information on offsite options.
Exterior Change Requests
Any exterior changes to your property need to be approved by the Board of Directors. Request forms are available on the mypoa.com website.
Please remember that pets must always be on a leash when outside and any pet waste should be cleaned up immediately (even in your own yard). Please keep barking under control to avoid becoming a nuisance to others.
Be a Good Neighbor
Please be respectful of others and keep noise levels to a minimum. Remind your neighbors of this requirement and contact the Harrisonburg Police (540-434-4436) and the Association office for continuing violations. Children should be supervised when outside and reminded not to play in the streets and parking areas. Please be careful when driving!
Please visit the association website for important Association information including Board meeting dates, Association documents, rules and regulations, delinquent account collection policy, and owner account access. An online payment option is also available.
Contact Information
Please confirm your mailing address, phone number, and email with the Association office to assure you receive important Association information. Information will be sent electronically if an email address has been provided.
*Please remember paying on time is important. Payments may be made by check or money order to the Association office or by credit card (online only). Sorry, but no cash payments can be accepted. The Association collection policy is available on the Mypoa.com website or by request.
-Annual Meeting:
Date & Time: February 18 at 6 PM
Location: 202 North Liberty Street Suite 101HarrisonburgVA22802
Matchbox Realty & Management Services, Inc.
Managing Agent for Avalon Woods
202 North Liberty Street Suite 101
Harrisonburg, VA22802
Phone: (540) 434–6166
Fax: (540) 434-3634