/ AFC Oakley M&DH
Player Member Welcome
Season 2017-2018 /

Welcome to AFC Oakley M&DH. Youth football has been running in Oakley since 1978, and the recent merge between adult and youth clubs in the village means that football is now supported for all age groups from u6s through to adult.

5v5 mini-soccerU6, U7, U8

7v7 mini-soccerU9, U10

9v9 youth U11, U12

11v11 youth U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18

11v11 seniorAdult

As a player member you are agreeing to sign up to the club for the duration of one season, which effectively runs until June 2018, although may be longer if your team enters tournaments throughout the summer. During the season you may be expected to attend mid-week training sessions, as well as league and cup matches and tournaments on a Saturday or Sunday, depending on which league your team has entered. You will be required to provide Proof of Id in order to be registered as a player in an FA-sanctioned football league.

AFC OakleyM&DH has obtained its Charter Standard through which you can be assured that the club promotes and abides by strict FA guidelines on safeguarding children and codes of conduct, and that the club structure put in place to offer and support football-related activities is of a high standard.

The club is based at Oakley Sports and Social Club (OSSC), though some age groups may play their home matches at other venues depending on pitch availability. As a member of AFC Oakley M&DH, one parent per player will become an associate member of OSSC through thesubscription fee, and will be able to enjoy the facilities on offer at the club.

If you have any questions about the club or team please do not hesitate to talk to your coaching staff. If you feel you are able to participate in planning fund-raising activities throughout the year again please talk to your coaching staff. The club recognises fund-raising activities at a team level and a club level.

If you have any concerns with regards the safeguarding of your son or daughter and you wish independent counsel, please do not hesitate to contact the Club Welfare Officers.

Name: / Mark Gibson / Name: / Emma Vase
E-Mail: / / E-Mail: /
Phone: / 07817 439441 / Phone: / 07876 405714

Your registration will be considered approved when your manager is in receipt of a completed player registration form with signed agreement to the code of conduct, and the membership fee (£70 for the 2017-2018 season) (Please note the subscription fee has been agreed at the AFC Oakley AGM 2017)

We hope you enjoy your season with us.

All the best

The Management Committee.

/ AFC Oakley M&DH
Player Registration Form
Season 2017-2018
Age Group: _____ /

Player Name: ______

Home Address: ______


Post Code:______

Home Tel No:______

Date of Birth:______

School & Year from September 2017:______

Medical Details

Please indicate if you have any medical conditions, allergies, or special dietary needs, we should be aware of:


Please indicate if your child is likely to require any medication during training sessions or matches, please provide details:


Emergency Parent/Carer Contact 1 Emergency Parent/Carer Contact 2

Name: Name:

Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone:

E-Mail: E-Mail:

Subscriptions (to be returned if application not successful or player leaves before start of season)

  • Total Subscriptions paid: £______


By signing this registration form you are:

  • Consenting to your child participating in games and training sessions organised by AFC Oakley M&DH.
  • Agreeing to accept the decisions of the appointed coach or acting coach on all team matters.
  • In the event that your child is injured while playing football or travelling to and from events and I cannot be contacted on the above numbers, I hereby give consent for my child to receive medical attention.
  • Agreeing to unnamed photos/videos taken by the club or parent/guardian appearing in club material.
  • Agreeing to be bound by the club Codes of Conduct and the Rules and Regulations of the FA, applicable for all training, matches and competitions in which the team participates.Failure to comply with the club’s Constitution and Codes of Conduct may result in your child’s registration being cancelled. Please help us to ensure that every child at the club has an enjoyable football experience.
  • Please note that completing a registration form and paying the registration fee does not guarantee your child a place at the club. If the Club is oversubscribed the committee will make a decision on admission and if necessary any fees paid will be refunded.

Parent/Guardian Name:______Signed ______Date: ______

Player Name:______Signed______Date: ______


2017/2018 Season all players need to provide a head shot photo (jpeg) and all new players to the club need to provide a copy of their birth certificate or passport.

Birth Certificate ☐Player Photo ☐ League Form ☐ Subscriptions ☐