Access to major experimental facilities
Please send the completed form by e-mail to the facility provider:
- Deltares: Mark Klein Breteler, Mark.KleinBreteler@ Deltares.nl
- CNRS/CNRM-GAME: Alexandre Paci,
- CNRS Coriolis/LEGI Grenoble: Joel Sommeria,
- DHI: Jens Kirkegaard,
- Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA): Karl-Ulrich Evers,
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Alexandra Neyts,
- Marintek:Ivar Nygaard,
- Forschungszentrum Kueste (FZK), Stefan Schimmels,
- Aalto University: Ruediger von Bock und Polach,
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: Iván Cáceres,
- University of Hull: Stuart McLelland,
1.Title of the proposal
2.Requested facility/facilities:……………………………………………….
3.User Group Leader's full name and title:
4.Affiliation of User Group Leader:
Name and full postal address of the institute/company, including department: ……… ......
Tel.: ...... Fax.: ......
E-mail: ...... Web-site: ......
5.Details of all other persons participating in the project (only users who intend to visit the facility) (enlarge the table if necessary):
User / Title / Family name / First name / Gender (M/F) / Birth year / Natio- nality / Home institution / Company name / email / new user (y/n)2
6.Names and access period of those that made use of the access programme to this facility in previous EC framework programmes:
7.Estimated number of access days requested; this includes the time needed for building the test setup , testing and calibration when necessary, experiments, and removal of the test setup:
8.Estimated total number of the visiting person-days (sum of the days of presence at the installation of all the members of the visiting team);
9.Most appropriate period for the experiments? Are there any constraints for the period when you may or may not perform the experiments?
10.Tentative list of instrumentation requested (contact us for information; if you also use your own instruments, please give the characteristics)
11.Description of the proposed work (maximum of four A4 pages).
This must specify the installation needed and must contain the following sections:
-Scientific context of the study (incl. reference to the state-of-the-art)
-Scientific objectives
-Theoretical framework and methodology
-Proposed analysis of the results
-Publication plan
-Justification for access
-The role of each team member
12. Technical details and specifications of the planned experiments(maximum of one A4 page)
Appendix (please provide in a separate file)
CV of each group member (max 1 page per person)
It is recommended that you discuss your draft application with the facility provider before final submission (see the instructions in the ‘Call for Proposals’).
Short summary of rules and conditions:
- Proposals should include the scientific purpose of the study, the relevance of using the facility and a brief description of the proposed experiments. An independent user selection panel will review proposals.
- Access to the facility is provided free of charge to the users and includes all infrastructural, logistical, technical and scientific support (including training) that is normally provided to external users of the facility.
- To benefit, the team leader and the majority of members of the research team must be conducting their research in an eligible state (i.e. states of the European Union and Associated States) that is outside from the country of the facility. However, researchers from the country of the facility may participate in such a research team.
- The research teams are expected to publish the results of their work in the open literature. All publications should include an explicit acknowledgment of theFP7 Research Infrastructure Programme of EC.
- Details on the eligibility conditions, user selection procedure, and rules of access can be found at
HYDRALAB-IV is an Integrating Activity within the Research Infrastructures Programme of FP7October 2010
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