Ocean County 4-H

2016 – 2017

Honors Handbook

A Guide to End of Year Awards

Ocean County 4-H

1623 Whitesville Road

Toms River, NJ 08755-1199


Edited 11/2016

Welcome to a new year of Ocean County 4-H!

Please be sure to read the entire Honors Handbook every year as all deadlines, forms, award criteria and standards are subject to alteration and improvement.

The Honors Handbook is a vital tool to help you plan and prepare for your 4-H Year, so as soon as you receive this document, we encourage you to:

  1. Review the entire handbook
  2. Mark all important dates in your calendar and your family’s calendar (pg 3)
  3. Determine your project area interests (pg 9-13)
  • Print the Project Record Book(s)
  • Register all your project areas on 4HOnline by January 1st, 2017
  1. Consider what Specialty Awards you are interested in pursuing (pg 14-15)
  2. Make your 4-H Binder(s)

Your 4-H Binder should include your 2016-2017:

  1. General Summary Form
  2. Specialty Award Summary Form
  3. Project Summary Form(s) – One for each project you are pursuing
  4. Your Project Record Book
  5. Animal Registration and Health Form(s)
  6. Calendar Pages (recommended)
  1. Start planning your 4-H year
  2. How can I meet the “Member in Good Standing” requirements?
  3. What is my primary club?
  4. What kind of public presentation(s) would I like to do? On what topic(s)?
  5. What community service projects could my club(s) do?
  6. How can I help my club become an Honors Club?
  7. Which county events will I be able to attend?
  8. How will I meet the requirements for my project area(s)?
  9. How will I meet the requirements for the Specialty Awards I’m interested in?
  10. What do I want to enter in the 2017 Ocean County Fair?


*Please Note: All Dates Subject to Change


September 2016

6thBrag Book Photos/Info Due

19thLeader’s Assoc. Meeting

October 2016

1stAll 2015-2016 Forms DUE!

1stFall Forestry Festival

1stGift Basket Auction

2nd–8th 4-H Week!

8thPine Barrens Jamboree


17thLeader’s Assoc. Meeting

27thAnnual Awards Ceremony

November 2016

14th Club Officers Meeting

21stTrustee’s Meeting

December 2016

27th–30thOcean Co. 4-H Winter Program

January 2017

1stProject Registration Deadline

6th – 8th Teen Winter Camp @ L. G. Cook

13thAnimalology posters/forms DUE

23rdLeader’s Meeting


February 2017

22nd Public Presentation Workshop

17th–19thFamily Camp @ Lindley G. Cook

25th State Horse Bowl/Equine Art Contest

27thTrustee’s Meeting

TBDSmall Animal Ed. Symposium

March 2017

10th–12thSo. Jersey Teen Conference (SJTC)

16thCounty Presentation Night

19thState Equine Presentation Contest

20thLeader’s Meeting

29thCounty Presentation Night

April 2017

1stHorse Registration Deadline

1stJr. Breeder Livestock Symposium

10th–14th OC 4-H Spring Break Camp

17thTent Superintendent Meeting

17thTrustee’s Meeting

22nd – 23rd State Horse Judging/Hippology

24thVolunteer Appreciation Dinner

29thRutgers Ag Day/State Dog Show

May 2017

1stAnimal Registration Deadline

1stHealth Forms Deadline

8thFamily Fair Meeting and Potluck

TBDOC Western Qualifying Horse Show

15thLeader’s Meeting

TBDOC Equestrian of the Year

June 2017

1stFair Entry Forms Deadline

19thLeader’s Meeting

TBDState Public Presentation Contest

26thFood Judging Event

July 2017

8thFamily Fair Set-Up Day

12th-16thOcean County Fair

August 2017

1st Herdsman/Fair Amb. Nominations DUE

TBD Ocean Co. 4-H Summer Camps

TBD State Goat Show

25th – 27thState Horse Show



Ocean County 4-H Members

Member in Good Standing” 5

Definition of Qualified Public Presentation 6

Definition of Qualified Community Service Project 7

Definition of “Participation” in the Ocean County Fair 7

Member Awards and Recognition8

Membership Year Pins 8

Cloverbud Recognition 8

Project Area Awards 9

4-H Specialty Awards14

Achievement Award14

Community Service Award14

Healthy Living 14

Leadership Award15

Public Speaking Award15

Ocean County 4-H Sponsored Awards16

“I DARE YOU” Award 16

Kossatz-Lehman Memorial Award16

Herdsman Awards17

Ocean County Fair Youth Ambassador17

Ocean County 4-H Clubs

Club Charter Requirements18

EIN# Application Information 18

Club Awards and Recognition18

Honors Club Designation 18

4-H Community Development Award 19

4-H Public Relations Award 19

4-H Loyal Heart Award 19

Ocean County 4-H Volunteers

Volunteer Requirements 20

Volunteer Awards and Recognition20

Volunteer Leader Year Pins 20

Ocean County 4-H Leader of the Year 21

Community Leadership Award 21

The Helping Hand Award 21

4-H Alumni Award 21



This Honors Handbook only contains the guidelines for earning End of Year Awards.

It does not contain the requirements for overall 4-H participation. An individual club’s by-laws may require more, or less, than what is in this handbook.

These guidelines are meant to challenge and encourage 4-H members, clubs, and volunteers to make the most of their 4-H Year. Please remember that earning End of Year Awards is not required for someone to be a respected and appreciated member of the Ocean County 4-H family.

Ocean County 4-H members are a part of a national 4-H family of over 6 million members. Being a 4-H member means contributing to your community, while learning, exploring, and having fun!

The more you participate in the events and opportunities within 4-H, the more you will get out of the experience. The first step to making the most of your 4-H year is to become an Ocean County 4-H “Member in Good Standing”.

“Member in Good Standing”

In addition to the feeling of pride associated with being an Ocean County 4-H “Member in Good Standing”, this distinction allows a member to:

  • Receive membership year pins at the conclusion of the 4-H year (pg. 8)
  • Apply for 4-H project area awards and specialty awards (pg. 9 - 17)
  • Participate in certain local, state and national-level competitions and events

Primary Club

4-H members will select their primary club, and inform the leader of their primary club, by January 1st.

A member’s primary club leader is responsible for:

1. Determining if a member has fulfilled the 70% participation requirement

2. Determining if a member has fulfilled the Ocean County Fair participation requirement

3. Signing all necessary End of Year forms.

A member should select a primary club based on the following criteria:

1. They can commit to fulfilling the participation requirements in the club’s by-laws

2. They can commit to attending 70% or more of the club’s meetings and activities

3. The club is carrying one of their primary project areas

Qualified Public Presentations

A qualified 4-H Public Presentation can be completed on the club, county or state level.

  • Club presentations must be coordinated with the organizational club leader in advance.
  • Ocean County 4-H Presentation Events are held 2-3 times a year, usually in March and April.
  • The NJ State 4-H Public Presentation and Equine Presentation Contests are each held once a year.

“What is a Public Presentation?”

There are four types of qualified public presentations:

  • Demonstration - Teaches others how to do something by showing while telling. At the end of a demonstration, you should have a finished product to show to your audience.
  • Illustrated talk - Uses a poster, series of slides, pictures, or other visuals to help your audience understand your topic
  • Formal speech - May be written by the presenter, or be the work of a noted individual (i.e. Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., etc.). The presenter can use brief notes or an outline on index cards, but no visual aids are used.
  • Performing arts - Can be a performance of dramatics (monologue or group scene), creative movement/dance, musical performance (instrument or vocal), or puppetry. Can be presented as a solo or group presentation. Presenters must introduce the performing art, perform, and conclude with a summary of the performance including an invitation for audience feedback.

Public Presentation Time Limits:

Cloverbud: 3-7 min. Club level: 5-15 min. County level: 5-15 min. State level: 8-15 min

Other Public Presentation Requirements:

  • Members must complete one public presentation for every three Project Area Awards they apply for.

For Example: If you apply for six Project Area Awards at the conclusion of the 4-H year, you must have completed two qualified public presentations during the 4-H year.

  • Members must complete one county level presentation after their 3rd year of 4-H membership, and every year following.

NOTE:If a member wishes to use a non-4-H presentation to fulfill any public presentation requirement, the member must have a non-relative observer verify the presentation. The observer must send a letter directly to the Ocean County 4-H Office that includes: the topic of the presentation, length, a description of the environment (number of people, school, church, toastmasters, etc) and their signature.

Attend a Public Presentation Workshop to help you prepare! (February 22nd)

Project Record Books

Every Ocean County 4-H “Member in Good Standing” must submit at least one completed Project Record Book at the conclusion of the 4-H year.

In addition, for every Project Area Award that requires a project record book, you must submit the completed project record book to the Ocean County 4-H Office by October 1st. (See pg. 9-13)

For example:

If you are applying for any End of Year Awards, you must submit one Project Record Book.

If you are applying for Project Area Awards in rabbit, poultry, cooking, and goat, you must submit all four completed project record books by October 1st.


A 4-H member can still participate in a project area, without fulfilling the Project Area Award requirements.

We encourage all 4-H members to strive for End of Year Awards, but they’re not required to participate in 4-H.

Qualified Community Service Project

A qualified community service project must be a worthy service to the community.

This service must require meaningful effort on the part of the 4-H member. This requirement cannot be completed via participation in community service projects for other organizations. If you have any questions about your planned community service project, contact the Ocean County 4-H Office in advance of the event for approval.

Examples of qualified community service projects:

With your club:

  • Planning and participating in a beach cleanup day
  • Conducting a 4-H bake sale to raise money for a youth shelter
  • Successfully recruiting donations and participating as a 4-H Relay for Life team

Examples of activities that do not fulfill the community service requirement for 4-H:

  • Participating as an individual in a highway cleanup day
  • Speaking with the public or running a petting table at a 4-H event (this is considered PR)
  • Participating in a car wash fundraiser for your school

“Participation” in the Ocean County Fair

The method by which an Ocean County 4-H member fulfills the general requirement of “participation” in the Ocean County Fair is determined solely by the leader of their primary club.

Examples of “participation” in the Ocean County Fair:

-Assist with fair set-up and/or take down

-Register an entry in the general tent

-Participate in the execution of a show

-Spend a total of 5 hours educating the public on their fair entry project or project animal

-Spend a minimum of 2 hours volunteering in the tent over 3 days of the fair


Parents cannot provide verifying signatures for the project record books and summary forms of their own children. All clubs should have two certified leaders who can provide verifying signatures. Clubs run by a set of parents will need to make arrangements with the Ocean County 4-H Office.

For their hard work, dedication and growth during the 4-H year, members are honored through a variety of awards. These awards are announced during the Annual Award Program.

Cloverbud Recognition

(Youth in Grades K – 3)

All 4-H participants in K - 3rd grade, who actively participate during the entire 4-H year, will be recognized at the Annual Award Ceremony.

NOTE:Cloverbuds do not need to submit any forms.

They will be listed by their leader on the Membership Summary Form.

Membership Year Pins

(Youth in Grades 4 – 13)

The 4-H year runs from September 1st to August 31st of the following year.

Members will be recognized for each year of post-Cloverbud 4-H participation they spend as a “Member in Good Standing” (pg. 5).

Project Area Awards

Project Area Awards are earned by showing progression and improvement in the skills or knowledge base for a specific project area. Please contact the Ocean County 4-H Office with any questions or concerns about Project Area Award Requirements.

NOTE: Cloverbuds are not eligible for Project Area Awards and any years completed while a Cloverbud are notconsidered when determining Project Area Awards for full members.

The specific type of Project Area Award given is determined by the number of years the 4-H member completed all the project area requirements.

Project Area Award Types

One year in project Recognition in Annual Awards Booklet

Two years in projectSilver Certificate

Three years in projectSilver Seal – To be placed on Silver Certificate

Four years in projectGold Project Pin and Recognition Certificate

NOTE: Must complete a County-level public presentation to earn a Gold Project Pin

Five or more years in projectGold Seal for each year completed

NOTE: Must complete a County-level public presentation every year to earn Gold Seals



4-H members can participate in project areas without pursuing Project Area Awards.

Any completed 4-H project can be entered in the Ocean County Fair, even if the member did not register in that project area by January 1st. However, that project will not be eligible for Best of Show or Best in Class awards at the fair, and the member is not eligible for that Project Area Award at the end of the 4-H year.

Ocean County 4-H Project Area Award Requirements


All projects culminate at the Ocean County Fair! If a project, project animal, or 4-H member, is unable to attend the Ocean County Fair, arrangements must be made in advance with the Ocean County 4-H staff. If 4-H staff grants an exemption to fair participation, the member must enter an educational exhibit, display or poster for each project area. Exemptions to fair participation will not be granted for family vacations.


In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member must demonstrate a commitment to the proper care, maintenance and breeding techniques of cavy.

  • Attend 70% of the meetings of the cavy club they registered in- If unable to fulfill this requirement, member must make prior arrangement with the club leader
  • Submit completed Rabbit, Cavy and Small Animal Project Record Book
  • Project Animal must be present at the Ocean County Fair and participate in corresponding show(s)*
  • Register and participate in Judged Showmanship at the Ocean County Fair*
  • Assist with 4-H Set Up Day or Take Down Day for the Ocean County Fair*
  • Spend 5 hours overall in the Small Animal Tent at the Ocean County Fair providing animal care and educating the public about 4-H and their projects.*
  • Participate in one additional cavy-specific educational or showing opportunity during the 4-H year. The event must be 4-H affiliated. Examples: State Small Animal Symposium, any NJ 4-H Small Animal Show

Clothing and Textiles

In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member demonstrates a commitment

to acquiring knowledge of fabrics, clothing construction and care, and the creative process of clothing design.

  • Submit Clothing and Textile Project Record Book
  • Submit at least one completed project for display at the Ocean County Fair*
  • If completed project is wearable, showcase project in the Fashion Show at the Ocean County Fair*

– If unable to fulfill this requirement, member must make prior arrangement with Fashion Show Coordinator


In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member must develop the skills

necessary to cook safely, creatively and confidently.

  • Submit Food and Nutrition Project Record Book
  • Submit at least one entry to the Food Judging Event held in June*
  • Donate an appropriate homemade food item to at least one county-level event: Gift Basket Auction, PetOberfest, Animalogy, County Presentation Nights, Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Family Fair Meeting, etc. (see the calendar on pg. 3) - Must include the recipe for each food item in their project record book.

Dog – Obedience/Grooming

In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member must demonstrate a

commitment to the proper care, training and health needs of dogs.

  • Attend 70% of the meetings of the dog club they registered in- If unable to fulfill this requirement, member must make prior arrangement with the club leader
  • Submit completed Dog Project Record Book
  • Project Animal must participate in corresponding show(s) at the Ocean County Fair*
  • Participate in at least one additional dog-specific educational, demonstration or showing opportunity during the 4-H year. It is preferred that the event be 4-H affiliated, organized or sponsored.

Dog – Seeing Eye

In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member must demonstrate a commitment to the proper care, training and health needs of Seeing Eye puppies.

  • Submit completed Seeing Eye Project Record Book
  • Project Animal must participate in corresponding show(s) at the Ocean County Fair*
  • Participate in at least two additional dog-specific educational, demonstration or showing opportunities during the 4-H year. The event must be 4-H affiliated, organized or sponsored.

Food and Nutrition

In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member must demonstrate a

commitment to expanding their knowledge of proper nutrition, food safety and food preparation.

  • Submit Food and Nutrition Project Record Book
  • Submit at least one entry to the Food Judging Event held in June*
  • Submit at least one food-related, or nutrition-related, educational display (poster, activity board, etc.) for exhibit in the General Tent at the Ocean County Fair*

Gardening and Horticulture

In addition to fulfilling the General Requirements for All Project Areas (pg. 9), member must demonstrate a commitment to expanding their knowledge of plants, soil and proper gardening and cultivation techniques.