Welcome to 7th grade social studies with Coach Eades!

You have entered the exciting realm of Coach Eades’s classroom to learn Social Studies. You will be taught by a licensed professional social studies teacher and will learn social studies in an exciting and fun environment.

Room: 216

Phone: (469) 713-5974

Email: (preferred)

What is this class about?

Social Studies are just what the name says... the studies of society and the impact it has on the world. In this course, you will explore various geographic regions of Texas and learn about each region’s history, geography, culture, economy, and government. You will also learn how individuals and groups of people live and interact with each other to shape their history, geography, culture, economy, and government.

What will I get out of this class?

Hopefully, you will have a better understanding of social studies and how it affects your everyday life, which will help you become a wonderful citizen of our nation and world.

This course is designed to meet all the social studies objectives set by the Texas Department of Education. The course also meets standards set by the National Council for the Social Studies and the National Geography Standards.

By the end of this course, you will have the understanding of:


Culture looks at the similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and traditions. You will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.


Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel you to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and use of goods and services. You will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.


Geography enables you to see, understand and appreciate the relationships between people, places, and environments. You will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of and the uses of geography and how it affects cultural development.


Government establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Being a responsible citizen requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.


History involves people, events, and issues. You will evaluate evidence to develop knowledge and to interpret primary sources. You will develop historical opinions on which informed decisions in your daily life can be based.

Individuals, Groups, and Interactions

Personal development and identity are shaped by their culture, groups, and institutions. Important to this development are exploration and identification of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

Class Guidelines

In order to have a great learning environment, I want to share my guidelines and expectations for my class. Every student will be expected to know and observe these guidelines at ALL times.

1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Respect others and respect property. Treat others, as you would like to be treated. All my belongings, including my desk, whiteboard, and computer equipment are off limits. When you are in the room, get seated.

2. When you enter the room, sit down and be ready to work! When the bell rings, you will have a daily warm up. You will be considered tardy even if you are in the room and not in your seat when the bell rings!

3. Be prepared, have materials ready, and be ready to participate when class begins. You should have the following materials with you every day.

  • A black or blue pen or black lead pencil
  • Your Ipad
  • YOUR agenda book - You are responsible for writing down all assignments, homework, project information, etc.

4. Follow all directions given by the teacher the first time! Also, be sure to read the directions on any papers, tests, or quizzes given to you.

5.Since I like to drink tea throughout the day, I realize how it feels to be thirsty. Therefore, I will allow you to keep water bottles! You must have them before class starts and pick up your trash after class!

6. Plagiarism, or using someone else's writings and thoughts as your own, will NOT be tolerated. Cheating will also NOT be tolerated. Violations of either of these two offenses will result in a zero on the assignment.

All classroom, team, and school guidelines will be followed and enforced daily as outlined in the student's agenda book.

Classroom Procedures

The following classroom procedures go with the classroom guidelines. You are expected to follow the procedures at all times in this classroom!

Entering the classroom - You are expected to enter the classroom and be seated prior to the bell. If you are disruptive in coming in the room or while staying in the room, you will be asked to leave and reenter appropriately.

Tardies - You will be considered late if you are not in your seat when the bell rings and I am ready to begin class!

Pencils sharpened, getting paper, and other preparedness - Make sure to sharpen your pencils, have paper ready, BEFORE the bell rings. You will be expected to complete the daily warm up within the first few minutes of class.

During Class - You are expected to quietly stay on task, follow all directions, and to respect others in this classroom! If you would like to contribute to the conversation or discussion in class, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.

Working with partners/groups - You can find out more in the handout on working in teams. The general rules are you stay on task, work at a reasonable volume, and work as a team/partnership to find a solution to the problem at hand.

Assignments – When I pick up assignments, you need to first make sure your first and last name is on it as well as the class period. I will then ask you to turn it in to your class periods assigned tray at the back of the room.

Late Assignments –I have a crate with each days papers in it at the back of the room. When a student is missing an assignment it is their responsibility to come to me and see if they have any missing work. I will then give them any missing assignments that they need.

Leaving during class – The best advice is to have all your restroom and water breaks completed prior to the start of class. Leaving my room is a privilege that is earned by your trustworthiness and can be stopped at anytime for failing to keep my trust.

Leaving the room at the end of class – I will dismiss you, not the bell. You will be expected to only pack up to leave when I instruct you to do so or when our class discussions are over. Before leaving, look around your desk and pick up any trash. Make sure that all your books and personal belongings are picked up from under your desk. Once dismissed, you are expected to leave quietly from the classroom.

Course Assignments and Requirements

In this class, you will be graded on:


Every class meeting, we will conduct class using a variety of methods. We may work in groups, have a teacher-guided lecture, have a student-guided lecture, watch multimedia presentations, have guest speakers, perform demonstrations, or just work independently. You will be responsible for completing all assigned class work by the end of the period each day.


Throughout the year, we will major projects to complete. I will give you information when needed and give you plenty of time to complete the projects. The projects demonstrate your understanding of concepts you learn in class about geography, government, history, economy, and culture.

Class Participation

This is an important part of learning and a great way to share your opinions with the class. I expect everyone in class to respect each other at all times. This means making absolutely NO noise when someone else is talking.

Unit Tests / Quizzes

To show your understanding of each unit we study, you will be given a test at the end of each unit, which will contain multiple chapters. There will also be quizzes and chapter assessments, both announced and unannounced, throughout the year. I will give you study guides for each unit ahead of time to give you plenty of time to study.

Grading PolicyYou will be graded and evaluated using the above assignments and requirements. Each assignment will have a point value that will have equal weight when averaging the nine-week grades.

I will meet with you after class or during my planning times to discuss your grade, if needed. I will not discuss your grade or assignments during class time. By keeping track of graded assignments, you should be able to know your grade at ALL times.

Parent Information

Welcome parents to the start of a wonderful school year! Please read this classroom information with your child and help make this school year the best for your child!

I ask that parents communicate with their child everyday as to what homework they have and to see their school agenda. Students will be expected to complete all assignments by the due date, so it is ultimately their responsibility to make sure they know what their assignment is and when it is due.

Parent conferences may be scheduled by contacting the front office at (469) 713-5974 . In extreme cases, I will meet on short notice, just email me at my above email address.

With your support and working together, we can achieve the best education for your child!