St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

3235 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 482-9666

Guidelines for Baptism preparation

●Baptism classes are offered on the 2ndMonday of each month from 7-9 p.m. The class is for godparents and all parents wanting their child(ren) baptized. Parents need to register and fill out the paper work in order to attend the class. Registration packets are available in the Parish office and in the vestibule of the church. Paper work needs to be completed and returned to the Parish Office with the $50.00 fee, before attending the class. (Please make the check payable to St. Ignatius Parish). You can start the paper work as early as you would like. Please note: If your child is6 years old and up, you also need to contact our Director of Catechetical ministries at 916 482-9666 ext 238 before you attend the baptism class.

●We ask for a donation of $25.00 if a parent or Godparent attends class here at our Parish but the child will be baptized in another parish.

●Classes are held in the Garden Room of the Parish Center.The Parish Center is located in the west parking lot of St. Ignatius Parish campus, located on Arden Way. Enter the driveway between the church and the automotive repair shop.

●Godparents are required to fill out the Godparent form whether they attend the baptism classhere at St Ignatius or at another parish. At least one Godparent must be 16 years of age or older,be a practicing Catholic (going to Mass regularly) and be fully initiated, (having receivedthe sacraments of Baptism, Communion & Confirmation) and if married, married in the Church and if single living appropriately.

●Parents, please note that all your paper work and the Godparent(s) form needs to be completed and submitted to the Parish office, before you can attend the

Baptism class or meet with the priest. After attending the class, and having all the paper work completed contact the Parish office to schedule an appointment with one of our parish priests. At this appointment with the priest you will then be ready to schedule a date for your child’s baptism.

●St. Ignatius schedules baptisms in groups. The 3rd Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. (outside of Mass), and the 4th Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m. (outside of Mass). Occasionally, this schedule will change due to holidays, etc.

●At your baby/child's baptism, you will receive the Baptism Certificate or it will be mailed to you.

●Should you have further questions, please contact Jean Nelson, Baptism Coordinator at
482-9666, ext 233 or e-mail at .