Welcome Letter and Policies
Mrs. Sabadics
Mathematics, Belleville Senior High School
September 2017
Dear Student and Families,
Welcome! I am looking forward to a year of fun and learning!
This letter covers several important topics, including (1) my expectations, (2) classroom rules and discipline plan, (3) grading policy and (4) supplies students should have.
This letter should be reviewed together by parent and student, signed, and returned to school.
I have very high expectations for all of my students. Math is learned by doing, therefore, I expect students to do their homework and class work, to participate fully in class, and to ask questions and volunteer answers. There are many ways to solve math problems, and students’ insights may help other students to understand concepts. My advice is to always do your best and to do work of which you will be proud.
Classroom Rules & Discipline Plan
These rules will help to create an environment that is conducive to learning. In a nutshell, I will not permit a student to stop me from teaching or keep others from learning.
Classroom Rules:
- Come prepared for class everyday – book, notebook, pencils, homework.
- Arrive to class on time.
- Raise your hand if you wish to speak and wait to be acknowledged.
- Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Do not disrupt the learning process in the classroom.
- The teacher will dismiss the students.
- Make up all work after an absence – homework, quizzes, tests.
If a student chooses to break a classroom rule, the following steps will be taken, not necessarily in this order:
- Verbal warning
- Speak to student after school and detention of 15 minutes.
- Phone call home / Parent conference
- 4th offense or Severe Disruption -- Send to Vice Principal.
Grading Policies
The grade for each marking period will be determined based on the following percentages:
- Homework and notebook10%
- Class participation and preparation10%
- Tests, Quizzes and projects80%
Supplies Needed
The following supplies are required for all math classes:
- A notebook dedicated to this class, with storage for handouts (3 ring binder is ideal).
- A scientific calculator (suggested models: TI30, TI34, or TI36 or graphing calculator TI83 or TI84)
- Two sharpened pencils, an eraser and pens (blue or black).
- Ruler
Every year is a new beginning for students and teachers as they embark on the next year of study. At the onset of the school year, you are in the strongest position to control how much you will learn and the grades that you will earn. I look forward to working with you – and your parents/guardians – to make this a successful year.
Please return a signed copy of this letter by our next class.
I welcome you to contact me (973-450-3500, X3560 or email): ) if you have any questions about this letter, the course, or any topic now or throughout the year.
Mrs. Sabadics
Student Name: Subject:
Student Signature: _ Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: _ Date: _____
- Come prepared for class every day. Bring your textbook, notebook, your homework and sharp pencils.
- Arrive to class on time.
- Tardiness will not be tolerated.
- First and second tardy – teacher detention.
- Third tardy -- report to vice principal to be assigned central detention.
- Fourth tardy – Saturday detention.
- 16 tardies – loss of credit.
- Raise your hand if you wish to speak and wait to be acknowledged.
- Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Do not disrupt the learning process in the classroom. (No shouting, standing up, talking during class, obscene language, answering back, rude behavior, resting head on desk or in hands.)
- Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- First time – verbal warning.
- Second time – detention after school.
- Third time – parent will be notified.
- Fourth time – Referral to Vice Principal and parent conference.
- Students will be dismissed by the teacher – not by the bell.
- No student will be given a hall pass unless it is an emergency.
- Maximum lavatory privileges – twice per month.
- Be in your seat when the late bell rings – and remain in your seat until dismissed.
- Do not linger in the hall or by the doorway.
- Must have student I.D., be wearing approved uniform, and have hall pass card.
- Make up all work after an absence.
- It is your responsibility to make up all notes, assignments, tests and quizzes when you are absent.
- You are allowed the same number of days that you were absent to make up the work.
- Make up assignments – missed assignments and hand-outs will be placed in the make-up folder.
- Make up tests – they are to be made up on your own time: during lunch, after school, or during study halls.
- Items NOT ALLOWED in the classroom:
- Cell phones
- IPOD/Earphones
- Food and drinks
- CD player/headphones
- Homework is to be done every day.
- You will be given a grade based on the number of assignments completed.
- A partially completed assignment will not receive full credit.
- Homework is for you to practice the skills taught. You must take it seriously.
- Homework format: Write the page number, numbers assigned, copy the original problem, and show all work.
- Absence or tardiness of more than 16 days will result in loss of credit for the course.
- If you are absent, you will miss many important skills and fall too far behind.
- If you are absent before a test, you MUST take the test on the day you return, as long as no new material was covered!
- Work cannot be made up when you cut a class.
- Any quiz or test given that day will result in a zero.
- Saturday detention assigned. (Also: In-school suspension)
- Copy all notes and examples from the board or overhead.
- Notebooks will be checked each marking period.
- Format: Use a clean page for each day’s notes, include the date, section number and title.
- Listen to directions the first time that they are given.
- Ask if you do not understand.
- Homework and Notebook10%
- Class participation and Preparation10%
- Tests, Quizzes and Projects80%