Ghidotti families ~ Thank you for participating in Ghidotti's eScrip program! eScrip is the easiest way to earn funds for Ghidotti s while you shop! "Make it Your Habit" to swipe your card, punch in your Club Card number, or give a coupon and you’re on your way to earning funds for your school! Thank you for your support!
SPD: (800-931-6258 for changes to existing account) - We are seeing GREAT returns from SPD! If you are just receiving your new card today, you have been enrolled and are ready to go once you receive your new card! Give your keyring card or credit card sized card to the cashier prior to completing your purchase– a phone number works too! 3% of your purchases go directly to Ghidotti!
Safeway: (800-400-7878 for changes to existing account) - Once your Club Card is link to Ghidotti with eScrip, you simply enter your telephone number into their keypad and, not only do you receive great store discounts because you are a Club Card Member, but also by inputting your phone number, it will link directly to eScrip where up to 3% of your purchase price will go to Ghidotti at no cost to you!
Raleys: (800-925-9989 for questions)
(Here are a few suggestions for registering your card: The card number is the first 11 digits beginning with the number 4 – do not include spaces and dashes. When you create your password, keep in mind that the password field is limited to 8 characters and will be case sensitive. You may only use one phone number per card)
Activating your NEW Raleys "Quality of Life" card: Sign up or sign in at; click the “About Us” tab; Click “Quality of Life Card”; “Click Here to Active Your Card.”
Managing your Organizations – Sign in to your Raleys account; From the home page, click “About Us”; Select “Quality of Life Card”; enter your card number (first 11 digits beginning with a 4) and password at the Log-In for Our Returning Guests; “Manage Your Organizations”; Change contribution percentage accordingly. “
Changing Contributions to an existing Raleys’ account:Keep the same card. Log into and log into yourQuality of Life account. Look for link to “Manage My Organizations.” From here you can change percentages to go to whom you want. (Note: A former school that you do not want funds going to needs to be changed to “0%” as they will not allow you to eliminate it all together).
SaveMart: SaveMart uses a "Shares Card" which comes to us pre-assigned to Ghidotti. Prior to checkout, simply have the the cashier swipe the card. Up to 3% of your total bill will go directly to Ghidotti at no cost to you! This one is easy!
BriarPatch: BriarPatch uses a "School Fundraiser Rebate Voucher" paper booklet. Bring a voucher into BriarPatch each time you shop. The cashier will fill it out for you and turn it in. A percentage will be allocated back to Ghidotti! We will send voucher booklets out periodically and anytime upon request. There are also extra booklets in the school office.
Holiday Market: Holiday Market offers "Wow Points" earned through their Holiday Card program. You must sign up in store to obtain their card. "Wow Points" are accrued with each purchase and used for various things including donating them to help support Ghidotti! At the register is where you will designate how to spend your accrued "Wow Points."
One Cause: Shop on-line through “One Cause.” Many different websites, such as, can be accessed through One Cause's website, and a percentage of your total purchase price goes to Ghidotti! You don’t pay a cent and Ghidotti benefits! Sign into One Cause’s website: , create a login, and you’re on your way to helping Ghidotti earn money for our kids! Percentage points vary depending on which vendor you use.
Any questions or additional cards/booklets, please contact me! Thank you for supporting Ghidotti!
Tracy Kohler– Ghidotti eScrip Coordinator
530-263-4953 -