Bourton Parish Council is empowered under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 to incur expenditure which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the parish, or any part of it, or is in the interest of all or a significantnumber of its parishioners. Please read the council’s policy prior to completing and submitting any application.
Name of organisation / St George’s CE VA Primary SchoolName of person making application / Mrs Helen Bedford–Foundation Governor
Address / Little Chaffey, Chaffeymoor, Hill, Bourton, Dorset, SP8 5BZ
Contact telephone no. / 840808
Email address /
Details of the project/activity
(use an additional sheet if required) / Over the summer months the school will be reconfiguring the current Silver Base and ICT suite to create a new, fit for purpose classroom space for Yrs 3&4 and excitingly, for the first time, a Library right at the heart of the village school.
The vision for the new library space is to create a bright, comfortable, stimulating environment which immerses children in a world of books.
Overall cost of the project/activity / £36,430.00
Amount sought / £1,500.00
Details of any other own or external funding / Use of school Devolved Formula Capital of £8100
School capital funding from Central Government of £20,000.00
Additional school funding of £2,570.90 (to pay the school contribution element of the above funding)
Pending grant application submitted to The Foyle Foundation for £3,600.00
Dextra charitable donation of £1,000.00 for lighting
PTFA have committed to £1,000.00 to start with as well as an annual commitment thereafter of £500.00 (increasing with inflation and need). In addition, the PTFA are running a Stourhead catering weekend (July 1st/2nd) as a fundraiser for the library.
Demonstrate clearly how the grant will help (use an additional sheet if required) / Toward the overall Library fit out which includes:
Central IT/Reading island
Fiction and non-fiction books for readers across the school year groups
Cosy corner items such as beanbags and cushions
Artwork for the walls
IT chairs
Book of the week display resources
Soft drum seats
Foldaway tables
Book trucks for younger readers
Shelving units
Magical story chair
TV/Computer monitor screen
Detail how many people of Bourton Parish will benefit / All of the children at the village school which is for 2017 110 children on roll of which 7.6% of children are eligible for free school meals whilst 10.9% of pupils have special educational needs.
In addition, the new Library will be used by children from our nearby pre-school, and will be available to children before and after school as well as at lunchtime. For joint projects with others schools, it will make and ideal meeting place.
Any other additional information that supports the application(use an additional sheet if required) / As a modern library space the room will also incorporate some fixed PC stations, giving access to the digital world of information and research. Modern shelving will allow the display of over 1,000 fiction and non-fiction books.
The new library space will elevate the importance of reading within the school, give pupils easy access to library books and establish a culture of reading for please which teachers believe will contribute to lifelong learning habits as well as contributing to improved creativity and literacy skills. Over the course of the school year the school will develop a system to allow the children to borrow books.
The School Development Plan has prioritised Reading through a drive to improve results in the annual Phonic Check for year 1 children. We had two years with results well below the National average and identified the lack of Library facility as a significant factor in our long term Strategic Plan. Through improvements to our delivery of Phonics session we have increased our score to 88% but we recognise that reading is about far more than just the simple mechanics of sounding out words. We have a vision to bring the excitement of books and reading to the heart of the school, by creating an inspirational Library that will provide free access to high quality books for all our children. We also recognise that in order to be a great writer, a child needs to be a great reader. Our most recent writing results of 59% ARE (Age Related Expectation) was well below where we would aim to be. Part of our strategy to build our Library is based on this principle that writing is developed in partnership with extensive and wide-ranging Reading results, but will fulfil what we see as one of the most important functions of primary education.
To support your application, please supply the following:
- If appropriate a copy of your constitution andmembership rules.
- A copy of your organisation’s last audited accounts or information that shows a transparent record of payments is or will be maintained or in the case of a newly formed organisationor project a sufficiently detailed budget and business plan.
- A copy of your Child Protection Policy (if applicable).
Please return the completed form by e mail to
Date submitted…14th June 2017
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