WELCOME FR TONY OBOSHI Fr Tony takes up his position as Assistant Priest this weekend. We wish him all the best in his new appointment. Let us pray that Fr Tony has a fruitful apostolate among us.
With limited support services for children living with intellectual disabilities in Laos, Duangmala feared that her eight-year-old son, Hum Noy, would never reach his full potential because he has Down Syndrome. However, he now has the chance to learn and thrive at a school for children with intellectual disabilities, supported by Caritas Australia.Please donate to Project Compassion 2016 and help children living with intellectual disabilities in Laos learn, grow and reach their full potential. You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413.
LEETON PARISH COUNCIL NOMINATIONS: The AGM will be held in March and there are currently a small number of vacancies on the Leeton Parish Council. If you or someone you know is interested in being nominated, please ask the person first if they are willing to take on the position before submitting the name to Fr Anthony by Tuesday 8th March. Thank you
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: will be held each Friday during Lent at 4.00pm.
Saturday 19 March 2016 is the Feast of St Joseph. On this day the Sisters of St Joseph celebrate 150 years since their foundation in Penola South Australia in 1866 as a result of the dream of Mary MacKillop and Fr Tenison Woods. The Sisters invite you to join with them in giving thanks to God for the countless blessings that have come to Australia and beyond as a result of the ministry of the Sisters in small country places and larger cities.
Mass will be celebrated in a number of centres throughout NSW on this Feast of St Joseph. Priests and Religious, Associates, family, friends, ex-students and current students of the Sisters are invited to join the Sisters in the celebration of Mass followed by refreshments.
Mass will be celebrated at St Joseph’s Church, Leeton, (Wade Ave) at 9.30 am.
For purposes of catering and printing please send your reply before 4th March to Sr Janet
Phone: 69532019 and leave a message
Post: Sr Janet PO Box 261 Leeton NSW 2705
SRE VOLUNTEERS…….Can you help?? We are currently looking for more volunteers to assist with this important ministry of teaching the Catholic faith to children who attend SRE classes by the choice of their parents. At present, volunteers are needed for Kinder and year 1 at Parkview and Year 1 at Leeton Public School. If you are interested in becoming an SRE volunteer or assistant, please contact Suzanne Driscoll 0404 295790(SRE Co-ordinator) or Fr Anthony 69532099. Thank you