2305 English Mtn. Road, Coldbrook, NS B4R 1B6

Phone: 902-690-3830 Fax: 902-690-3833

Office Hours: 8am – 3:30 pm Principal: Jean Corporon

Web page address Vice Principal: Cherrie Goss


Regional In-Service – May 8th

Victoria Day Holiday – May 22nd

From the Principal’s Desk

Welcome May! With this welcome come the thoughts of another school year coming to a close. In just a few weeks we will be

saying farewell to our 2017 graduates.

We are excited to have the new primaries visit us on May 19th for Primary Orientation. The primary teachers have many activities planned for this big day and students will have a great time. The grade 8’s will be going to Central Kings on the 19th as well for their orientation.

There will be a few changes in staffing and classroom configurations in the next school year. Details have not been finalized and information will be provided in the June newsletter. If you are aware of any potential primary students who have not registered please encourage parent/guardian to do so as soon as possible.

Please make the following changes on your calendars. Spring concert Thursday May 4th at 1 pm. This is the only performance open to parents/guardians and guests. The students need to come to school prepared for this performance. There is a rehearsal in the morning but it is not open to the public. It is for student viewing only.

Grade 8 Celebration (Graduation) has been moved to June 26th at 1 pm.

I hope everyone enjoys the spring weather and takes time to be active with their families. As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the school or send in the attachment found at the end of the newsletter. Your thoughts and comments are always welcomed.


Jean Corporon, Principal


There will be a special tea on May 12th from 9 – 10:00 in recognition of all the amazing and supportive volunteers we see on a daily basis. All volunteers are invited to attend and we look forward to seeing you there as we show our appreciation for all you do. Many activities would not happen if it were not for the time and energy you provide to support our school community.

No Idle Zone: All schools in the AVRSB are a No Idle Zone and parents/guardians are reminded not to leave their cars running when dropping off or picking up their children and if you need to pop into the school to do a quick errand. It is not only harmful to the environment but the fumes make their way into the school through the ventilation system which makes a very unpleasant environment inside. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.


Thank you all for supporting the book fair. We were able to put $457. worth of books into the library and about $450. into the bank account. You can check the school website for exact numbers.

Please try to locate any outstanding books your child may have. The end of the year is fast approaching!

Mitzi DeWolfe



Our Spring Concert on May 4th will be at 1 pm only. This concert is for the Gr. 3-5 Choir, Glee Club and the Gr’s 6-8 Bands only. The Grade Primary, 1 & 2 students are not involved. We ask that you please adhere to our no parking lane in the bus loop. This will be our only Spring Concert that day with no concert that evening.

Please remind all students to bring their uniform, binder and instrument! Choir: black bottoms and white tops. Grade 6 Band: black bottoms and white tops. Grade 7&8 Bands: black bottoms and red band t-shirts.

Members of the Glee Club are required to wear their Glee Club outfits which are dark clean jeans or pants (no holes or rips) and their Glee Club t-shirts. I have t-shirts available if your child has not received one yet. Looking forward to seeing families at our concert!


Spring has arrived! With that is the final fundraiser for the year, the annual SPRING FLING fundraiser which is being held on June 1st from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm this year. We are very excited about this huge Coldbrook and District School and Community event which involve the combined presences of the Fire Department, RCMP, Annapolis Valley Search & Rescue and many others. Volunteers for this fantastic event are greatly needed and genuinely appreciated. Please watch for updates and opportunities to volunteer via the Facebook page or memos that are sent home.

As well, for anyone interested in becoming a member of the Home & School executive, nominations must be in at the next meeting in May, for the Annual General Meeting held in June of every year. If anyone has any questions or would like to submit a nomination, please feel free to contact Tanya Gencarelli at 902-681-7312 or email: . The next Home & School meeting is on Monday May 15th, 2017 at 6:30 in the library for which FREE childcare is provided!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Kindest regards,

2015/2016 Home & School Committee

Spring Fling

It’s that time of year again! This year’s spring fling is shaping up to be a great one! It will be held on Friday, June 10th from 4:30 to 7:00. More info will follow on events and details. For those of you who are new to the school, Spring Fling is our annual, end of the year party full of games, food and fun! It is a combined effort between the Home & School and the teachers. Teachers’ booths and events earn them extra classroom funds, and all funds from the Home and School booths go directly to Home and School. There will be lots of fun that you won’t want to miss!!

You may also contact us via the Facebook page to volunteer. You’ll find us under “Coldbrook and District Home and School Association”. It’s a great place to stay updated on what’s happening.

Anyone that can help staff one of these booths for a half hour time slot, please fill out this form and send it in with your child.



Time slot (circle one): 4:30–5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00

Spring Fling Gift Baskets

This year’s Spring Fling will take place on Thursday, June 1st from 4:30-7:00.

Due to its success last year, the Home and School will be making up gift baskets to sell tickets on at the annual Spring Fling.

Each grade’s teachers from grades 1-5, have signed up for a theme, and we are asking families to send in a small item to their teacher that is suitable for a themed gift basket. The Home and School will collect the items from the teachers and do up gift baskets which we will be selling tickets on at the Spring Fling. We will be collecting items until May 19th.

The list of themes is as follows:

Grade Primary - Arts and Crafts theme

Grade One - Beach theme

Grade Two – Sports/Toys theme

Grade Three – Garden theme

Grade Four– Chocolate theme

Grade Five – Baking theme

We had some really creative baskets last year, so use your imaginations!

Thank you for your support!

Valley Youth Fun Run May 6th

The 9th Annual Valley Youth Fun Run will be held on Sat., May 6th at 14-Wing Greenwood Fitness Trail. This is for ages 5 – 15 and you can participate in the 2 Km, 4 Km or the1Km family fun loop. $10. per runner. The run starts at 11 am (rain or shine) with registration from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Registration forms are available at your school and local recreation departments. Please register by April 14th to be guaranteed a t-shirt. **NOTE: family fun loop is free and does not include a t-shirt.

Victory Taekwondo

Victory Taekwondo has now moved to the County Fair Mall. Come check out our new permanent home on Sundays and Thursdays next to BlueNotes.We currently have a great team and new members are always welcome. This is a fun, dynamic sport and our classes promote a positive team atmosphere. The first two classes are free so anyone can try it out. For more details, please contact 902-670-7897 or .


The Quarterly meeting for the Coldbrook Community Association will be held at the Heritage Hall in Coldbrook on May 30th at 7:30 pm. There will be speakers with regard to the possibility of the development of a recreation program for 2018 in Coldbrook, as well as updates for the Community in general. All are welcome to attend the meeting. See you then!

Your opinion is valued and encouraged by us. The following form can be used to communicate, share good news, suggestions etc. with us at Coldbrook & District School.

Please complete and return with your child. Thank you.


May Menu

Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm / 2
Valley Pizza
Dove Program
2:45 – 4:30 pm
Meeting 6:30 pm / 3
Taco’s with lettuce, tomato, salsa & sour cream
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm / 4
Hot Subs
Spring Concert (Gr. 3-5 choir, Glee Club & Gr. 6-8 Band)
1 pm / 5
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with a cup of soup
Regional In Service
Valley Pizza
Dove Program
2:45 – 4:30 pm / 10
Nachos with cheese sauce, served with salsa & sour cream
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm / 11
Hot Sausage in a bun
$2.50 / 12
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with a cup of soup
8:45 am Volunteer Tea
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm
Home & School
Meeting 6:30 pm / 16
Valley Pizza
Dove Program
2:45 – 4:30 pm / 17
Taco’s lettuce, tomato, salsa and sour cream
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm / 18
Hot Subs
$3. / 19
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with a cup of soup
Primary Orientation – No School for Current Primaries
Gr. 8 Orientation at CK
Victoria Day Holiday
No School / 23
Valley Pizza
Dove Program
2:45 – 4:30 pm / 24
Chicken in a Bun
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm / 25
Hot Subs
Gr.8’s invited to CK Dance
MS Dance Gr.5-7
6:30 pm / 26
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with a cup of soup
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm / 30
Valley Pizza
Dove Program
2:45 – 4:30 pm / 31
Nachos with cheese sauce, served with salsa & sour cream
Volleyball Program
2:45 – 4:15 pm /

Chicken Nuggets served on Monday and Wednesday only.

Courtesy is being polite and having good manners. When you speak and act courteously, you give others a feeling of being valued and respected. Greet people pleasantly and bring courtesy home. Your family needs it most of all. Courtesy helps life to go smoothly.

Kathleen Sampson

School Counsellor

Home Esteem-Builder Tips to Enhance School Success

1.  Teach your child how to set realistic goals.

2.  Model your own goals and dreams with your child.

3.  At least once a month sit down with your child and ask, “What’s a goal you’re working on?” or “What’s something you’re trying to get better at?” Discuss ways your child could then achieve the goal. Periodically ask your child about the goal: “How’s it going? Is there anything I can do to help?”

4.  Ask your child, “When you make a mistake how do you feel?” Stress that everyone makes mistakes and that no one is perfect.

5.  Discuss with your child a mistake you made in the past. Describe how you corrected it or what you did differently the next time.

6.  Assign meaningful duties to each family member to help them acquire a sense of responsibility. Set up a reasonable list of chores for each family member. Reward responsible behavior.

7.  Don’t continue making excuses for negligent behavior that was really your child’s responsibility. The message the child receives is, “Someone will fix it. I don’t have to be responsible.”

8.  Help your child set up a daily schedule. Show him/her how to block out specific hours for important obligations. Your child could then be responsible for deciding how much time to allot for various activities.

9.  Ask your child’s opinion on how to solve a problem you’re confronted with (i.e. the newspaper wasn’t delivered, you’ve misplaced a phone number, an appliance broke down). How you handle everyday problems can be a valuable lesson for your child.

10.  Give your child opportunities to practice making decisions. Allow him/her to choose the dinner menu, family chores, TV viewing schedules, or family outings.

11.  Show your child how to weigh the options and consider all the possible alternatives to a potential decision. Role play the decision-making process with your child.

12.  Consider a problem with your child. Now teach him/her to brainstorm all the possible ways to solve the problem. Together list all the choices. Remind your child that all ideas count and not to judge any solution as you’re brainstorming.

13.  Help your child recognize that decisions have consequences. The choices we make can affect not only ourselves but others as well.

14.  Have your child set a long-term goal of something he/she wants to purchase or a skill he/she wishes to obtain. A long-term goal should take at least three weeks to a month to obtain (much longer for older children). Ask your child to draw the goal or paste a magazine picture of it on a piece of paper. Hang the picture in a visible location so that everyone in the family can remember the goal. Help your child reach the goal.