Inspire 2017

Inspire- Be inspired and inspire others

Promoting our Aboriginal Leaders as Exemplary Role Models

Coordinator- Annette Brunt, Deputy Principal East Hills Girls Technology High School (phone-97739160)

Coordinating Team-Jenny Lonergan, AP East Hills Primary School, Justine Shlom, relieving Head Teacher CAPA, and Susan Turnbull, Librarian East Hills Boys High School

Welcome back to 2017 and to the fourth year of the Inspire Project. I am excited by the outcomes achieved in 2016 and I know that we can build upon these to create even more inspiring experiences for our future Indigenous leaders. This amazing opportunity will be available for Indigenous students enrolled from Kindergarten to Year 12 from schools across our network. Students can participate in more than one area and all students are welcome regardless of their previous experience. The aim of this program is to provide an inclusive educational opportunity, while enhancing and building leadership potentialand assist in achieving their full potential.

Inspire Leadership Project

Coordinator- Annette Brunt, Deputy Principal East Hills Girls Technology High School

Venue: East Hills Girls Technology High School, Lucas Road Panania

Teachers can nominate up to a maximum of five students to participate, these

students should be aspiring leaders in their school and community.

Students will:-

•Attend 3 meetings (1 per term) at Meeting will be held from 1.30-2.30pm on Thursday 18th May, Thursday 31st August, Thursday 26th October.

•Undertake a leadership project within their school and document their journey

  • Film an interview with a leader -a teacher, elder or even a football star.
  • Explore their own leadership potential and increase their confidence in public speaking
  • Hear from other Indigenous leaders
  • Contribute to “Inspire-Connecting with Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities” coordinated by Kirby Pearson, Year 12 (Inspire Leadership Project), East Hills Boys High School.
  • Present their leadership projects at the end of the year Inspire Showcase Assembly on the 24th November at East Hills Girls Technology High School

Send names of students and any enquiries to Annette Brunt

Every student will receive an Inspire T-Shirt, cost for the project is $15 per student to cover the cost of the T-Shirt. All students will receive a certificate ofparticipation which will be presented at the Inspire Showcase.

Inspire Indigenous Dance Ensemble

Coordinator- Ms Justine Shlom, East Hills Girls Technology High School

Venue: East Hills Girls Technology High School, Lucas Road Panania

This dance ensemble is open to students from primary and high school. No formal training required.

The Inspire Dance group is a way for young Indigenous Students to learn about their culture through the art of Dance. Any Indigenous student can be involved with no prior dance experience.

East Hills Girls Technology High School


Term 2:Week 6, Monday 29thMay 20179.30am-2.30pm,Week 9, Monday 19thJune 20179.30am-2.30pm

Term 3:Week 6, Monday 21stAugust 9.30am – 2.30pm,Week 9, Monday 11thSeptember 9.30am – 2.30pm

Term 4:Inspire Showcase Assembly on the 24th November at East Hills Girls Technology High School

Send names of students and any enquiries to Justine Shlom on:

There will be a cost of $30 per student which will be used to purchase uniforms. Plus $15 per student to cover the cost of an Inspire T-Shirt, making a total of $45 payable to East Hills Girls Technology High School. All students will receive a certificate of participation which will be presented at the Inspire Showcase.

Inspire Choir

Coordinator- Ms J. Lonergan, East Hills Primary School

Where- East Hills Primary School, Lucas Road Panania. Sessions will be held in the library.


Dates to be confirmed,

Inspire Showcase Assembly on the 24th November at East Hills Girls Technology High School.

This year as part of the INSPIRE project there will be an INSPIRE Indigenous choir which will be coordinated by Mrs Jenny Lonergan (Assistant Principal East Hills Public School). This amazing opportunity will be available for Indigenous students enrolled from Kindergarten to Year 12 from schools across our network. Staff are asked to make sure students who wish to be involved have communicated with parents and carers to attain a commitment to the choir. The students involved in the INSPIRE Choir will attend rehearsals at East Hills Public School (in the library). The choir will showcase the amazing talents of our Indigenous students and will involve performances at Community of Schools (CoS) events, formal NSWDET functions and any other events that may arise through the course of the year.

Send names of students and any enquiries to Jenny Lonergan on:

Every student will receive an Inspire T-Shirt, cost for the project is $15 per student to cover the cost of the T-Shirt. All students will receive a certificate of participation which will be presented at the Inspire Showcase.

Inspire Didj group

Coordinator-Mr Darren Navan, East Hills Boys High School

Learn how to play a didgeridoo and work as part of a team. No previous experience required, boys only.

Venue- East Hills Boys High School

Lessons will take place here at​ East Hills Boys High from 9-11am (2 hours)

Term 2- Wednesday May 3rd, Wednesday May 24th, Wednesday June 14th

Term 3- Wednesday August 16th, Wednesday August 30th, Wednesday September 6th

All students will need to bring their own water bottle.

And perform at the Inspire Showcase Assembly on the 24th November at East Hills Girls Technology High School.

Send names of students and any enquiries toDarren Navan on:

Teacher Music/Entertainment

Every student will receive an Inspire T-Shirt, cost for the project is $25 per student to cover the cost of the T-Shirt and morning tea provided payable to East Hills Boys High. All students will receive a certificate of participation which will be presented at the Inspire Showcase.


Please circle program – Leadership DanceChoirDidj

I ______give permission for ______

(parent/carer) (student name)

from ______to participate in the INSPIRE project in 2017.


I understand that my child will be committed to all rehearsals and performances. The dates to be confirmed by each project coordinator.

I give / do not give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency.

Special Needs (eg allergies, medication):□ Yes□ No

If yes, please contact the organising teacher to receive a Medical Information Form.

Permission to publish:□ Yes□ No

(on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Newsletter, Website and any other school documentation)

Signature of Parent: ______Date: ______

NOTE: Please bring this permission note to the first meeting.