Wekiva Whispers

Wekiva Elementary School – Where “Koality” Education Happens Every Day!

1450 East Wekiva Trail

Longwood, Florida 32779

Phone: 746-3150 Fax: 746-3163

March 2015

Principal: Marjorie Adamczyk Assistant Principal: Jeff Fose

Principal’s Message

As spring approaches, so does Spring Break! Before our week off of school, we are having our annual Field Day. Coach Prose has a fun day planned for the students. Hopefully, our strange weather pattern will not take a turn and it will be a nice day.

Last Thursday, we had a wonderful turn out for the PTA Family Dinner and Art Show with Book Fair. Thank you to our fantastic PTA and coordinator of the event, Mrs. Sarah Cornett. The food from ZaZa was so delicious.Staff and parents were on hand to provide Koala service by serving food, checking out books, selling tickets, handing out baked goods, announcing dancing fun and clean up. Mrs. Kirk and I are very proud of our artistic Koalas too. Mrs. Kirk takes the time to tie the art in their world through literature, architecture, landscapes, seasons to name a few. We also had some fun with the silent auction of our school's original wooden art stools.Staff and studentspainted them with different themes. The sale made money for our art room. The basket raffle was a PTA fundraiser that was new this year too. There are so many people to thank for it! Below is a list of some of the businesses that made it happen.

Many parents have been concerned about state testing in grades 3 - 5 and attended the Wekiva FSA Parent Night to learn a little bit more about it. There are still many unknowns at this time such as how they will scalethe test items and grade our school. However, what I can sharewith you is that our staff is committed to helping students prepare for it. Our teachers teach the Florida Standards, these are the grade level skills necessary to move to the next grade level. Recently however, staff members have been preparing the students for language of the test. There are a different variety of questions that are new to the students so teachers are modeling how to answer them. I urge parents to visit the website to learn more.

Studentswill be bringing home a Spring Reading Log and I recommendour students read daily.It’s a life skill! We, parents, volunteers, grandparents, and teachers, are preparing our students because we are "Wild about Wekiva and Tracking our Koalas for Success!"

Until next time, Ms. Adamczyk

Attached: Health Department

Spring Reading Log

Early Dismissal/Bus Ramp

Just a reminder that no cars are allowed on the bus ramp after 2:30pm (1:30p Wed). Cars are interfering with buses and this is a safety issue. Please note that early dismissals must be before 2:30pm (1:30pm Wed).

Also, early dismissals are part of attendance so please keep to minimum/emergencies only.

Continuous time away from school will result in following the SCPS Truancy Procedures which is part of the Florida Statute for compulsory attendance.

Car Line

For the safety and courtesy of all parents and students, please use the car line appropriately. Our car line starts on E. Wekiva Trail coming from Hunt Club. This means that all cars need to make a right from E. Wekiva Trail onto Holderness to enter the car line in the AM and PM.

Project Create

Recently, the fourth grade Gifted students attended Project Create at the Amway Center to compete in a variety of challenges. Students conducted lengthy research about the Florida Keys to determine the best proposal for saving the beautiful beach coastlines, endangered species of plants and animals as well as other important industries located in the Keys. The students worked very hard to come up with their own solutions to this challenge with the assistance of Mr. Paul Scheibold, a local engineer in the Wekiva community! Students also participated in a popsicle bridge building contest, an airplane contest and the virtual bridge design project. In fact, Jonathan Higley placed third overall and represented Wekiva in the virtual bridge design contest. Kudos to all the hard work these fourth graders put in!

Ms. Raker

Gifted Teacher

Raffle Businesses


Lavishly Lathered

Jets Pizza

Ancho Burrito

Wekiva Island

Altamonte Mall

Rodan & Fields

Altamonte Yoga


Orlando Magic

Elephant Bar

RDV Ice Den

Orlando City Soccer

Flourish Nutrition


Bruster’s Ice Cream

Wekiva Golf Club

Mike Reeves-Isshinryu Karate

Sweetwater Yoga

Imagez Salon-Stephanie Gourlay


Community Kudos!!!!

Thank you Mrs. Scornik for all of your time on the Box Top Program. It means a lot to all of the Koalas.


Thank you to all the volunteers for PTA Family Dinner Night and Art Show. We are getting ready for Family Movie Night on April 10th. More information will come home soon!

Sherri Duarte

Wekiva PTA President

PE News

Catch the Rabbit!

Forest City Top 15 WekivaStudents

6 and under

Olivia Quintana – 11th

Preston Hylton Fletcher – 1st

7 Year Old

Addi Martindale – 12th

William Neeld – 3rd

Connor McCarthy – 7th

9 Year Old

Thomas Neeld – 4th

Jacob Clifton – 5th

10 Year Old

Sierra Higgins – 3rd

Trenton Stahl – 5th

11 Year Old

Ben Morris – 3rd

Hamilton Top 15 WekivaStudents

6 and under

Olivia Quintana – 12th

7 Year Old

Addi Martindale – 13th

Connor McCarthy – 4th

Preston Hylton – 8th

9 Year Old

Jacob Clifton – 6th

10 Year Old

Sierra Higgins – 3rd

Trenton Stahl – 5th

11 Year Old

Ben Morris – 2nd

Evan Harden – 7th

Kai Higgins – 8th



3/13 - Teacher Workday – Student Non-Attendance Day

3/16 – 3/20 Spring Break

3/23 - Second Grade A Honor Roll

No Volunteers unless teacher calls due to testing on campus

3/24 - Third Grade A Honor Roll

3/24 - FSA Reading Test

Grade 3 and 4

3/25 - FSA Reading Test

Grade 3 and 4

3/26 - Fourth Grade A Honor Roll

3/26 - Fifth Grade Field Trip

Shakespeare Theatre

3/27 - Fifth Grade A Honor Roll

3/28 – Brantley Run

3/30 - FSA Math Test

Grade 3 and 4

3/31 - FSA Math Test

Grade 3 and 4

4/1 - SAC / PTA

4/2 - Student Council 5:30-7

Snuggle Up and Read

Selected Students


4/9 – Kindergarten Round Up

Registration 7:00-7:00

4/10 – PTA Movie Night

Seminole County Public Schools
