13 JANUARY 2015

Shipmate President Templeton called the meeting to order at 1905. The Master At Arms introduced Guests Cathleen Erickson and Carolyn Duffy and distinguished shipmates: East Coast Past Regional President (PRPEC) Don Hoover and PRPEC Claire Purdy. After appropriate opening ceremonies, the meeting was declared convened.

The minutes of the 9 December 2014 meeting were provided. A Motion for approval as distributed was made – 2nd/Approved.

The minutes of the 2 December 2014 Board of Director’s meeting were provided. A Motion for approval as distributed was made – 2nd/Approved.

Treasurer’s Report: No bills need to be paid

Communications: Information for the East Coast Region Mid-year Meeting (MYM) was distributed. A Motion was made to purchase $75 in Raffle tickets in order to support the MYM host Branch – 2nd/approved.


Americanism/Patriotism: Shipmate Chris Erickson reported that the submitted essays had been judged prior to the Branch Meeting and thanked the shipmates who came early to assist. The winning essays will be forwarded to the ECR Essay Chairman and will be judged at the ECR MYM.

Audit, Budget and Finance: Shipmate Jack O’Neill passed out a proposal for a mid-year revision of the 2014-2015 Branch Budget. After some discussion a Motion was made to approve the revision – 2nd/approved.

Hospital, Welfare, & Rehabilitation: Nothing to Report.

Legislative Services: Shipmate Duffy described the effort to be made by the Maryland Retired Veterans Task Force to advocate for a measure to make all military retired pay non-taxable by the State of Maryland. All shipmates are encouraged to attend the hearings on this subject when the schedule is known. Shipmate Duffy made a Motion to provide $300 from the Contingency Fund line item to the Task Force to support this effort – 2nd/approved.

Membership & Retention: Shipmate Fedorowicz provided the current Branch 24 numbers – 1829 members in good standing as of December 31, 2014.

Public Relations: Nothing to Report.

Youth Activities: S/M PRP Hoover reported that 68 children attended the Children’s Christmas Party in December. He specifically complimented the great Santa Claus performance.

Contributions: Nothing to Report.

Adopt-A-Highway: Nothing to Report.

Treasurer’s Report: A shipmate noticed that the dates for the end of December balances were reported as 2015 vice 2014. A Motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as amended -2nd/ unanimous.

Old Business: Nothing to Report

New Business: Nothing to Report.

TWO BELL CEREMONY: The Two Bell Ceremony was conducted in memory of the shipmates now serving on the staff of the Supreme Commander.


Shipmate President Templeton spoke about his sincere pleasure in serving as the Branch President since his election in June 2014.

Shipmate PRP Hoover reminded the shipmates about the CLC meeting scheduled for January 24th at 1400; all shipmates are welcome to attend.

Shipmate Schiller reported that the Capital Gazette carried a report that the City of Annapolis will not be offering to purchase the Fawcett Building on Compromise Street.

Shipmate Thibodeau encouraged the shipmates to participate in the FRC raffle for a Maui vacation, pointing out that the proceeds would be dedicated to reducing the FRC property mortgage.

Shipmate PRP Purdy encouraged greater participation in the annual Military Bowl Parades.

ADJOURNMENT: After appropriate closing ceremonies, the meeting adjourned at 1950.


Jack O’NeillMax Templeton

Chairman, Budget & AuditPresident

Acting Secretary