Head and Face
- Bones
- Cranium(Skull)
- Occiput
- external occipital protuberance
- orbital process
- condyloid process
- Parietal
- Landmark 1.
- Landmark 1.
- Temporal
- Mastoid Process
- landmark 1.
- Frontal
- Landmark 1.
- Landmark 1.
- Nasal
- Middle nasal concha
- Inferior nasal concha.
- Septum
- Landmark 1.
- Maxilla
- Landmark 1.
- Landmark 1.
- Landmark 1.
- Mandible
- Mandibular condyle
- Mandibular notch
- Condylar process of mandible
- Coronoid process of mandible
- Angle of mandible
- Landmark 1
- Zygomatic
- Zygomatic arch
- Zygomatic process
- .
- Landmark 1.
- Sphenoid
- Sphenoid process.
- Vomer
- Ethmoid
- .peripendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
- orbital plate of the ethmoid bone
- middle nasal concha of the ethmoid bone
- Landmark 1.
- Lacrimal
- Palatine
- Landmark 1.
- Landmark 1.
- Landmark 2.
- Joints - Articulations
- Joint name 1. (common name) (classification)
- Ligament 1. (function)
- Ligament 2. (function)
- Bundle 1. (if applicable)
- Bundle 2. (if applicable)
- Joint name 2. (common name) (classification)
- Ligament 1. (function)
- Ligament 2. (function)
- Bundle 1. (if applicable)
- Bundle 2. (if applicable)
- Other special joint structure 1. (if applicable)
- Other special joint structure 2. (if applicable)
- Eye
- Superior Rectus. (common name) (innervation)
- Moves pupil upward
- Tendons
- Inferior rectus. (common name) (innervation)
- moves pupil downward
- Tendons
- Medial rectus
1.moves pupil medially
- Lateral rectus
1.Moves pupil laterally
- Superior Oblique
- moves pupil downward and laterally
- Inferior Oblique
- moves pupil upward and laterally
- Levator palpebrae Superioris
- Elevates eyelids
- Muscle group 2.
- Muscle 1. (common name) (innervation)
- Function or action
- Tendons
- Muscle 2. (common name) (innervation)
- Function or action
- Tendons
- Nerves
- Cervical. (Spinal level)
- Atlas
- Axis
- Thorasic (Spinal level)
- Lumbar
- Sacral
- Coccygeal
- Ulnar
- Radial
- Femoral
- Sciatic
- Cranial
- Bursae
- Bursa 1.
- Bursa 2.
- Other related anatomical structures
- Injury 1.
- Predisposing factors such as posture, alignment, age, gender, somatotype
- Predisposing factor 1.
- Predisposing factor 2.
- Cause(s) - Mechanism of Injury
- Cause 1.
- Cause 2.
- Presentation
- Signs and Symptoms
- Sign 1.
- Sign 2.
- Symptom 1.
- Symptom 2.
- Examination and evaluation procedure
- Palpation
- Palpate 1.
- Palpate 2.
- Range of Motion
- ROM 1.
- ROM 2.
- Muscle test
- MMT 1.
- MMT 2.
- Reflexes
- DTR 1.
- DTR 2.
- Ligamentous stress tests
- Test 1.
- Test 2.
- Joint instability tests
- Test 1.
- Test 2.
- Internal derangement test
- Test 1.
- Test 2.
- Classification (if applicable)
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- Reduction procedure(s) (if applicable)
- Procedure 1.
- Procedure 2.
- Referral/Diagnostic Procedure
- Procedure 1.
- Procedure 2.
- Treatment and Management
- Treatment/management 1.
- Treatment/management 2.
- Special emergency considerations (if applicable)
- Consideration 1.
- Consideration 2.
- Rehabilitation
- Exercise 1.
- Exercise 2.
- Protection & Other Return to Competition Factors
- Protection 1.
- Protection 2.
- Injury 2.
- Predisposing factors such as posture, alignment, age, gender, somatotype
- Predisposing factor 1.
- Predisposing factor 2.
- Cause(s) - Mechanism of Injury
- Cause 1.
- Cause 2.
- Presentation
- Signs and Symptoms
- Sign 1.
- Sign 2.
- Symptom 1.
- Symptom 2.
- Examination and evaluation procedure
- Palpation
- Palpate 1.
- Palpate 2.
- Range of Motion
- ROM 1.
- ROM 2.
- Muscle test
- MMT 1.
- MMT 2.
- Reflexes
- DTR 1.
- DTR 2.
- Ligamentous stress tests
- Test 1.
- Test 2.
- Joint instability tests
- Test 1.
- Test 2.
- Internal derangement test
- Test 1.
- Test 2.
- Classification (if applicable)
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- Reduction procedure(s) (if applicable)
- Procedure 1.
- Procedure 2.
- Referral/Diagnostic Procedure
- Procedure 1.
- Procedure 2.
- Treatment and Management
- Treatment/management 1.
- Treatment/management 2.
- Special emergency considerations (if applicable)
- Consideration 1.
- Consideration 2.
- Rehabilitation
- Exercise 1.
- Exercise 2.
- Protection & Other Return to Competition Factors
- Protection 1.
- Protection 2.