Head and Face

  1. Bones
  2. Cranium(Skull)
  3. Occiput
  4. external occipital protuberance
  5. orbital process
  6. condyloid process
  7. Parietal
  8. Landmark 1.
  9. Landmark 1.
  10. Temporal
  11. Mastoid Process
  12. landmark 1.
  13. Frontal
  14. Landmark 1.
  15. Landmark 1.
  16. Nasal
  17. Middle nasal concha
  18. Inferior nasal concha.
  19. Septum
  20. Landmark 1.
  21. Maxilla
  22. Landmark 1.
  23. Landmark 1.
  24. Landmark 1.
  25. Mandible
  26. Mandibular condyle
  27. Mandibular notch
  28. Condylar process of mandible
  29. Coronoid process of mandible
  30. Angle of mandible
  31. Landmark 1
  32. Zygomatic
  33. Zygomatic arch
  34. Zygomatic process
  35. .
  36. Landmark 1.
  37. Sphenoid
  38. Sphenoid process.
  39. Vomer
  40. Ethmoid
  41. .peripendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
  42. orbital plate of the ethmoid bone
  43. middle nasal concha of the ethmoid bone
  44. Landmark 1.
  45. Lacrimal
  46. Palatine
  47. Landmark 1.
  48. Landmark 1.
  49. Landmark 2.
  50. Joints - Articulations
  51. Joint name 1. (common name) (classification)
  52. Ligament 1. (function)
  53. Ligament 2. (function)
  54. Bundle 1. (if applicable)
  55. Bundle 2. (if applicable)
  56. Joint name 2. (common name) (classification)
  57. Ligament 1. (function)
  58. Ligament 2. (function)
  59. Bundle 1. (if applicable)
  60. Bundle 2. (if applicable)
  61. Other special joint structure 1. (if applicable)
  62. Other special joint structure 2. (if applicable)
  63. Eye
  64. Superior Rectus. (common name) (innervation)
  65. Moves pupil upward
  66. Tendons
  67. Inferior rectus. (common name) (innervation)
  68. moves pupil downward
  69. Tendons
  70. Medial rectus

1.moves pupil medially


  1. Lateral rectus

1.Moves pupil laterally


  1. Superior Oblique
  2. moves pupil downward and laterally
  3. Inferior Oblique
  4. moves pupil upward and laterally
  5. Levator palpebrae Superioris
  6. Elevates eyelids
  1. Muscle group 2.
  2. Muscle 1. (common name) (innervation)
  3. Function or action
  4. Tendons
  5. Muscle 2. (common name) (innervation)
  6. Function or action
  7. Tendons
  8. Nerves
  9. Cervical. (Spinal level)
  10. Atlas
  11. Axis
  12. Thorasic (Spinal level)
  13. Lumbar
  14. Sacral
  15. Coccygeal
  16. Ulnar
  17. Radial
  18. Femoral
  19. Sciatic
  20. Cranial
  21. Bursae
  22. Bursa 1.
  23. Bursa 2.
  24. Other related anatomical structures


  1. Injury 1.
  2. Predisposing factors such as posture, alignment, age, gender, somatotype
  3. Predisposing factor 1.
  4. Predisposing factor 2.
  5. Cause(s) - Mechanism of Injury
  6. Cause 1.
  7. Cause 2.
  8. Presentation
  9. Signs and Symptoms
  10. Sign 1.
  11. Sign 2.
  12. Symptom 1.
  13. Symptom 2.
  14. Examination and evaluation procedure
  15. Palpation
  16. Palpate 1.
  17. Palpate 2.
  18. Range of Motion
  19. ROM 1.
  20. ROM 2.
  21. Muscle test
  22. MMT 1.
  23. MMT 2.
  24. Reflexes
  25. DTR 1.
  26. DTR 2.
  27. Ligamentous stress tests
  28. Test 1.
  29. Test 2.
  30. Joint instability tests
  31. Test 1.
  32. Test 2.
  33. Internal derangement test
  34. Test 1.
  35. Test 2.
  36. Classification (if applicable)
  37. 1.
  38. 2.
  39. 3.
  40. Reduction procedure(s) (if applicable)
  41. Procedure 1.
  42. Procedure 2.
  43. Referral/Diagnostic Procedure
  44. Procedure 1.
  45. Procedure 2.
  46. Treatment and Management
  47. Treatment/management 1.
  48. Treatment/management 2.
  49. Special emergency considerations (if applicable)
  50. Consideration 1.
  51. Consideration 2.
  52. Rehabilitation
  53. Exercise 1.
  54. Exercise 2.
  55. Protection & Other Return to Competition Factors
  56. Protection 1.
  57. Protection 2.
  58. Injury 2.
  59. Predisposing factors such as posture, alignment, age, gender, somatotype
  60. Predisposing factor 1.
  61. Predisposing factor 2.
  62. Cause(s) - Mechanism of Injury
  63. Cause 1.
  64. Cause 2.
  65. Presentation
  66. Signs and Symptoms
  67. Sign 1.
  68. Sign 2.
  69. Symptom 1.
  70. Symptom 2.
  71. Examination and evaluation procedure
  72. Palpation
  73. Palpate 1.
  74. Palpate 2.
  75. Range of Motion
  76. ROM 1.
  77. ROM 2.
  78. Muscle test
  79. MMT 1.
  80. MMT 2.
  81. Reflexes
  82. DTR 1.
  83. DTR 2.
  84. Ligamentous stress tests
  85. Test 1.
  86. Test 2.
  87. Joint instability tests
  88. Test 1.
  89. Test 2.
  90. Internal derangement test
  91. Test 1.
  92. Test 2.
  93. Classification (if applicable)
  94. 1.
  95. 2.
  96. 3.
  97. Reduction procedure(s) (if applicable)
  98. Procedure 1.
  99. Procedure 2.
  100. Referral/Diagnostic Procedure
  101. Procedure 1.
  102. Procedure 2.
  103. Treatment and Management
  104. Treatment/management 1.
  105. Treatment/management 2.
  106. Special emergency considerations (if applicable)
  107. Consideration 1.
  108. Consideration 2.
  109. Rehabilitation
  110. Exercise 1.
  111. Exercise 2.
  112. Protection & Other Return to Competition Factors
  113. Protection 1.
  114. Protection 2.