Weight/Muscle Gain Fitness Programming Week #1

Workout #1

Warm Up: (


-Barbell Bench Press; 6 sets of 3 reps (6 X 3) @ 85% of 1RM; rest 2 min between sets

-Bent Over Dumbbell Rows; 6 x 3 @ 85% of 1RM (estimate if you do not know/Keep back straight and about 45 degrees bent from straight-up vertical position) same rest sequence as above

Rest 5 min

Work #2:

-Dumbbell Bicep Curls 3 X 10; rest 2 Minutes between sets

-Dip; Max Repetition X 3 Sets

Work #3:

10 Min AMRAP (Not For Time)

-8 Burpees

-12 Air Squats

-16 Walking Lunges w/ 25# Dumbbell in each hand (each step counts as 1)


Workout #2

Warm Up: (


-Strict Shoulder Press 6 X 3 @ 85% of 1RM; rest 2 min between sets

-Back Extensions 6 X 12

Work #2:

-50 Strict Pull Ups


Workout #3

Warm Up: (


-Deadlift 6 X 3 @ 85% of 1RM; rest 2 min between sets

Work #2:

4 Rounds (For Time)

-30 Squats

-25 Sit Ups

-20 Push Ups

-15 Burpees


Workout #4

Warm Up: (


-Front Squat65% of 1RM x 5, 4 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 2 @ 95% x 2, 3 @ 85%

-Power Clean 6 X 3 @ 85% of 1RM;

Work #2:

10-8-6-4-2 (For Time)

-24" Box Jump

-Push up (however necessary)

Cool Down:

2 K Row Recovery Row (about 10 minutes)


Weight/Muscle Gain Fitness Programming Week #2

Workout #1

Warm Up: (


-Dumbbell Bench Press; 8 X 2 @ 90% of 1RM, rest 3 min rest between sets.

-15 Sit Ups (after each set of Dumbbell Bench Press)

Work #2:

20 Minutes Every Minute on the Minute

-5 Clapping Push Ups


Workout #2

Warm Up: (


-Back Squat; 7 X 2 @ 90% of 1RM, rest 3 min rest between sets

-:45 Plank (after each set of Back Squat)

Work #2:


-8 Power Cleans @ 75% of 1RM

-8 Box Jumps @ 20"


Workout #3

Warm Up: (


-Deadlift; 7 X 2 @ 90% of 1RM, rest 3 min rest between sets

-15 Air Squats (after each set of Deadlifts)

Work #2:

21-15-9 (Not For Time)

-Hang Power Cleans @ 75% of 1RM

-Kettlebell Swings @ 53#'s


Workout #4

Warm Up: (


-Front Squat 7 X 2 @ 90% of 1RM, rest 3 minutes between sets

-Push Press 7 X 2 @ 90% of 1RM, rest 3 minutes between sets

Work #2

6 Rounds of Cindy (Not For Time)

-5 Pull Ups

-10 Push Ups

-15 Air Squats


Workout #5

Warm Up: (


-800 M Run @ 80% MEP

Rest 4 minutes

-400 M Run @ 90% MEP

Rest 4 minutes

-200 M Run @ 100% MEP

Rest 4 minutes

-400 M Run @ 90% MEP

Rest 4 minutes

-800 M Run @ 80% MEP

Rest 4 minutes

Cool Down:

600 M Run/Jog/Brisk Walk @ 55-60% MEP


Weight/Muscle Gain Fitness Programming Week #3

Workout #1

Warm Up: (


Take 25 minutes to build to 1RM Back Squat;

Rest 8 Minutes:

Work #2:

8 Minutes Time Clock;

As Many Reps As Possible of 85% of just accomplished 1RM Back Squat

Rest 5 Minutes:

Work #3

-200 Sit Ups (For Time)


Workout #2

Warm Up: (


10 Min EMOM

-Power Clean; 2 @ 90% of 1RM

Rest 2 Minutes:

Work #2:

5 Minute Running Clock

-Strict Pull Ups (as many as possible in 5 minutes)

Rest 5 Minutes:

Work #3

5 Rounds (Not For Time)

-200 M Run

-10 Burpees


Workout #3

Warm Up: (


Take 25 minutes to build to 1RM Deadlift

Rest 8 Minutes:

Work #2:

8 Minutes Time Clock;

As Many Reps As Possible of 85% of just accomplished 1RM Power Clean

Rest 5 Minutes:

Work #3

3 Rounds (Not For Time)

-300 M Row

-40 Sit Ups


Workout #4

Warm Up: (


Take 25 Minutes to find 1RM Strict Shoulder Press

Rest 8 Minutes:

Work #2:

8 Minutes Time Clock;

As Many Reps As Possible of 85% of just accomplished 1RM Strict Shoulder Press

Rest 5 Minutes:

Work #3:

-Dumbbell Bicep Curls 3 X 10; rest 2 Minutes between sets

-Dip; Max Repetition X 3 Sets


Workout #5

Warm Up: (


-Close Grip Bench Press 7 X 3 @ 85% of 1RM

Rest 5 Minutes:

Work #2:

10 Min AMRAP

-7 x Strict Pull Ups

-7 x 95# Back Squats

-7 x 135# Bench Press


Weight/Muscle Gain Fitness Programming Work #4

Workout #1

Warm Up: (


Alternate between sets from one to the other; 2 min rest between

-Bench Press 6 X 3 @ 85% of 1RM

- Weighted Strict Pull Ups 5 x 5 @ 25#'s

Work #2:

3 Rounds; rest 2 min between each round

-10 Pull Ups

-15 Burpees

-20 Sit Ups


Workout #2

Warm Up: (


10 Minute EMOM

-Front Squat X 2 @ 90% of 1RM

Rest 2 Minute:

Work #2:

10 Minute EMOM

-Strict Press X 2 @ 90% of 1RM


Workout #3

Warm Up: (


30 Min EMOM

-2 Powercleans @ 85% of 1RM


Workout #4

Warm Up: (


10 Minute EMOM

-Deadlift X 2 @ 90% of 1RM

Work #2:

-75 Pull Ups (Not For Time)

Work #3:

-75 Sit Ups (Not For Time)



SI= Short Interval

LI= Long Interval

m= Meter

M= Mile

y= Yards

'= Feet
@bodyweight= load your body weight to the bar

BW= body weight Load your body weight to the bar

m/y= Meters or Yards

10"= 10 second rest

90”= 90 second rest

C2= Concept 2 Rower

TT= Time Trial= A measurement of maximum work capacity/power output over a set amount of time or distance. The time trial is often called therace of truth. It is done alone and should be re-tested under similar conditions and the same distance/time.

Tempo= Reduced but consistent pace for time or distance. 100% is all out effort, 90% is a 10% pulled back effort. Range between 85% to 95%.

RPE= Rate of perceived exertion , See RPE scale below.

Tabata= 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, maximal effort.

On the Minute= Start each set at the beginning of a new minute.

On :45 seconds= You have 45 seconds to perform the distance & rest. You start each set on :45 second interval.

Deviation Window: Sports will list a deviation window with the phrase, "Hold within," (for example, 2-3 seconds or 3-5 seconds). All efforts for that particular sport should be kept within this range to work on pacing.

Hold within 2-3 seconds:The difference between your fastest repeat and slowest repeat should be 3 seconds at most. You are looking to repeat the same times with a small, if any, deviation in times. This teaches pacing.

Fouls= To be done at end of workout. If you foul more then once, you get 2 min. recoveries before you need to start new foul(s).

AMRAP= As Many Rounds As Possible

AFAP= As Fast As Possible
Rx= as prescribed

"Unbroken"= if you come off the bar, you start that element again until completion

Strength and Conditioning WODS

#= lbs

Pood= A Russian unit of weight equivalent to about 16.4 kilograms (36.1 pounds) 1 pood, 1.5 pood, 2 pood are common

Accommodating Resistance= Use of bands and/ or chains

OHS= Overhead Squat

Liftsare listed as number of sets then reps. Ex. 3x5, meaning 3 sets of 5 reps.

1RM= 1 rep max

% percentageof weightwill be listed for personal and individual strength programming.

ME= Max Effort= Typically working to a 2 rep max for 5 sets but not limited to that example. If 1RM PR is there take it, if not don't.

DE= Dynamic Effort= Typically taking 50-70% of 1RM for that exercise and moving through exercise with maximal speed (controlled!). Usually 2-3 reps on 90sec - 30sec interval

Ground to Overhead= The weight starts on the ground and you get it overhead, however you like. Could be either a snatch, a clean and push-press, or a clean and jerk.

"Double Up"=Up and back only touching a toe to the ground before ascend


14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200

Scottsdale, AZ 85260