1. Begin and end each training session with 5-10 minutes of stretching.
2. As students learn the stretches, encourage them to lead the group.
3. Stretching is a good time for coaches to talk to the students about:
-properrunning form
-correct clothing and shoes to wear
- importance of proper nutrition and hydration
- any program announcements
4. During stretching, it is also a good time for Rhett Reps to present the Rhett Connection for the week or any lesson they are teaching that week.
- Prone Stretch:
Lay on back and reach hands back while toes point straight
- Straddle Stretch:
Sit with legs open, touch hands to middle, bend at waist
- Quad Stretch:
Balance on one leg and, with hand on other leg, pull ankle back toward body
- Scorpion Stretch:
Lay face down and extend arms keeping waist on ground
- Arm Circles:
Standing, swing both arms backwards in a circular motion. Then swing both arms forward.
- Butterfly Stretch:
Sitdown, pull both feet together at center line of body
- Hamstring Stretch:
Standing, put oneleg out 1 foot and reach for toes
- Standing Stretch:
Standing, try to touch fingers to ground without bending knees
- Side Stretch:
Feet spread apart, reach one arm up and over, hold for count of ten, repeat with other arm
- Pike Stretch:
Sitting on ground with legs together, straight in front. Grab toes and try to touch chest to legs. Hold to count of 10.
1. After stretching, students should spend 5-10 minutes doing dynamic warm ups.
2. Find a suitable area as students will need room to move. Many of these exercises require forward/backward movement.
2. Choose 5-6 to complete each session. Students like to try new things so vary which ones you use during each session.
SUGGESTED DYNAMIC WARM UPS: (5-10 Minutes, 5-6 activities)
Click hereto view a video demonstration of some of the exercises below.
- Fast Feet
- Jumping Jacks
- High Knees in place
- Lunges
- Squats
- Push Ups
- High Knees (2 x 25 yards)
- Karaoke/grapevines
- Walking Lunges
- High Knee Skips
- Side shuffle
- Backward Pedal/front Sprint
- Bootie Kickers
1. Coaches are encouraged to use one of their weekly training days to run stations.
2. Students should rotate through all stations the coach selects. Depending on the size of your group, 4-8 different stations should be set up.
3. Activity should last 15-20 minutes.
4. Pick 1-2 activities from each area below.
SUGGESTED STATION ACTIVITES:(15-20 minutes, 1-2 activities from each area)
Upper Body Strength- Push Ups
- Triceps’ Plank
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank Jacks
- Burpees
- Ski Jump
- Tuck Jumps
- Squats
- Lunges (each leg)
- Basketball Jumps
- Calf Raises
- Skater Plyos
- Sprints
- Baseball Sprints
- Jump Ropes
- Burpees
- Side Shuffle
- Figure 8 Fast Feet
- Hopscotch/Agility Ladders
- Ring Leaps
- Hurdles
- Plank
- Forearm Plank
- Leg Scissors
- Bicycle Sit-ups
- V-Ups
- Ball Weave
- Knee-Elbow Cross (with kick)
- Partner Plank Hand Slaps
Here is a suggestion for how to organize stations.