Teacher: Sean Field Personal Fitness Unit Plan

Objective(s): Weight Training1 (Strength Training) To introduce and develop an understanding of the concepts and skills needed to enhance strength development in a safe environment and understand the benefits of fitness training.

Exercises students will learn in this Unit (Class learns half the exercises the first day and the rest on class #2):

1.  Ab Crunch

2.  Arm Curl Machine

3.  Seated Bench Press Machine

4.  Leg Extension Machine

5.  Bent Over Rows

6.  Overhead Tricep Press

7.  Military DB Press

8.  Barbell Squat

9.  Bicep Cable Machine

10.  Pull ups

11.  Arm Curl

12.  Bench Press with Bar

13.  Dumb bell lunges

14.  Shoulder shrug

15.  Tricep Extension Machine

16.  Lat pull down

17.  Military press

18.  Leg press

19.  Cable pull down

20.  Bicep DB Curls

21.  Tricep Kickbacks

22.  Lunges

23.  DB Shoulder Raises

24.  DB Bench Press

25.  Overhead Tricep Press


·  Students must know basic health terms relating to personal fitness


·  Good Sportsmanship includes following rules of play and being responsible for yourself and the safety of others

·  Health and wellness can be increased by participation in life time physical activities

·  Proper technique keeps exercises safe and effective


·  Complete workout chart, Discuss importance of a healthy lifestyle

Pre assessment: SWBAT demonstrate a variety of exercise motions relating to Personal Fitness

Post assessment: SWBAT explain the importance of exercise on the body and mind, define a variety of exercises relating to fitness, perform several exercises that are related to fitness, and ability to explain the importance of living a healthy style.

Warm up: All activities for this unit begin with a warm up which will use all three components listed below;

·  Series of static stretches

·  Dynamic circuit

·  Cardiovascular exercise- 10 minutes

Heart rate: is the number of times the heart beats per minute (BPM)

Heart rate is measured by counting the number of times your heart beats in one minute. The two most common locations used to take a pulse are at the radial artery in the wrist and the carotid artery in the neck.

Pulse: is the beat of the heart that can be felt in any artery the lies close to the skin

Measuring the radial pulse: Place the tips of the index and second fingers of one hand on the inside wrist of the other hand. Position the fingers just below the base of the thumb to take the radial pulse at the wrist

Measuring the carotid pulse: Place the tips of the index and second fingers on one hand on the side of the neck just beside the windpipe

Resting Heart-60-100 beats per minute

220-(Age)=Max Heart Rate

Exercise Heart Rate (After 10 minutes of cardio exercise) 220-(Age X.60)=Range student should fall under- 60-80%

You gain the most benefits and lessen the risks when your exercise is in your ''target heart rate zone.'' Usually this is when your exercise heart rate (pulse) is 60%-80% of your maximum heart rate.

Exercise Pulse Rate: ______(beats in 10 secs) X 6=______(pulses/minute)

Subject: Personal Fitness
Lesson: 1 / Location: Weight Room
Materials Needed: Ipad, Workout sheet, Number sheets
1.  Discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle (Power point presentation)
2.  Show students how to find their resting heart rate
3.  Explain 12 exercises to students
4.  Have students get into groups of 3
5.  Students begin at a machine; At the end of 30 seconds they switch with their partner; After 3x sets students move to the next numbered machine or bench
6.  Students will complete a circuit of full body exercises
7.  Student A – logs workout information, Student B-Completes the exercise, Student C-Spotting student B
8.  Have students check heart rate after circuit is completed
a.  Essential questions: What was your resting heart rate?
b.  What is your heart rate now?
c.  What does the increased heart rate tell you about yourself and how is this important to your health?
9.  Have students discuss and log information regarding their workout
Lesson: 2 / Location: Weight Room
Materials Needed: I pad, Nike Boom
Learning Goal: SWBAT describe what circuit training is
1.  Review short power point and discuss what Interval Training is
2.  Students will complete their 10 minutes of cardio using interval training (2min=30%, 1min=75%, 2min=30%, 1min=75% etc)
3.  Next students will work in groups of 3 at a machine
4.  At the end of 30 seconds the students hear a whistle, this is their que to switch (Student A=Machine, Student B=jumping jacks 40%, Student=rest period)
5.  At the end of three sets, Students move to the next numbered machine or bench
6.  Have students discuss and log information regarding their workout
Lesson: 3 / Location: Weight Room
Materials Needed: I pad, Workout sheet, Number sheets
1.  Have students get into groups of 3
2.  Have students take their resting heart rate
3.  Students begin at a machine; At the end of 30 seconds, students move to the next numbered machine or bench
4.  Students will complete a circuit of full body exercises
5.  Student A – logs workout information, Student B-Completes the exercise, Student C-Spotting student B
6.  Students will take post workout heart rate
7.  Have students discuss and log information regarding their workout
Lesson: 4 / Location: Weight Room
Materials Needed: I pad, Workout sheet, Number sheets
1.  Have students get into groups of 3
2.  Students will take resting heart rate prior to workout
3.  Students begin at a machine; At the end of 30 seconds, students move to the next numbered machine or bench
4.  Students will complete a circuit of full body exercises
5.  Student A – logs workout information, Student B-Completes the exercise, Student C-Spotting student B
6.  Students will take post workout heart rate
7.  Have students discuss and log information regarding their workout
Lesson: 5 / Location: Weight Room
Materials Needed: I pad, Workout sheet, Number sheets
1.  Have students get into groups of 3
2.  Students will take resting heart rate prior to workout
3.  Students begin at a machine; At the end of 30 seconds, students move to the next numbered machine or bench
4.  Students will complete a circuit of full body exercises
5.  Student A – logs workout information, Student B-Completes the exercise, Student C-Spotting student B
6.  Students will take post workout heart rate
7.  Have students discuss and log information regarding their workout
Lesson: 6 / Location: Weight Room
Materials Needed: Ipad, Workout sheet, Number sheets
1.  Students get into their groups
2.  Students will take resting heart rate prior to workout
3.  Students begin at a machine; At the end of 30 seconds, students move to the next numbered machine or bench
4.  Students will complete a circuit of full body exercises
5.  Student A – logs workout information, Student B-Completes the exercise, Student C-Spotting student B
6.  Students will take post workout heart rate
7.  Have students discuss and log information regarding their workout
8.  Review of unit/ explanation of upcoming unit