Weekly Devotional Thoughts

Have you noticed we make life so much more difficult than it needs to be? When we should be listening, we are talking. When we should be seeking guidance, we are already executing our plans. We go it alone when help is at our fingertips. We worry when worrying will not change anything.

As Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure, He let them know God had more in store for them. John 16:7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocatewill not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you”.

The Holy Spirit is our supporter, comforter, intercessor, and counselor. The Holy Spirit comforts the saved, convicts the guilty, intercedes on our behalf, and directs us to the truth. Yet as typical with most of the gifts from God, we underutilize them.

You may have already experienced the Holy Spirit in your life. Have you ever felt remorse or been convicted for something you have done or left undone? Ever had an insight into a new truth that you were certain was not there previously? If you have then you may have experienced the Holy Spirit.

Actively seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your life. Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you;seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. God will nudge and gently urge you to follow Him but the choice is always yours to make. Listen to those urgings. If you are, unsure if this is God or not ask yourself a simple question. Is the decision you are about to make going to glorify God or yourself?

Life is difficult enough we do not need to make it more so by trying to go it alone. Simplify life, open your hearts and minds to God, and follow His lead.


Pastor Brian