Preschool News

Week of March 11, 2013 through March 15, 2013

Monthly Theme: Community Helpers

School Theme: Cool the Earth and Teamwork

Important Information

·  At Town Center School we are participating in the Cool the Earth activities that are taking place around the school. Please make sure to continue to check your child’s backpack each day for information and activities to do at home and school.

·  Next Thursday night you will be able to come visit the school and see all of our hard work we have been doing as a team!

·  When you look in your child’s folder please empty the contents so more papers can fit.

Books for the Week

·  Monday-Firehouse! By Mark Teague

·  Tuesday-Firebears-The Rescue Team by Rhonda Gowler Greene

·  Wednesday-Emergency-Call 911 by Teddy Slater

·  Thursday-ABC Drive! By Naomi Howland

·  Friday-

o  AM-Social Skills Story

o  PM-Show and Tell for letter “K”


The morning class will be working on the number 8 and learning all about the Cool the Earth program. We will also be talking about Community Helpers and we will learn about the following this week: Fire Fighter, Police Officer, and Librarian. We are teaching the students about Stop, Drop, and Roll and calling 911 in an emergency. Mrs. Shakin will be in on Wednesday!

Community Helper Song (Tune: Farmer In the Dell)

The ______(community helper) helps us ______(their job)

The ______(community helper) helps us ______(their job)

Hey, ho, what do you know?

The ______(community helper) helps us ______(their job)

For example if the Community Helper is a teacher

The teacher helps us learn

The teacher helps us learn

Hey, ho, what do you know?

The teacher helps us learn


The afternoon class will be working on the letter “K” (big line, little line, little line) and learning all about the Cool the Earth program. We will have an assembly to learn more on Monday afternoon. We will also be talking about Community Helpers and we will learn about the following this week: Fire Fighter, Police Officer, and Librarian. We are teaching the students about Stop, Drop, and Roll and calling 911 in an emergency. Friday is Show and Tell!