Excerpts from Jeremiah 30:1-11: “The word that came to Yirmeyahu from Yahuweh saying…`For look! The days are coming,’ says Yahuweh, `when I shall turn back the captivity of My people Yisra’el and Yehudah,’ declares Yahuweh, `and I shall bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers and let them possess it…Oh! For great is that day--there is none like it. It is the time of Ya’cob’s troubles, but he shall be saved out of it. And it shall be in that day,’ declares Yahuweh of hosts, `that I will break his yoke from your neck and tear off your bonds, and foreigners no longer enslave them. And they shall serve Yahuweh their Elohim and David their sovereign, whom I raise up for them. And you, do not fear, O Ya’cob, my servant,’ declares Yahuweh, `nor be discouraged O Israel. For look! I am saving you from afar, and your seed from the land of your captivity. And Ya’cob shall return and have rest and be at ease, with no one to trouble him! For I am with you’ declares Yahuweh, `to save you.’ `Though I make a complete end of all gentiles where I have scattered you, yet I do not make a complete end of you. But, I shall reprove you in judgment, and by no means leave you unpunished.’ ”

Who is the “his” of “his yoke?” From the context, it is Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Who is the king of end-time Babylon in 2014? What is he doing right now to conquer Jerusalem and scatter Elohim’s people out of their homes?

This is the year that begins severe separation between those who are pure of heart, set-apart, obedient, and perfect of spirit towards Yahuweh, from those who have fallen into apathy, dullness, or even deep-seated rebellion and self-centeredness while maintaining a façade of morality and religious belief. All that is hidden will come to light!

If you do not press forward with all your might now, you will be driven back by the strong forces guiding the nearing tribulation--the time of the threshing and winnowing of Yahuweh’s people.Weak-willed people will not survive.

As I wrote in “Is Yahuweh’s Spirit Leaving the Earth”/April 7, 2013, the time of massive apostasy is at hand. Those who religiously choose to submit to teachers who do not know Him are already entangled in a web of deception and falsehood that few will break free of. Those who know Yahuweh personally and are flowing in His perfect timing, “the wise virgins,” are abiding deeper and deeper in His Presence, going forth to obey Him, and finding His direction to be quite clear. Yahuweh, the Spirit, is withdrawing from all those who are not moving on with Him, not abiding deep in Him--those who do not fear Him, but who continue on with their own self-reasoned agenda. Yes, this includes religious Torah-guarders too, as Isaiah 1 so strongly says. He is increasing His Presence with those who are clinging to Him with all their heart, who seek His face, who are entering into Him as their only refuge. It is not what you know--your intellectual knowledge ABOUT “God” and the Scriptures, or what you practice in your religion, but WHO YOU KNOW that matters now! Do you know Him? As important: Does He know you? Do you trust Him? As important: Does He trust you?

Since September 12, 2007, I have been teaching a lot on the final 3 sets of 7-year cycles before Messiah comes. I want to really try to nail this down for you. Go back and re-read “The Shmittah Year Prophecy,” “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition,” and “The September 12, 2007 Report from Jerusalem.” (2007) These articles will give you some bedrockfor understanding what I say in this article.I won’t repeat why we are in the last of the three cycles because you can read that for yourself in those articles, and in many articles after 2007. But, I found, and am finding more, that I am not only not alone, but am joined by several million people in this understanding--both religious, seculars, sages from as far back as the 13th century, and those humble believers today who have heard from Yahuweh. I will try to keep this information as simple as possible, but I urge you always, as in all my writings, to go to the Scriptures (from Genesis to Revelation) on every subject and ask the Spirit (Yahuweh) to be your Teacher. He is the only one who can reveal His understanding to you personally. I write in general; He is individually personal!

Two days ago, a friend sent me a list of prophecies from ancient rabbis and sages, going back as far as the 13th century, who predict and prophesy of our day. While their words may seem garbled in places, much of it is crystal clear, and there are statements made that match what is happening now exactly. A little of it sounds like midrash speculation, but we can set that aside unto we see for ourselves. In what I have read by historically highly respected Orthodox sages and scholars, from hundreds of years ago to modern times, I find that, for the most part, they all interlock in their understanding, along with today’s Orthodox Jewish end-time teachers, and current events.

They seem to understand timing incredibly well, for example that the Shmittah year (Leviticus 25) of 2008 (beginning the eve of Yom Teruah September 12, 2007, Tishre 1), began the last 7-year cycle before Messiah comes. Hundreds of years ago Jewish sages, calculating the seven-year cycles of timing from the entrance of Joshua and the tribes of Israel into the land, found that there were 3 final cycles. They even prophesied of the second one’s significance in detail. Chaim Richmond, head of the Temple Institute, was very excited all during 2007, and all Orthodox Jews, for they knew that the end of Ephraim’s 2,730 year exile was over, and that Messiah was soon to come at the end of the next Shmittah year--the year of the Yobel (Jubilee) – Leviticus 25. Tamar Yonah of Arutz Sheva (israelnationalnews.com) has interviewed several present-day Jews who are studying the Word and seeking His timing. They appear to all be “on the same page.” They know that we are in the final 7-year cycle before the coming of Messiah ben David. I learned this first hand at Sukkot, Tishre 15-22 2007 Gregorian, 2008 Yahuweh’s Creation calendar.

In reading the prophecies of ancient sages that were sent to me two days ago, I began a search of these prophecies on the internet. Below, in Appendix A, Igive you the prophets and prophecies.

Messiah set timing for His return in Hebrew code language. By saying “no one knows the day and hour,” He was telling His disciples (taught ones) that He was returning on a Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, sometime in the future. Sha’ul, in I Thessalonians 5, tells true believers that they are children of light, not of the darkness, therefore they will know the times and seasons. Messiah warns of being deceived by false prophets regarding the timing of His return. (Matthew 24) He is not hiding the timing of His return! He is only shrouding it from those who don’t need to know it. Those today who are speculators, giving opinions, using Scripture taken out of context, are a dime a dozen. Messiah only hides things from the “multitudes” that use information for their own personal gain, using sensationalism, and fear tactics. Avoid these! They are a waste of time! In Matthew 13:10-17, quoting Isaiah 6, Messiah says that His inside information is only given to a very few, so that they might be prepared – never to the multitudes who are like trampling pigs and tearing dogs.

Today, the richness of what He is sharing with His set-apart ones has been openly shared by His watchman in order to wake people up, yet those of the “multitude” status have treated it as if it were nothing to be concerned about. Thus, they trample it underfoot, while the intellectual and proud religious people tear His truth apart like dogs.

So, what is precious and meant for “the wise virgins” is being removed, for the wise know His timing and have prepared.Daniel 12:10: “The wise shall understand.”

What is so amazing to me--mindboggling actually--is that all of these ancient sages, and present-day Orthodox Jews who are tuned into prophetic reality, know that each of the final 3 cycles were from Shmittah year (the 7th year of each 7-year cycle) to the next Shmittah year, and that the Shmittah year of 2007/going into 2008 Tishre 1, Yom Teruah on the Creator’s calendar, marked the beginning of the final cycle.

All of 2008 was a Shmittah year, all of 2015 on His Tishre calendar is a Shmittah year. Creation-timing for the world, and prophetically for His people, determining the Shmittah years and Jubilees, goes from Tishre 1 to Tishre 1. The Festival calendar, which Yahuweh instituted in Exodus 12:2 is “for you,” His Torah-guarding people, to determine the Festivals from Passover through Sukkot. On this calendar Tishre is the 7th month. On this day in the near future, Messiah will return at the sighting of the new moon.

How important is the guarding of the 7th year of each cycle, the year of land rest--the Shmittah? Jeremiah 34:8-22 and II Chronicles 36:20-21tell us that the Jewish people (House of Judah) along with a small remnant of all the House of Ephraim (northern 10 tribes), were sent into Babylon for 70 years because they failed to honor the Shmittah years for 490 years. He can only protect those that fear Him and guard His commandments! (Psalm 103:11-18; Malachi 3:16-4:4, etc.)

There is no specific timing-period given for the coming of Messiah in the Tenach. It was Messiah Yahushua who gave us the clue of the time-period of His return. However, in the prophecy of one famous sage of the 13th century, he indicates that Messiah will return sometime in 2016, before 2017. Some, as in Drewy Bruton’s Daniel’s Timeline, emphasize His coming in 2017, based on the beginning of the nation of Israel, November 29, 1947-2017 (70 years). One ancient Jewish sage even gave a time-line chart showing the Turks rule for 50 years, Israel’s dominance for 50 years, and the coming of Messiah 50 years after that--sighting 1917, 1967, and 2017.

Below, I include also part of a transcript from a Tamar Yonah show (2009), in which she details the prophecy from the 13th century, saying that just before the coming of Messiah ben David (2014-2015) Saudi Arabia will make an alliance with Israel over its fear of Persia (Iran). Dear friends, this is happening! Does that send chills up your spine? [See Appendix A below…]

Breaking News World, January 2014:Is the Israel-Saudi Arabia alliance planning Military strike on Iran?

Israel, Saudi Arabia cooperating to plan possible Iran attack

Saudis would allow Israel use of air space and provide drones, rescue helicopters and tanker planes, report says.By Haaretz|Nov. 17, 2013

January 2014: Breaking News: Is Israel and the deep pockets of Saudi Arabia planning Military strike on Iran?

The question asked on You Tube UK news, January 2014: “Is Israel shooting itself in the foot by aligning with a nation who supports its enemies.”

Saudi Arabia has also come out in support of the Palestinian cause! As you will read in the prophecies of sages (Appendix A), it is emphasized that Persia (modern-day Iran) will destroy the world. Of course, Iran by itself will not destroy the world. It says that Iran will destroy the Western nations. Of course, Iran cannot destroy the western nations. HOWEVER, ancient Persia/modern-day Iran is not working alone! They are backed by Russia, China, North Korea, and many Muslim nations. Look at the line up in Ezekiel 38:5. The leading nation, behind Russia, is Iran.

Who has been supplying the nuclear weapons to Iran, as well as teaching them to make their own? -- Russia, China, and North Korea! So, in the light of today’s news, these ancient prophecies are beginning to look more accurate by the day!
What has also been mind-boggling to me is that from March of 2007, as I began studying and writing on Abba’s timing, I found so many others on this same time frequency. I learned of the United Nations setting the completion of their goal for world rule at 2015. I learned that “prophets”from Nostradamus to St. Malachi, coupled with the Vatican’s own knowledge, were all on the same time-table. Of course, the kingdom of darkness knows this time period well! I learned that the 33rd degree+ Masons, the organizations that comprise the Illuminati (the Jesuit Vatican being at the top), are all on the same time frequency: 2008-2016. I learned that physicists, astronomers, and other scientists were on the same time frequency, even quotingRevelation 8 togive proof of their findings. I saw that the History Channel ran a whole week on this time period, giving all sorts of unifying information about 2008-2016.

True, some of the sage’s prophecies are vague, some are quite clear. One sage even discusses the timing of Ya’cob’s troubles, and places the beginning of it in 2014 – the 6th year of the final seven! Because of their searching for truth, and passion to see Messiah come, Yahuweh has mercifully revealed some of what is to come, in a vague outline that matches 2008-2016.They know that Messiah ben David will come in the year of Jubilee. The year of Jubilee begins on the 10th of Tishre, at a Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Isn’t it wise to be tuned to Abba’s calendar?

While out of the U.S. recently, Abba gave me Ezekiel 24:1-2. This last year was an Adar Bet year by Abba’s ancient ways of timing. With the official sighting of the new moon from Jerusalem on January 2, 2014, we officially entered the Hebrew month of Tevet. Thus the 10th of Tevet will beJanuary 12, 2014. “On this day the king of Babylon will set his face against Jerusalem.”

Let us watch, and pray! Prayer, as I wrote in “What is Real Prayer?” is to hear from Abba. You must be hearing from Him in your spirit, to discern what is of Him and what is from your own head, or from someone else’s head! Stay “filled with the Spirit,” so that you can discern correctly! The Spirit is Yahuweh! (II Corinthians 3:17-18)

Kerry is in Israel right now, trying hard to force Israel to further break the Covenant that Yahuweh made with Abraham--for the land, and His people. He is preparing to order 85,000+ Israeli citizens out of their homes. What America is doing is horrendous!

What the Vatican is promoting in Israel, uniting with America, is beyond belief. I once again encourage you to read Guilo Meotti’s book via paperback or via Kindle, The Vatican Against Israel – J’Accuse. The truth is horrifying.

Now the news reads, as of January 5th, Pope Francis will come to “the Holy Land” in May 2014. He is already scheduled to celebrate a high Mass in Bethlehem. The Palestinians are excited to host him. He was made Time Magazine’s “man of the year.” He is being called “the world’s pope,” and “the world’s friend.” Do you understand what is transpiring quickly because now the “white” Jesuit pope and the “black” Jesuit pope are united together as one? They know the False Prophet of Revelation 13 comes from the Vatican. What is so amazing is that one of the ancient sages says that Persia (Iran) will burn the Vatican with fire. Again: Not the nation of Iran alone, but perhaps by a united nuclear strike by the might nuclear-power coalition that backs Iran. The Vatican’sleadership know well that the Vatican will be destroyed by fire soon. (Revelation 17:12-18) It is amazing that Satan’s people know what is about to happen, while the average so-called “believer” knows little to nothing. Satan knows the Word of Yahuweh! Most so-called “believers” know little to nothing of it.

For those of you who need more clarification about the Creator’s calendar, I suggest that you get the DVD “The Creator’s Calendar” from Michael Rood, in which he and Nehemia Gordon discuss it accurately. [Disclaimer: I personally do not agree with all that these men have been teaching of late, since I find some changes from their previous Scriptural teachings. But, there is much to be learned from their past teachings, which are rooted in Scripture.] Wisely discern what is true and good. Wisely separate the bones from the fish.

Yahuweh sends us teachers of His choice to learn certain things from, not to be dependent on! He also sends information via those who have no religion at all--seculars--for He uses what He wills in order to teach us, and to confirm to us what He has taught us personally from His Word. This is why we must always learn first from the Spirit (Yahuweh), and then allow Him to send confirmation as He wills. Another example: I have quoted Nathan Leal in a couple of articles, for what he said was accurate regarding these end times. But, overall, I definitely do NOT agree with his theology, for he is a strong advocate against the Torah of Yahuweh.