Week of 10-10-2016 General Notes
Truck or Treat candy donations being accepted until Thursday, Oct 24
Remember to put your child’s name on EVERYTHING.
Spelling Words: Memory Words: look your the was are for
Pattern Words: ever – never
rested-tested (ed sounds like “ed”)
jumped-bumped (ed sounds like “t”)
yelled-smelled (ed sounds like “d”)
Letter from the teacher
Now that all the kids have taken at least one AR test, they need to get into the habit of taking home a new book, reading it regularly and then bringing it back to take a test. Next Monday when the second quarter begins, they will have an “AR Goal” that they will be responsible for achieving. I URGE you to sign up to receive the AR quiz results via email. The directions for receiving the AR quiz results are posted on my school website if you misplaced the handout.
I make an effort to post everything on my school website—you can access my page at school.seastucson.org. Go to the “Parents Tab” and select “Classrooms”—you’ll be able to find my page from there. In addition to other items, I have posted a blank sheet of ice cream paper for “just in case” purposes.
We will not have school on Monday, October 24 due to Parent/Teacher conferences. The link to sign-up will be sent soon; please make sure you sign up. Since the appointments are limited to 15 minutes, come prepared with questions, comments or concerns in hand. The goal is to stay on schedule to respect everyone’s time commitments. There will be chairs in the hallway if you arrive early. Please knock and enter the classroom when it is your scheduled time, this should help us stay on schedule. We will be running on “cell phone time”—it seems that our cell phones are the only time piece that are consistent. I will be happy to make an appointment for an additional meeting if our time runs short or you are unable to meet on Monday the 24th.
Finally, remind the kids that they are not allowed to bring any toys, trinkets or Pokemon cards to school. Things tend to get lost, misplaced or damaged.
Mrs. Heese