Weekly Plan for English- Math- Science
Week from 12th Nov16 th Nov
In English speaking and listening your child will:Listen actively and engage in a variety of texts and link them to personal experiences
Listen and respond to the viewpoints of others in a discussion with evidence
Participates in simple social conversations / In English writing your child will:
Write legibly in both manuscript and cursive handwriting with appropriate spacing.
Spell an increasing number of words including high frequency\content words with accuracy.
Write a procedural text / In English reading your child will:
Analyze texts for author’s purpose, points of view and characterization
use context knowledge to understand familiar and unfamiliar texts
Read a variety of non-fiction materials independently
Shows fluency
In Science your child will:
4ES7 Explain how the Earth’s movement around the Sun is relatedto seasonal changes.
Record and organize data from observations or measurements.
Draw conclusions from patterns in data.
Make at least three suitable observations/measurements.
4ES9 Explain the importance of water as a resource. / In Math your child will:
Estimate, measure, record and
compare length using standard units (mm, cm, m).
Estimate, measure, record and
compare mass using standard units (g, kg).
4MDM4 Estimate, measure, record and compare perimeter of 2D shapes using standard units (mm, cm, m). / In Phonics your child will:
Knows an increasing number of content words
( 351-450)
recognize and use gh-ph-sc-ck consonant clusters when reading and writing
Writing / Reading / Thursday / Wednesday / Tuesday / Monday / Sunday
We are writing procedural texts
“how to” texts
(continued) / Text:
The Ultimate World Quiz / English: Guided reading groups.
HFW Test
Math: Estimate, measure, record and compare capacity using standard units (mL, L).
Science:The importance of water / English:
Connecting text to self and world
Math: Estimate, measure, record andcompare mass using standard units (g, kg).
Quiz on Seasonal Changes
STEM Activity / English:
Writing descriptive sentences to improve writing.
Math: Estimate, measure, record andcompare mass using standard units (g, kg).
Science: Explaining seasonal changes(continued) / English:
The purpose of the text.
Math:Estimate, measure, record and compare length using standard units
Science: Explaining seasonal changes / English:
Use previous knowledge to understand new text
Estimate, measure, record and compare length using standard units / Daily Work
Homework book
Page23 and 24 / Science: Homework book Page 36 / Use each HFW in a sentence and illustrate. / English : Write the spelling words 5 times each( write the previous week’s words once
Notes / Math Vocab: estimate , measure, centimeter, millimeter, meter, gram, kilogram, liter, milliliter
Science Vocab: seasons, fall, winter, spring, summer, tilt, axis / English Vocab: First, next, then, after finally / Spelling words:
questions, problems, complete, friends
easy / New Words
Respect, kindness