Week/Date: Feb29, 2016Grade/Subject: SciencePrepared by: Eaton and Ruff

Learning Goal: Students will identify and sort living and non living things, plants and animals. / Daily Objective: Students will identify parts of living things and their functions. Organize and display a lifecycle.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Plants and Animals / Unit 7
Plants and Animals / Unit 7
Plants and Animals / Unit 7
Plants and Animals / Unit 7
Plants and Animals
Bell Ringer / What are the basic needs of plants and animals? / What are the basic needs of plants and animals? / Explain the life cycle of a human. / Explain the life cycle of an animal. / Explain the life cycle of a plant.
Procedure / I Do: Identify the traits of different animal groups.
We Do: Investigate in small groups.
You Do: Share information with class. / I Do: Identify the traits of different animal groups.
We Do: Investigate in small groups.
You Do: Share information with class. / I Do: Explore the life cycle of a human.
We Do: Investigate in small groups.
You Do: Share information with class. / I Do: Explore the life cycle of an animals.
We Do: Investigate in small groups.
You Do: Share information with class. / I Do: Explore the life cycle of a plant.
We Do: Investigate in small groups.
You Do: Share information with class.
Question / How do animals adapt to different environments? / How do animals adapt to different environments? / How are living things classified? / How do living things change over time? / How do living things change over time?
Assessment / Classify animals into different groups based on their characteristics. / Classify animals into different groups based on their characteristics. / Classify animals into different groups based on their characteristics. / Classify animals into different groups based on their characteristics. / Classify animals into different groups based on their characteristics.
Materials / Computer and worksheets / Computer and worksheets. / Computer, worksheets / Computer, worksheets / Computer and worksheets.
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s.
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted/Modified Assignments
Multimedia Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction/Small group Preferential Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids/Manipulatives
Alternative Assessments Strategies, extended time / Key Vocabulary:
Living function life cycle food chain photosynthesis
Non living classify environments
Homework: Identify items at home that use magnetic forces.