2nd Grade Peek at the Month: November

Dear Families,

Happy November! In the month ahead, we will be continuing to learn and grow together. Thank you for all of your support in helping your child have a positive and productive year of learning

Reading: This month we will focus on the comprehension strategy of visualizing. Proficient readers create pictures in their mind using the 5 senses conveyed in the words of the text. We will ask ourselves, “How does visualizing help me understand the text?” We will also work on analyzing characters. During the third week of November, we will be building our fluency skills as we practice and perform the reader’s theater, Why Mosquitos Buzz in People’s Ears.

Phonics/Spelling: This month we will focus on words with long vowel digraphs (-ai in train, -ee in greet, etc.)

Writing: This month we will be working on our memorable misadventure personal narratives. Ask your child what misadventure he or she has chosen to focus on this month. These are memories that we can look back on and laugh at, even though the experiences we had may have made us feel embarrassed, sad, or helpless at the time. We look forward to taking our stories through the writing process and sharing the revised and edited versions with one another. We are hoping to use some technology to do our sharing later this month!

Math: We are working on Unit 3: Solving Story Problems and Unit 4: Triangles and Quadrilaterals. We will focus on solving story problems that involve addition and subtraction. These will include collection problems, comparison problems, or problems with extra or hidden information. Then we’ll have a short unit on the properties of quadrilaterals and triangles. In the next week, students will also be grouped by ability across second grade to work on extension activities for the last half hour of math every day. More info will be shared at conferences with you.

Science : In science we will start Unit 2: Nature of Science and Engineering. We will work on identifying and solving problems and describing why some materials are better than others for particular functions. Additionally, we will work on explaining how engineered or designed items from everyday life benefit people.

Health: After completing our science unit, we will begin a health unit on Nutrition and Human Development. This will include learning about making healthy choices that affect our bodies

Reminders: Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and has a nutritious snack every day! We look forward to seeing you at conferences on November 16th, 17th, or 19th. Online conference sign up starts this week. Look for info in the red folder.


Second Grade Teachers