Week 8 Homework, Recording, and References from the call

Recording of class:

Homework from this class:

Create a free telecall. Or use the exact process for creating a free telecall to record your mp3s for use in your CD product for sale – with no participants – just record the call using the following steps, with no participants, and you of course still have a recording you can use towards a CD product.

As promised on the call, here is a link to the teleseminar recording company I am using to record this series:

Instant Teleseminar

You can also use:


Also, here is a link to try out the wavepad mp3 editing software I personally use:


Keep in mind, with these products, I am not advocating that they are better than any other product or service, they simply happen to be the ones I personally use and am happy with.

With any of the telecall services, just set up the time for the call using the step by step instructions for that service, then call into the service with your moderator id. If you are doing a live telecall with participants, follow the directions I gave on the call, if you are just using the service to record, just call in and begin talking.

Keep in mind, in all cases, be sure your call is recording.

Here is a review of the process I gave in today’s call for setting up the telecall:

1) Create a separate list in aweber for telecall respondents.

2) Use the aweber autoresponder to send out the call in details and ask participants for questions they want answered on the call

3) At the beginning of the call (first 3-4 minutes) build rapport, ask for people to identify themselves, possibly answer a question or two

4) The next 3 – 4 minutes should be used to introduce yourself

5) Begin the process of teaching from your notes – you should have a list of 10 sub ideas which you will teach from, and your list of questions from your participants

6) If you are also using the call to generate leads to get on the phone one on one with, at about 20-25 minutes, give out an offer to the first 8 people who respond, to get on the phone one on one with you for a 20 minute free coaching or strategy call (I will teach how to do this and what to include in this in next weeks’ call).

7) For the rest of the call, continue through your list of sub topics, answering questions as necessary.

If you are using these recordings to create a CD product (and you should be), organize the topics for all the telecalls in your series, before you begin. Each telecall should cover one topic that needs to be covered in your for – sale CD product.

Also, please send any questions if something is not clear, etc.
