/ PFSU and DVN Newsletter – November 2016
Welcome back after the Autumn holiday. We hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing week.
Thank you to all parents who attended our well-supported AGM in October. The outgoing committee were thanked for all their hard work on behalf of the PFSU and Nursery, and a strong new committee were appointed. We welcome them and look forward to working with them.
We hope you have managed to take a look at the new Tapestry system for recording your children’s progress, and are enjoying finding out about everything they get up to at Pre-school and Nursery. Please let us know if you are having any issues with accessing the information. The system is new to us and we are keen to iron out any problems as they arise.
Thankyou to Deddington Farmer’s Market for their generous donations to both the Nursery and PFSU.
Nursery children hosted an Autumn Breakfast for their families on Tuesday 18th October. The menu included homemade shortbread leaf biscuits, Brioche and homemade jam and Hedgehog bread rolls. The Nursery was beautifully decorated with a fruit and vegetable display. Each breakfast table was adorned with a table decoration made by the children with Autumn leaves and conkers which they had collected from the field. The morning was very well attended by current families and those joining us next term.
The Nursery interactive Christmas celebration, ‘Journey to Bethlehem’ will take place on Wednesday 14thDecember from 10am to 12.00. Join the children as they journey around the world on their way to Bethlehem, participating in creative craft and cookery activities as they go.
Our Nursery children’s Christmas party will be held on Friday 16th December, arriving at around 11.15 for a 11.30 a.m. start and finishing at 1.00pm, after a visit from Father Christmas. Look out for further details and your invitation in the next few weeks.

This term our topic is Celebration! This will include Fireworks Night, Diwaliand Christmas.
We will be having a Forest School session with Bev James from the Warriner School Farm, this Wednesday 9th November. Please dress your child in warm clothing as we will be outside all morning.
On Tuesday 15th November we will be making our own Autumn lunch of vegetable soup and bread rolls. Please bring in a vegetable in to go in the soup. Your child will not need a packed lunch that day, but you may wish to provide them with something if you feel that they will not eat the food provided.
As part of our Christmas celebrations we will be presenting our Christmas production, Noisy Nativity, with the F1 class on Monday 12th December at 2pm at Deddington Church. We expect to finish by about 2.45pm and you would be welcome to collect your child then if you wish, or if they usually stay with us until later they can return with us to the PFSU until their normal leaving time. As always we expect this to be an un-missable occasion.
We will also be holding two ‘decorations’ afternoons on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd December from 1.30 to 3.00pm.Parents or Grandparents are invited to join their children at pre-school for a creative afternoon and a Christmas snack. We hope to make the classroom look wonderfully festive on these occasions. These afternoons are open to all PFSU children whether or not they usually attend on these days. However, children who are not normally at pre-school on these days need to be accompanied by an adult.
Our PFSU Christmas party will be held on the morning of Thursday 15th December. This is open to all PFSU children, whether or not they normally attend on a Thursday. We will be asking for food donations nearer to the time.
Children born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 will be starting school in September 2017. You must apply for a place at your preferred school and the deadline for applications is 15th January 2017. You can apply online at you can also find more information. Offers of school places will be made on 18th April 2017.
Please may we remind you to bring in and collect your child at the times you have requested. Our staffing levels are based on the number of children attending at any one time and we are not able to accommodate children outside their booked times unless previously arranged, as this could take us out of our legal staffing ratios. If you feel that your chosen hours are not working for you and need amending please contact Sam at the e-mail address at the end of this newsletter.
Please may we remind you that all children need a coat and wellies available at the PFSU at all times. We like to play outside whatever the weather, and even on a fine day it can be cold, wet and muddy! Thankyou for your help with this.
Get your Christmas festivities off to a perfect startat our Christmas Fayre in Deddington Church on Tuesday 6th December. From 7.30 to 9.30pm the beautiful building will be brimming with festivity, filled with the smell of mulled wine and the sounds of carols played by Deddington Brass. Stallholders will be selling unique and special Christmas gifts and there will be the opportunity to relax over a drink and a mincepie with friends.
We have lots of activities planned for the coming year. We have a small team in place to run these events but always welcome more help, for a single event or on a more regular basis. Please let us know if you would like to get involved.
  • Wednesday 9th November – am – PFSU Forest School session
  • Tuesday 15th November – am – Autumn lunch
  • Tuesday 6th December - 7.30 -9.30pm – Christmas Fayre in Deddington Church
  • Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd December – 1.30-3.00pm – PFSU Decorations afternoons.
  • Monday 12thDecember – 2pm – Deddington Church – PFSU and F1 Christmas productionof ‘Noisy Nativity’
  • Wednesday 14th December – 10am -12 – Nursery ‘Journey to Bethlehem’
  • Thursday 15th December – am – PFSU Christmas party
  • Friday 16th December – Nursery children’s Christmas party – 11.30am – 1.00pm
  • Sunday 15th January 2017 – closing date for school applications for PFSU children
  • Tuesday 18th April 2017 – offers of school places for September 2016 are made

Rachel O’Connell – PFSU Manager
Jacqui Moulder - Nursery Manager
Lucy Squires – PFSU Deputy Manager
Jo Bull – Nursery Deputy Manager
Hazel Neal – Early Years Practitioner
Liza Staples - Early Years Practitioner
Jane Rickard – Early Years Assistant
Sam Brown - Administrator / Committee:
Lynn Nicholson - Chair
Celia Fawcus – Secretary
Nicola Halton – Treasurer
Liz Easter
Dee-Dee Irving
Anne O’Brien
Suzanne Owen
Kelly Thornton
PFSU phone number: ( 01869 ) 337484
Nursery phone number: ( 01869 ) 337383
E-mail us on: / Any matters concerning places, sessions or payments please speak to Sam. Invoice payments not made by the due date will incur a £20 late payment fee. Please remember there is a late pick-up charge.
Don’t forget to look at our website:Deddingtonnurseryandpfsu.co.uk
Plus, find Deddington Village Nursery and PFSU on Facebook!