(Telephone No: 040-23438411-15)
Sealed Tenders are invited from Registered Transport Agencies having their office in Hyderabad/ Secunderabad. Tender forms with terms and conditions may be downloaded from the web site: The last date for submission of tenders is upto12:00 noon on 7.11.2016.
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E-mail :
An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD
(Dept. of School Education & Literacy, Govt. of India)
1-1-10/3, S.P. Road, SECUNDERABAD
Pin- 500 003 (Telangana)
F.No.1-10(A)/ NVS(HR)/2016-17/ADMN

Notice Inviting Tender for Shifting of Office equipment, Furniture and other materials of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Regional Office, Hyderabad to NLI Ranga Reddy, Gopanpally (Gachibowli).

Sealed quotations are invited from the Firm/Agencies specialized in packing and moving works for transportation of Furniture, Equipment to JNV Gopanpally, Ranga Reddy. The items to be shifted from Secunderabad will be available for inspection from 29.10.2016 to 06.11.2016 during (2:00 pm to 5:00 pm). For this purpose Section Officer (Admn), NVS, RO, Hyderabad may be contacted (Telephone No.23438414). The Firms/Agencies should also furnish a copy of the PAN, Registration, Certificate etc. if any in the relevant field while submitting their quotations.

2. The desired parties may submit their quotations for the above mentioned items in a sealed cover super-scribed as “QUOTATIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION OF FURNITURE, OFFICE EQUIPMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS OF NVS. Complete Tender forms may be dropped in the tender box kept in Regional Office. Earnest money of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may please be attached with the quotation in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti” payable at Hyderabad/ Secunderabad failing which the bids shall be rejected. The quotations should also indicate the response time and service commitment. The tenderers should have sufficient staff and communication facilities to respond in the shortest possible time.

3. The office reserves the right to reject any or all quotations without assigning any reasons thereof.

4. The quotations received will be opened by the Committee at 2:30 pm on 07.11.2016 in the NVS Office. The tenderers or their representative may, if they so desire, be present at the time of opening of quotations.

5. The terms & conditions of the contract will be as follows:-

(i) All pages of the tender document should be signed with stamp by the

authorized signatory before submitting.

(ii)  The tender document should be sealed.

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(iii)  The firm/agency shall indicate the lumpsum amount for the said job (as per Annexure I). The rate should be filled up neatly (in both figures and in words). Firms are also advised not to erase or mutilate the figures, etc. otherwise the quotation may be rejected. Any overwriting will not be allowed.

(iv)  The number of vehicles that will be utilized for the purpose may also be given along with copies of their Registration Certificate (RC).

(v)  Detailed rates duly signed by the authorized person giving full name, address and contact telephone nos. etc. may be furnished by the stipulated time and date.

(vi)  The transportation of offices/sections shall include following:-

a. Packing of files, computers, Office Equipment, Furniture, Generator and other materials as available in the respective rooms/sections at various floors, in the office of NVS RO Secunderabad.

b. Carrying all the packed articles/material carefully to ground floor, loading into the lorry and transportation to NLI Ranga Reddy, Gopanpally (Gachibowli).

c. Unloading all the packed articles/material from the Lorry, and carrying to the rooms.

d. Unpacking of the goods and placing in the respective rooms.

e. Obtaining certificate for proper transportation with list of materials shifted, from concerned Officers/Sections.

f. The selected Firm/Agency has to use their own good quality packing material, like gunny bags, packing tape, Sutli, cardboard carton, thermocole sheets, Taurpalins etc.

(vii)  The Firms/Agencies should be Hyderabad/ Secunderabad based.

(viii)  If any dispute arises between the Firm/Agency and its manpower in the matter of wages or any service conditions, the same will be settled by the Firm/Agency and the workers engaged by it themselves. This office in no case shall be a party to such a dispute.

(ix)  Responsibility of taking necessary permission from the traffic police authority for transporting shall be of the selected Firm/Agency.

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(x)  The security deposit shall be discharged after the satisfactory completion of the contract. If the service provider fails or neglects any of his obligations under the contract, it shall be forfeited either whole or any part of performance security furnished by the bidder as compensation for any loss from such failure.

(xi)  Responsibility for damage/theft/loss etc. of goods during transportation or physical injury to any labour in loading/unloading shall be of the Firm/Agency.

(xii)  The damage caused, if any to the property of the NVS through negligence or otherwise during packing, loading while on transit, unloading, unpacking and while taking to designated rooms, shall be at risk and responsibility of the Firm/Agency. The financial or any other loss suffered by the NVS RO on this account shall be made good by the Firm/Agency.

(xiii)  Evaluation of tender for deciding L1 bidder shall be done on the basis of lowest quoted amount for the item as indicated in Annexure-I.

(xiv) The successful bidder shall complete the entire work within 10 days from the date of award of contract.

(xv) The payment shall be made after satisfactory completion of the entire work within 15 days from the date of submission of the bill.

(xvi) In case of any dispute, the decision of the NVS RO shall be final and binding on both parties.

6. All the tenderers are requested to read and understand the terms and conditions of the contract as detailed out in the foregoing paragraphs before sending

their quotations.


Tel: 040-23438414


1. / Name of the Firm / :
2. / Registered / Postal Address / :
3. / Telephone No. / :
4. / E-mail / :
5. / PAN No. / :
6. / VAT/ TIN No.(if applicable) / :
7. / Service Tax Registration (if applicable) / :
Sl.No. / Description of work / Lumpsum Amount
1. / Shifting of office establishment including furniture, Almirahs, Racks, Bookshelves, Files, all office equipments and electronic related items like Computer, Printer, Photocopiers, Fax machines, Television, Refrigerator, Generator (15 KVA) and other miscellaneous items as shown by the Officer in-charge including packing, loading, transportation and unloading and un packing and placing it in specified locations from Regional Office, Secunderabad to NLI, Gopanpally, Ranga Reddy District. The amount quoted inclusive of all taxes.

Note: Evaluation of tender for deciding L1 bidder shall be done on the basis of total

lowest quoted amount for the item as indicated above.
