Wedding of Jeremy Robinson to Courtney Wallace

Wedding of Jeremy Robinson to Courtney Wallace

Welcome Message
Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the marriage of Jeremy Robinson to Courtney Wallace. We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize the bond that already exists and has grown over the past four years. And now Jeremy and Courtney have come to this church house to make vows before Almighty God that they both have gotten to the place where they know that their life would not be complete without each other.

The most wonderful thing of life is discovering that soul mate with whom you can share your life. It makes joys much intense because you can share them; it makes burdens lighter because you can divide them. It allows you to reach out and become involved in life in ways you dare not risk on your own.

Marriage is a commitment to life- to each other’s life. You are to bring out the best that there is in your mate.Courtney, you are to bring out the best that there is in Jeremy; and yes, Jeremy you are to bring out the best there is in Courtney. This makes marriage a wonderful blessing from God because no other relationship can do that. Think about it, marriage, is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual joining to each other. No other relationship in this world can perfectly join those four aspects of a person together like marriage can.

Marriage is a vow, a promise made to God, and witnessed by your family and friends who are gathered here today. God, in His Word, tells you and me that we better make sure to do everything within our power to keep that vow that we make today. In other words, marriage is not always going to be a bed of roses; there are sometimes you got to fight with all your might to keep your marriage going. But keep in mind what the Apostle Paul says in:1 Corinthians 13:7-8
7 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.

In other words, you can have victory if your love remains strong.

Declaration of Intent & Vows
Jeremy, you are here today to share with Courtney the depth of your love, friendship, appreciation and respect that you have for her; and Jeremy, you are here to express your desire to live together with Courtney as your wife for as long as you both shall live.

Jeremey does that express the intent of your heart? If it does indicate by saying: THAT EXPRESSES THE INTENT OF MY HEART.

Then Jeremy please repeat after me.

“I, Jeremy, take you, Courtney,
to be my wife from this day forward.
I will always be open and honest with you,
I will respect and care for you,
I will cherish our love and our friendship,
and I will share my life with you for as long as I shall live.”As God is my witness.

Courtney, you are here today to share with Jeremy the depth of your love, friendship, appreciation and respect that you have for him; and Courtney, you are here to express your desire to live together with Jeremy as your husband for as long as you both shall live.

Courtney, does that express the intent of your heart? If it does indicate by saying: THAT EXPRESSES THE INTENT OF MY HEART. Then Courtney please repeat after me.

“I, Courtney, take you, Jeremy,
to be my husband from this day forward.
I will always be open and honest with you,
I will respect and care for you,
I will cherish our love and our friendship,
and I will share my life with you for as long as I shall live.”As God is my witness.

Exchange of Rings
As a circle with no beginning and no end, the rings you each give and receive today are symbols of your unending love. Jeremy will you take the ring and place it on Courtney’s finger as you repeat after me.

I, Jeremy take you be my wedded have and to hold...from this day love you today...tomorrow...and as long as we both shall live.

Courtney will you take the ring and place it on Jeremy’s finger as you repeat after me.

I, Courtney take you be my wedded have and to hold...from this day love you today...tomorrow...and as long as we both shall live.

May you have many joys,
and very few sorrows.
May you always see and encourage the best in each other.
May the challenges that life brings your way
make your marriage grow stronger.
And may you always be each other’s best friend
and greatest love.

Jeremy and Courtney, I am honored to now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations! You may kiss your bride.