PSA Board Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2009

Present: Merrisue Steinman,Gena Smith, Lori Gross, Marlene Casmaer, Bill Davies, Rob Koenig, Bob Miller, Larry Pazazki, George Young

Absent: 0

Community Present: Nancy Fullerton, Ron Moon, William Casmaer

Call to Order: Merrisue Steinman, 10:01am

Motion #1:

  • Gena Smith. To propose that we approve the September 12, 2009 PSA Board Meeting Minutes. Seconded (Boyd Smith). The motion was passed.

Thank you to Marlene Casmaer, Susan Koenig and BoydSmith for getting the new PSA Secretary computer up and running.

Finance Committee Report: Merrisue Steinman.

The Board voted for a mail-in ballot for the Proposed 2010 Budget. We asked for email responses from those who were not present at the meeting and it did pass.

Gena Smith and Nancy Fullerton volunteered to count the 2010 Budget Ballots. The ballots were counted: 64 votes for accepting the proposed 2010 Budget and 17 against and 1 that was not legible (not counted). Comments included with the votes will be kept for future reference.

Boyd Smith: From henceforth, all ballots put into sealed envelopes will become property of PSA Secretary so we have a record of each vote.

Motion #2.

  • Boyd Smith. To propose that we adopt a formal process so that the record of each vote is retained for all PSA ballots. Seconded (Merrisue Steinman). The Motion was passed.

Discussion: The formation of a Records Committee. Merrisue, Gena and Marlene will meet to form a sub-committee to go over which PSA records should be retained, which should be kept in the safe deposit box and which can be discarded.

Motion #3.

  • Larry Pazaski. To propose that we form a PSA Records Committee to review all past documents. The committee will retain those official documents that need to be permanent and discard unnecessary information and duplications not pertinent to Board legal protection and operation of our Association. Seconded (Boyd Smith). The motion was passed.

Progress of Audit: Lori Gross

Auditors want to match our Audit year with our tax year, which will cover the majority of the construction period. So we’ll change our audit to be from July 07 – through June 09.

December 2, 2009 a field day audit is scheduled. The auditor will come out for the day to look over documents, etc. with Merrisue, Nancy and Lori. The auditor will return to the office and they will finish putting things together and then it will go through their review process and then the audit will be complete. For the calendar 2010 we should be back on track. (There will be no audit from July through December.) At the next Annual Meeting there will be a general membership vote to either have another audit the following year or not: To accept the regular financial reports in place of the audit (because of the cost of each audit). It is part of the State law that if we do have more than $50,000 in assessments in one year, then we have to have 61% of the quorumpresent stating that they do not want to have an audit.

Merrisue: Reiterate vote to pay for Wiseman bill: Methods, amounts, and order. $60,000-$70,000 is still owed to Wiseman.

The newsletter will be mailed out with the dues in December. The End of Year Financial Report will be mailed out at the end of January.

Foreclosures: Bank is refusing to pay assessments owed to PSA. Discussion took place on legal procedure to lock off water meters on those lots who are in foreclosure, etc. We cannot turn the water off until the property in question has been vacated. If the bank owns the property and it is vacant we can turn off the water. Also discussed was correct procedure for notification letters and the creation of a form letter. This will be taken up by the Water Committee. (This will be in cooperation with the Water Service Association.)

Merrisue: The Finance Committee is working on a new contract for PSA employee Nancy Fullerton. Essentially, the contract will be unchanged unless there are comments/changes before the next Finance Committee Meeting. Nancy is an employee of PSA and not an independent contractor.

Merrisue: Update on PSA Liability Insurance estimates from Duncan Insurance. Discussion: Possibility changing insurance carriers. Merrisue will contact potential agents in the area.

Facilities Committee Report:Rob Koenig.

Allen McCay is no longer employed by PSA. The grounds are being cleaned up in preparation for the new Caretaker. We are working on quotes and bids for landscape management. The will need to be licensed, bonded and insured. Currently, we are working with Tab at AG3, who has already completed winter fertilization of the new grassy area.

There will be a Facilities Committee Meeting on Sunday, December 13 at 1pm at the Koenig residence. The meeting notice will be posted on the website and the community is encouraged to attend.

Discussion: Funding for the ski dock replacement project.

Water Committee Report: Bill Davies.

Status of the Water System Project: The construction phase is complete but the project is not complete. Three weeks ago we sent Wiseman a certified letter regarding several issues from their last invoice to us. There are both billing errors on Wiseman’s part and installation errors. We have not received a response from them. The contract states that there will be mediation for contract disputes.

Bill and Merrisue will be attending a Financial Planning seminar Monday November 16. They will be taking classes that incorporate rate settings, etc. The seminar cost is $150 per person. For Bill, the class will provide operational education and for Merrisue, it will be from a strategic approach. No motion is required to pay the seminar costs from the PSA Budget (educational).

Discussion: PSA water rate structure and creation of a reserve fund.

Discussion: Which company to use for PSA Water Management. Northwest Water Systems and H2O Water Management Systems have both sent us bids. Both bids will also send a copy of their insurance. The Water Committee will bring forth a recommendation at a later time.

Discussion: Continued employment of Jack Fisher. If we go with a “full service contract”, will that be sufficient? The Water Committee will bring forth a recommendation for 2010.

Discussion: Emergency water system shut-down plans. The new system will have “As-Built” plans which will be placed in Well House number 3. This will show all the shut-offs and valves. The water management employees will know this as well as key contacts from PSA. A copy of the “As-Built” will also be placed in the PSA safety deposit box and electronic copies will be provided.

The Water Committee will be making a recommendation regarding the use of Electronic meter readers and a collector that will tie into a computer that will read the data. This might not be something we start out with but it should be a goal down the line. We need another one more 2” meter in the park which Rob will have installed along with the sprinkler system. HD Fowler and Union City are both submitting bids for this project as well as the new sprinkler system.

Discussion: Merrisue: Do we have funds set aside for people who have paid for their meters but have not been installed? Bill: We will install a meter free of charge when they decide they want to hook up and draw water. This will come out of the Operations Budget.

Communications Committee Report: Boyd Smith.

We are taking in-house control of the PSA website, including design and content. As soon as the past website manager releases the old Domain Name we will take control over the new Domain Name and select a new Provider. Contents will include past Board Minutes, Rule and Regulations, and many of the past Newsletters. We will be able to make immediate changes on the website.

Committee Reports are due by next Friday for the upcoming Newsletter, which should be ready to go out by the first week in December. There will be two separate mailings in December: one for Dues invoice and one for the Newsletter.

Rules Committee Report: Boyd Smith.

Discussion: Out Houses. We will incorporate the RCW County Rules into our Rules. County rules prevail. If you have an outhouse and are found in violation of the rules, this information will be turned into the County and the County will deal with it from there. Grey water must be properly managed as well as the outhouse itself. Drive-able RVs must contain their own grey water and fluids. Grandfathered outhouses remain a separate issue. George and Boyd will continue to work on this issue to make certain it is on the website and in the newsletter.

Boyd: Renter Privileges. The Rules Committee will be working with the Facilities Committee regarding Renter Privileges in the Park.

New Business: Merrisue

Concerns from the Community: One member asked “Why can’t we pay our $245.00 annual dues in installments?” It was recommended that, as in the past, we take into consideration “hardship” cases instead of a general ruling for the community (and for primary residences only). It was agreed upon to work with case-by-case situations. There would possibly be a surcharge for such cases because of increase in the cost of book keeping. This issue will be discussed further at the Finance Committee level and in keeping with the IRS definition of “hardship” cases.

Concern from the Community: One member asked “Why can’t we have annual financial statements mailed with our proposed annual budgets?” We cannot send out the year-end statements and ask for the budget at the same time. One does not have to link to the other directly. The financial statement says what we actually did this past year. The budget we are proposing is based on what we, as a board from the Financial Committee have determined our priorities for the next year. The proposed budget is our best guess of what we will need in the future. Excess funds will be going into savings accounts at the end of the year so that the various committees can accumulate the funds for their proposed projects. We will also be building up our emergency reserve account.

Concern from the Community: Several members asked “What are we doing about security for the Park?” The main gate is now locked, with the exception of trash pickup or contractors coming in to do work. The issue of locking the park will continue on the Facilities Committee level.

The park flag will be taken down for the winter and will be replaced with a new one when the Park opens in the spring.

Discussion: There are 4-5 residences on Olympic Drive that are experiencing low water pressure. This issue will be taken up on the Water Committee level.

Discussion: Water conservation is critical. We have only a few individuals within our community who are violating the State and PSA rules. It is illegal to misuse water. A water conservation notice will be posted on the PSA website. Once our water rate structure is in place, those few individuals misusing water will be penalized. Larry will prepare a list of items for lot owners to check regarding their water lines and water meters to make sure they are within compliance. It is important to check for line failures on your own property. Water leaks on within individual properties will not be tolerated.

Motion #4:

  • Boyd Smith. To adjourn the meeting. Seconded (Merrisue Steinman). Motion was passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marlene Casmaer, PSA Secretary