PRC-006-WECC-CRT-2, Underfrequency Load Shedding, Request to Change PeriodicityPage 1 of 13
Criterion Development Timeline
This section is maintained by the drafting team during the development of the document and will be removed when the document is approved by the WECC Board of Directors (Board).
Description of Current Draft
Current Status
WECC-0116, PRC-006-WECC-2, Underfrequency Load Shedding, Request for Change in Periodicity, was posted for a 45-day comment period from September 22, 2015 through November 6, 2015. The drafting team will reconvene on November 10, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (MST) to address comments.
Document Scope
The scope of the project is limited to changing the prescribed annual periodicity to every other year.
Requirements and Measures
All tasks currently approved as an annual event are proposed to be changed to every other year.
A WECC Criterion does nothave a Compliance section.
Procedural Background
On September 15, 2015, the WECC Standards Committee (WSC) approved the Standards Authorization Request and directly assigned the requested drafting team to perform the limited changes.
Actions / Date- SAR filed
- WSC approved the SAR and assigned a DT
- Posting 1 – Open
- Posting 2 – Closed
- DT Meets to respond to comments
- WSC Meets
- Open Ballot Pool
- Joint Session – Notice
- Close Ballot Pool
- Joint Session
- Open Ballot
- Ballot Closed
- WSC Meets
- Notice to WECC Board of Directors
- Board
Implementation Plan
PRC-006-WECC-CRT-2, Underfrequency Load Shedding
Standard Authorization Request (SAR)
The SAR is currently located at the WECC-0116 project page on the SAR Form accordion.
Prerequisite Approvals
- WECC Ballot Pool
- WECC Standards Committee
- WECC Board of Directors
Applicable Entities
- No proposed changes
Conforming Changes to Other Standards
None required
Effective Date
The proposed Effective Date for the project is immediately upon approval by the WECC Board of Directors (Board).
Because the assigned tasks included in the project can take up to 18 months to complete; and whereas, the tasks are already being completed, an immediate effective date is warranted.
Consideration of Early Compliance
Early compliance should impose no negative impacts. Because many of the Requirements are based on existing WECC practices, many Applicable Entities within WECC will already be in performing the tasks and meeting the proposed completion deadlines.
New or Modified Term(s) Used in the WECC Glossary for WECC Criteria and Naming Conventions (WECC Glossary).
This section includes all new or modified terms used in the proposed criterion that will be included in the WECC Glossary upon applicable approval. The new or revised terms listed below will be presented for approval with the proposed document. Upon WECC Board of Director (Board) adoption, this section will be removed and the approved terms will be moved to the WECC Glossary.
Term(s): None proposed
When this standard receives Board approval, the preamble, rationale boxes, and all supporting narrative no part of the criterion will be removed or reformatted.
1. Title:UnderfrequencyLoad Shedding Criterion
WECC Criterion
2. Number:PRC-006-WECC-CRT-12
3.Purpose:TodocumenttheWECC Off-Nominal FrequencyLoadShedding Plan(Coordinated Plan), and toassureconsistentandcoordinated requirementsfor theCoordinatedPlan amongallWECCapplicable entities.
4. Applicability:
4.1.Balancing Authority
4.2.Underfrequencyloadsheddingentities(UFLSEntities) shallmean allentitiesthat areresponsiblefor theownership,operation,or control ofUFLS equipment as required bytheCoordinated Plan. Suchentitiesmayincludeoneor more ofthefollowing:
4.2.2.Distribution Provider
4.3.Generator Owner
5. EffectiveDate: Immediately upon approval of the WECC Board of DirectorsJanuary 1, 2013
B.Requirements and Measures
WR1.TheReliabilityAssurer (WECC) shall designate theWECCUnderfrequency Load SheddingReviewGroup(ReviewGroup) or itssuccessor, astheWECC groupthatannuallyreviews theCoordinatedPlan every other year..
WM1.TheReliabilityAssurershall have andproduce uponrequest, evidence thatitdesignatedtheWECCUnderfrequencyLoad SheddingReviewGroup(ReviewGroup) or itssuccessor asthe group thatannually reviews theCoordinatedPlan every other year,inaccordancewith WR1.EvidenceshallincludetheminutesfromtheJointGuidance Committee, or its successor, indicatingthedesignation.
WR2. The ReliabilityAssurer (WECC) shall verifytheCoordinated Plancontains thecomprehensivedata andinformationnecessarytocomply withNERC ReliabilityStandardPRC-006--21.
WM2.TheReliabilityAssurershallhave andprovide uponrequest, evidenceverifyingtheCoordinatedPlancontainsthecomprehensive dataandinformation necessarytocomplywithNERC Reliability StandardPRC-006-12,in accordancewithWR2. Evidencemay include,butis notlimitedto, production ofthedatabasecontaining thedata as requiredinPRC-006--21.
WR3. TheReliabilityAssurer(WECC) shallinstructtheReviewGroup toannually conductsimulations oftheCoordinatedPlan(AttachmentA) byNovember 1 ofevery other each year, toensuretheCoordinated Planmeets all therequirements of NERC ReliabilityStandard PRC-006-21.
WM3.TheReliabilityAssurershall have andprovide uponrequest, evidence thatitinstructedtheReviewGrouptoannually conduct simulations oftheCoordinated Plan(AttachmentA)byNovember 1 ofevery other year, each year, toensuretheCoordinated Planmeets all the requirementsofNERCReliabilityStandardPRC-006-21,in accordancewithWR3.Evidencemayinclude,butis notlimitedto, 1) :
1) ddocumentationthattheReliabilityAssurermadetherequired instruction, or, R2) ReviewGroupreportsor other documentation showingthesimulations were conductedin accordance with Requirement WR3. no later than November 1 of each year.
WR4.TheReliability Assurer(WECC) shallverifythattheReviewGroupconducts a n annualreviewoftheCoordinated Plan(AttachmentA)for completionno later thanNovember1 ofevery other year, each year, todeterminewhetherchangesare necessaryto theCoordinated Plan.
WM4.TheReliability Assurershall have andprovide uponrequest, evidence thattheReviewGroupconducted a n annual reviewofthe CoordinatedPlan(AttachmentA)for completionnolater than November 1 ofevery other year, each year, todeterminewhetherchanges are necessaryto theCoordinated Plan,in accordancewithWR4. Evidencemayinclude,butisnotlimited to: 1) documentationthat theReliabilityAssurer verified thattheReviewGroupcompletedthe requiredreview, or 2)reportsor other documentationproducedby theReviewGroupindicatingthereviewswere donein accordance with Requirement WR4. no later than November 1 of each year.
WR5. EachBalancingAuthorityshallannuallyallocateitsBalancing Authority Area’s Peak DemandtoitsrespectiveTransmissionOperator(s) basedupon its previous year’s actual BalancingAuthorityArea’s Peak Demand,byJune 1.
WM5.EachBalancingAuthorityshallhave andprovideuponrequest,
evidence thatitannuallyallocateditsBalancingAuthorityArea’s
Peak DemandtoitsrespectiveTransmissionOperator(s) basedupon its previousyear’s actual BalancingAuthorityArea’s Peak Demand, byJune1,inaccordancewith WR5.Evidencemayinclude,butis notlimitedto:awritten documentillustratingthatithas suppliedthe informationtoitsrespectiveTransmissionOperator(s).
WR6.EachTransmission Operator shallidentifytotheReviewGroup andtoits UFLS Entities,eachsub-areaCoordinatedPlanoftheCoordinatedPlanit has adopted.
WM6. EachTransmission Operator shallhaveand provide uponrequest, evidence thatitidentifiedto theReviewGroup andtoitsUFLS Entities,eachsub-areaCoordinatedPlan oftheCoordinated Planit has adopted,inaccordancewith WR6. Evidenceshallinclude,butis notlimitedto:documentationindicatingwhichsub-areaCoordinated Plan(s) oftheCoordinatedPlanithas adopted,andthattheidentified sub-areaCoordinatedPlan(s)were communicatedtotheReview GroupanditsUFLSEntities.Thisdocumented evidencemaybein theform of acopyofdocumentation providedtotheReviewGroup andtheUFLSEntities indicatingthesub-areaCoordinatedPlan(s)it adopted.
WR7.EachTransmission Operator shallcoordinateimplementationofeach adoptedsub-areaCoordinated PlancontainedintheCoordinatedPlanwith each ofitsUFLSEntities.
WM7.EachTransmission Operator shallhaveand provide uponrequest, evidence thatitcoordinatedimplementation ofeachadoptedsub- areaCoordinatedPlancontainedintheCoordinated Planwith each ofitsUFLSEntities,inaccordancewith WR7.Evidencemayinclude, butisnotlimitedtoevidenceof howtheadoptedsub-area CoordinatedPlan oftheCoordinated Planis implementedamongthe TOPandtheUFLS Entities.
WR8.EachUFLSEntityor its designated agentshallcoordinate andprovide documentation ofitsresponsibilities inmeetingtheCoordinated Plantothe ReviewGroup. Documentationshallinclude:
1) Alisting ofitsresponsibilities as requiredunder theCoordinated Plan.
2) A designation oftheagentresponsiblefor alldata submissiontodemonstratecompliancewith theCoordinated Plan.
WM8.EachUFLSEntityor its designated agentshallhave and provide uponrequest,evidence thatit coordinatedand provided documentation ofitsresponsibilities inmeetingtheCoordinated Plan to theReviewGroup,in accordancewith thecriteriasetforthinWR8. Evidencemayinclude,butisnotlimited toacopyoftherequired documentationandevidence thatit was providedtotheReview Group.
WR9.EachUFLSEntityor its designated agentshallcompile theirrespective CoordinatedPlan dataanddynamicsfileintheWECC-definedformat, as listedintheCoordinated Plan–Data Submittals Requirements(Attachment Bofthis criterion),for its entireloadandannually, byJuly1,submit AttachmentB totheReviewGroupandtotheUFLSEntity’s respective TransmissionOperator.
WM9.EachUFLSEntityor its designated agentshallhave and provide uponrequest,evidence thatit compileditsrespectiveCoordinated Plandataand dynamics filemeeting thecriteria establishin WR9. Evidencemayinclude,butisnotlimited to,reports orother documentationdemonstratingthatithascompliedwithWR9.
WR10.EachUFLSEntityor its designated agentshallimplementtheCoordinated
Planas documented bytheTransmissionOperator(s)inWR7.
WM10.EachUFLSEntityor its designated agentshall have and provide uponrequest,evidence thatitimplementedtheCoordinatedPlan as documentedbythe TransmissionOperator(s)inWR7,in accordancewithWR10. Evidencemayinclude,butisnotlimited to, production ofreports or other documentationdemonstrating thatithas compliedwithWR10.
WR11.EachGenerator Owner shallimplementtheCoordinatedPlan.
WM11.EachGenerator Owner shallhaveandproduce uponrequest, evidence thatitimplementedtheCoordinatedPlan.Evidencemay include,butis notlimitedto productionofreportsor other documentationdemonstratingthatithas compliedwithWR11.
WR12.EachGenerator Owner shallannuallycompile andsubmittotheReview Group,nolater thanJune1,theirrespectiveCoordinatedPlan dataand dynamicsfilefor itsgeneration,intheformatdefinedinAttachmentBof this criterion.
WM12.EachGenerator Owner shallhaveandprovide uponrequest, evidence thatitsubmitteditsrespectiveCoordinated Plandata anddynamicsfilefor itsgeneration,intheformatdefinedin AttachmentBofthis criterion,to theReview Group, meetingthe criteriasetforthinWR12.Evidencemayinclude,butis notlimited to, production ofreports or other documentationdemonstratingthatithascompliedwith WR12.
WR13.TheReliability Assurer(WECC) shall designate theReviewGroup to coordinate andperform all post-eventanalyses associatedwith the CoordinatedPlan.
WM13.TheReliability Assurershall have andprovide uponrequest, evidence thatitdesignatedtheReviewGroup tocoordinate and performall post-eventanalyses associatedwith theCoordinated Plan,inaccordancewith WR13. Evidence mayinclude,butisnot limitedto, 1) documentationthattheReliabilityAssurer verified thattheReviewGroupcompleted theposteventanalyses, or2) reports orother documentationproducedbytheReviewGroup indicatingthepost eventanalyses were completed.
WR14.TheReliabilityAssurer(WECC) shallinstructtheReviewGroup, or its successor, toreviewAttachmentB,theCoordinated Plan–Data Submittals Requirements,atleastonceayear, andmakechangesas deemednecessarybytheReviewGroup.
WM14.TheReliabilityAssurershall have andprovide uponrequest, evidence thatitinstructedtheReviewGroup,or its successor, to reviewAttachmentB,theCoordinatedPlan–DataSubmittals Requirements, atleastonceayear, andmakechanges as deemednecessarybytheReviewGroup,in accordancewith WR14.Evidencemayinclude,butis notlimitedtoanyformof correspondencebetweentheReliabilityAssurer andtheReview Groupcontainingtheprescribedinstruction.
Attachment A
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council “Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan” is located in the WECC/Library/Document Categorization Files/Polices folder.
Underfrequency Load Shedding Criterion
Attachment B
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding
Plan - Data Submittals Requirements
Attachment A
Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan
Attachment B
PRC-006-WECC-CRT-1 Excel Reporting Form
If you identify a broken link please contact Standards () for an updated link.
Version History
Version / Date / Action / Change Tracking1 / 12/6/2012 / WECC Board of Directors approved / Initial version
2 / TBD / WECC Board of Directors approved / Change in periodicity from annual to every other year
WECC receives data used in its analyses from a wide variety of sources. WECC strives to source its data from reliable entities and undertakes reasonable efforts to validate the accuracy of the data used. WECC believes the data contained herein and used in its analyses is accurate and reliable. However, WECC disclaims any and all representations, guarantees, warranties, and liability for the information contained herein and any use thereof. Persons who use and rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk.
During development of this document, text boxes were embedded within the body to explain the rationale for various parts of the standard. Upon Board approval, the text from the rationale text boxes will be moved to this section.
Western Electricity Coordinating Council