Website Evaluation For Learning For Life - Presentation Transcript

1.  Becoming a Web Detective Samantha A. Silag Memorial School Library December, 2008 For Learning…For Life!

2.  Today’s Objectives

o  To learn why it is important to become “web detectives” when you are researching on the internet.

o  To learn how to evaluate website sources.

3.  Two Truths One Fib

4.  Why Website Evaluation?

o  Billions of websites out there!

o  Trash vs. treasure

o  Hoax cites

o  California's Velcro Crop Challenged

o  Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

o  Hunting Season for Haggis

o  Moon development

o  Mankato, MN

o  The Onion

o  Uncyclopedia

o  Male pregnancy

o  Biohazard Alert Detector


5.  ABC’s of Website Evaluation

o  A = Author

o  Is there an author?

o  Is the author qualified to write about the subject?

o  Can the information be verified elsewhere?

o  B = Bias

o  Is information presented in a fair, objective manner?

o  Is the page free of unnecessary advertising?

o  C= Content

o  Is the information relevant, believable and useful for your purposes?


6.  More ABC’s… well, D and E!

o  D= Dates

o  Does the webpage show the date when it was created? Last updated?

o  Is it updated regularly?

o  Is the information outdated?

o  E= Editor

o  Does the webpage name an editor or fact checker?

o  Does the webpage have a reputable sponsor such as a university or government agency.

o  Does the webpage include a bibliography?

7.  More Clues…

o  Look at the Internet Address Ending

§  .com = commercial site (

§  .org = non profit organization (

§  .edu = educational site by an educational institution (

§  .net = network of organizations (

§  .mil = military organizations (

§  .ma .us = geographically based website

§  ( ) vs. ( )

§  . gov = government website ( )

o  Truncate the URL




§  Host site: Women’s International Center

§  Webpage: Biography on Jane Goodall

8.  Where Should You Go?

o  Your teacher tells you to create an anti-smoking ad campaign for

o  an assignment on persuasive writing. Using the Web Detective

o  Worksheet you will each evaluate one of the following sites and

o  determine if you would use it for this project:

o  American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation

o  R.J. Reynolds

o  American Lung Association (Tobacco Control section)

o  Tobacco Free Initiative (World Health Organization)

o  Tobacco Free Kids website

o  Big Drug's Nicotine War

o  Coalition for a Tobacco Free Midlands

o  Phillip Morris Tobacco Company page on Youth Smoking Prevention

o  Children Opposed to Smoking Tobacco

9.  Just Say NO...

o  No internet without adult supervision.

10.  For Learning…

o  Reliable, accurate information is essential to solid research…

o  and good grades!

11.  And For Life…

o  Reliable information is essential to quality of life

Nick Jonas has diabetes...could I get it too? Is Barack Obama Oprah Winfrey's best friend? Did the Twilight author (Stephenie Meyer) really have her next book stolen and posted on the internet?

12.  Sources

o  Springfield Township Virtual Library. Retrieved November 25, 2008.

o  CMIS (Curriculum Materials Information Services). Retrieved November 25 from the Department of Education and training, Western Australia.


o  Pam Berger’s Web Evaluation Guide. Retrieved November 28, 2008 from theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

o  Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators. Retrieved November 28, 2008.


13.  What Did You Learn ?