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It’s hard to believe that there are only just four weeks of this school year left and as always the end of term is really busy. Please take note of dates and events as individual reminders will not be sent.
Thank You
Many thanks for the collection of £1000 in support of our past pupil Conleth McGrenaghan. This very generous donation will be forwarded to the family and we ask for your continued prayers for his recovery.
Congratulations to our Year 4 children who made their First Holy Communion on Sunday, 17 May. The children’s behaviour and participation was excellent – they were a real credit to their families and we are truly proud of them.
Congratulations also to our Year 7 children who were confirmed on Friday, 8 May. Many thanks to the boys and girls who prepared so thoughtfully for this sacrament, to their teachers and all members of school staff who helped to make it such a special day.
Thanks also to all those who helped to provide refreshments in the Parish Centre on both these special occasions.
A special word of thanks and huge congratulations to the choir who have helped with our school liturgies over the year. Well done and thank you!
Congratulations to the boys and girls from primary seven who spent an enjoyable time at Gartan Outdoor Activity Centre; their behaviour was excellent. Many thanks to the staff who accompanied them - Mrs Carville, Mr Devenny, Mrs. McMullan, Mr Murphy, Mrs Johnston and Miss Convery.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in sports days last week. Many thanks to the P6/P7 children who assisted and led the younger pupils through the various potted sports and games. Many thanks to the Tir Na Og Club for the use of their marvellous facilities on both days. Thanks also to Mrs McMullan and Mrs Johnston who did so much to plan and prepare for the events.
Welcome Back
This month we are pleased to welcome Mrs Kelly and Mrs Diamond back from maternity leave. We also would like to thankMrs. Bell and Miss Convery for their time with us this school year and for the positive contributions they made to the life of the school.
P1 Induction Evening
There will be a meeting for parents of new P1 children on Wednesday, 3 June at 7.00 p.m. in the school dining hall. Gotto Sports will also attend with uniform samples and order forms.
Leavers Mass
The Leaver’s Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, 24 June at 10.00 a.m. in the church. Children from all year groups will attend and all parents are most welcome to join us as we bid farewell to the P7s. Refreshments will be available for P7s and their families immediately after the Mass. Please note that this is also the last day of school for P7 children.
Dates and events.
Year six classes will participate in a STEM day at St Louis, Ballymena on 4 June and visit the Titanic centre on 12 June. Details about each event will be issued to the children.
P3 classes will visit Portglenone Forest – P3B on 10 June and P3A on 12 June.
Primary Two classes will be holding a “Wedding Day” as part of their Castles Theme in
June. Details will be sent home with the children closer to the time.
Information sessions on ways in which children (P1- P4) can be supported in their numeracy over the summer months will be delivered before the end of term. Details about these sessions will be distributed shortly.
There will be Sensory play sessions for children in years one and two on the 1st and 2nd of July led by Mrs. Ward.
After Schools
All after school actives are now in their final weeks.
Homework ClubP6ends on 18 June
Dance ClubP3Final classes are 2ndand 5 June
Girls GaelicP5,6,7Two weeks left
Art ClubTwo weeks left
Walking ClubThree weeks left
Hurling One week left
Boys gaelic has now finished
Library Visits
Children in year P4 and P6 classes will have another opportunity to visit Randalstown library during the month of June. We would like to thank the librarian, Conor, for his support in helping to organise these visits throughout the year, the children really enjoyed them.
Books for School
If you have any books at home that your children no longer read, we would be grateful to receive them in the hope that they could supplement the books on the Accelerated Reader programme. Please contact Mr. Lavery if you are able to help. Please also return all school books to class teachers, particularly reading books.
Once again the school has received complaints from residents of the Station Road who are angry that footpaths are being blocked by parked cars thereby forcing adults, children and prams out into the road. This is very dangerous for drivers and pedestrians alike and we would, once again, implore people to park in a safe and responsible manner and refrain from blocking footpaths and driveways. Please use the Chapel car park whenever possible.
Uniform September 2015
We expect children to wear full school uniform and encourage a sense of pride in wearing our school uniform. Please note the following uniform guidelines for September:-
- Children should wear navy blue polo shirts to school. Polo shirts with the school crest on are now available from GOTTO sports. Football shirts are not uniform and may only be worn for P.E.
- Girls should wear navy skirts only for uniform. In cold weather, plain navy trousers may be worn. Jeans, coloured tracksuit bottoms or leggings are not permitted. Boys may wear plain navy trousers only. These are also available from GOTTO sports.
- Girls may wear navy / white check summer school dresses in warm weather.
- In the interests of safety, boys are not permitted to wear earrings in school. Girls may wear small studs – please avoid dangly or hooped earrings; again for safety reasons.
We expect all children who choose to attend Mount St. Michael’s to adhere to these guidelines and urge you to support us in this. Thank you.
As you know Gotto Sports were in school on Wednesday, 20 May for the Nursery Induction. They will also be in the school on Wednesday, 3 June at 7.00 p.m. for the P1 induction. Gotto sports will also come to the school on Tuesday, 23 June from 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. and Thursday, 25 June from 3.00 – 5.00 p.m. Uniforms can either be purchased on those days or ordered if the correct size is not available. Uniform can also be ordered online from the Gotto Sports website. Ordered stock can be collected from Gotto Sports at the school on Wednesday, 26 August (11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.) and Thursday, 27 August (3.00 – 5.00 p.m.)
Any parents wishing to donate uniforms that are no longer required can do so by leaving them with staff at the office.
Reports and Class Arrangements for September 2015
Class arrangements will be issued on Wednesday, 17 Junewith your child’s report (Years 1 – 6). Please feel free to comment and return signed copies to class teachers.
Children will have an opportunity to meet their new teachers on Thursday, 18 June.
School closes Tuesday, 30 June at 12 noon and re-opens Tuesday, 1 September for children in Years 2 – 7
PTA Treasure Hunt.
This event was originally scheduled for 6 June, however as this clashes with another event in the town a new date will have to be arranged.
School Closures for 2015/2016
27 – 30 October-Autumn Half Term
23 December – 5 January 2016-Christmas Holidays
15th and 16 February-Winter Half Term
17 March-Optional Closure
25 March – 1 April-Easter Vacation
5th and 6 May-May Bank Holiday
Please note days have been held in reserve and will be allocated at a later date.
As the school draws to a close, we wish to thank you, our parents and families, for the tremendous support which you have given us over the last year in so many ways. We want especially to thank those parents who have become part of the P.T.A., helped with transport to sporting events, accompanied classes on trips and outings and assisted with school events. We depend so much on this throughout the year in order to be able to give children the opportunity to participate in many and varied activities both inside and outside school. We hope that you will enjoy a restful holiday and look forward to seeing all the children safe and well in September.