Name / Date / Period
Forensic Science / / Daily

Webquest: Human Blood Typing

Go to the following websites to answer the questions that follow:

Tutorial 1: What is a blood type?

1.  Who discovered the ABO human blood groups? ______

2.  An adult human has about ______liters of blood circulating in the body.

3.  List 4 components of blood. ______

4.  The ______expressed in the blood cells determine an individual’s blood type.

5.  Fill in the chart below.

Blood Type / Antigens (on the surface of the red blood cells) / Antibodies (in the blood plasma) / Sketch a picture of blood cells AND any antibodies present
A Rh-
A Rh+
B Rh-
B Rh+
AB Rh-
AB Rh+
O Rh-
O Rh+

Tutorial 2: How do you determine a patient’s blood type?

6.  To determine blood type, you need to find out which ______are present.

7.  Step 1: First mix the patient’s blood with three different reagents including either of the three antibodies, _____, _____, or _____ antibodies.

8.  Step 2: Look for ______. This indicates that the blood has reacted with a certain ______and is not compatible with blood containing that kind of ______. If the blood does not ______, then that blood does not have the ______binding the special ______in the reagent.

9.  Step 3: Figure out the ______blood group. No agglutination in test tube A indicates that the patient’s red blood cells do not have ______. Agglutination in the tube containing B antibodies indicates that the patients’ red blood cells have got ______and belongs to blood group B.

10.  Step 4: Figure out the ______blood group. No agglutination indicates that the patient’s red blood cells ______have Rh antigens, thus the blood is ______.

11.  Step 5: Since agglutination only occurred in the test tube containing ______, the blood got B antigens but no ______or ______antigens. The blood type is ______.

12.  Predict the blood types from the pictures shown.

Blood Type: ______Blood Type: ______Blood Type: ______

13.  Blood agglutinates if the antigens in the patient’s blood ______the ______in the test tube.

14.  Match the following pairs to indicate when agglutination would occur:

_____ 1. A antibodies a. Rh antigens

_____ 2. B antibodies b. A antigens

_____ 3. Rh antibodies c. B antigens

Tutorial 3: How do you perform safe blood transfusions?

15.  If you get the wrong blood in a transfusion, the receiver of a blood transfusion has ______that work against the ______blood cells. Then the RBCs from the donated blood will ______, or ______. This can clog ______and stop the circulation of the ______to parts of the body.

16.  Label the picture below with the correct blood types to indicate which blood types can donate to who.

17.  The universal receiver is Type ______. The universal donor is Type ______.

Blood Typing Game (Use Pencil):

Today you and the other members of your team will be Doctors in an emergency room. You will encounter three patients who need blood. Have each person from your group “treat” ONE patient. Other members of the group should “consult” with the “attending physician” before any blood is given to the patient. You will need to keep a record of your patients test results, blood type, and the blood type that was administered during treatment for ALL of the patients your group treats.

1. Open the link above for the Blood Typing Game, and select “Quick Game – Random Patients

2. Select a patient to treat.

3. Drag and drop the syringe on top of the patient’s arm.

4. Click on each test tube to see their contents.

5. Drag and drop the syringe in all three test tubes. Record the test results in the data table. DO NOT

6. Click on each test tube to see a microscopic view of how the antibodies react to the blood sample. In the data table, sketch a picture of the patient’s RBC’s. You do not need to include the antibodies.

7. Determine the patient’s blood type and record this in the data table.

Blood Transfusion:

8. Follow the on-screen instructions to determine the type of blood you can give the patient. Give the patient as many units of blood as stated. In your data table, circle all the types of blood you give your patient. REMEMBER, PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE GIVEN THE WRONG BLOOD!!!

9. Once you have successfully treated all three of your patients complete the blood typing chart and conclusion questions that follow.

Test Results (Use Pencil):

Patient # 1 / Patient # 2 / Patient # 3
Male or Female
Agglutinates with
Antibody-A serum (yes/no)
Agglutinates with
Antibody-B serum (yes/no)
Agglutinates with
Rh serum (yes/no)
List all Antigens present on RBC's (A, B, Rh)
Sketch Patient’s blood cells
(Don’t include antibodies)
Patient’s Blood Type
Blood Type Administered (Circle all that apply) / A + B+ AB+ O+
A- B- AB- O- / A + B+ AB+ O+
A- B- AB- O- / A + B+ AB+ O+
A- B- AB- O-

Conclusion Questions:

1. Blood type O negative is the universal donor. Explain why.



2. Blood type AB positive is the universal recipient. Explain why.



3. Why is it important to test both the patient’s blood type and Rh factor before giving them a unit of blood?



4. Explain the physiology behind why a patient would die if they were given the wrong blood type.

