WAWG for December 9, 2014, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
WEBEX MEETING #: 742 508 909 Attendee Access Code: 623 072 7
*call back feature is no longer working, please call: Call-in toll-free number: (866) 862-4132
I. Cal Dept. Public Health (DPH) Demonstration of the Water Boundary Tool
1. Discuss background of the tool for new members – (Dan M. or Paul E.)
2. What changes have been made since its development?
3. Has the Drinking Water Program move changed anything?
4. How & when are updates made?
5. What type of QA/QC is there?
6. Are there any questions from the group?
II. How do we incorporate “New” Public Health Data into DWR’s Enterprise Dataset?
1. Suggest: maintaining a separate database with the shapefiles coming from DPH by WAWG Sub-Stewards (Betsy Vail).
2. WAWG start thinking about the process on how data from DPH would be updated and incorporated into enterprise water agency boundaries. This will become part of the workflow.
III. Review the Enterprise GIS Dataset Stewardship Data Model
1. Compare Data Models – (Siran)
i. See Relationship Diagram
2. Linking Geodatabases via a common Field ID such as those developed for WAI (Greg)
i. How would this work for us?
ii. Many to one/one to many relationships
iii. Deciding on a new simplified format:
iv. Are there any questions?
IV. Moving forward with a Multi-User Geodatabase
1. Training (Christina/Joel)
2. Workflow (Christina/Joel)
V. Open for Discussion or Updates from topics from last meeting
1. Urban Water Management Plans – incorporating language for data requests (Gwen) not yet!
2. Project Charter – no need to push this forward now that the WAWG seems to be moving forward. (Abby) submit info to Hong
3. State Water Project – get update from Ahrash Zamanian and the boundaries for State Water Contractors.
4. Making it official and on an Enterprise Level (Siran)
5. Is anything missing?
VI. Action Items (All)
1. Next Steps? Familiarize yourself with what the EM data group has done
2. Completing Forms? Siran--soon
3. Training on Multi-User Geodatabase? Joel
4. To Do List?
VII. Next Meeting: Jan. 22nd, (Monday)29th 2015? Any preferences?
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