Tirley Parish Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Tirley Parish Council

Held on Tuesday 27th June 2017

Present: Cllr Anne Turner, Cllr Tim Adey, Cllr Tony Smith, Cllr Laurence King

6 members of the public and the Clerk & RFO

Before the start of the meeting the public were given an opportunity to raise questions. There were many issues raised including; why has this site been chosen? Cllr Turner confirmed that other sites had been considered. The Parish Council had also suggested the top of Harley Lane as an alternative site, which was rejected due to the visual impact and it would have a reduction in the benefit of the signal.

The proposed site is a narrow road and the mast may get knocked when large vehicles need to turn in times of flooding. The site is extremely close to residential properties and it’s within 20 meters of a listed building. It is a stopping point for the school bus.

Health concerns were raised.

Tirley is a grid reference for the MOD and frequent planes are flying over the site.

Any objection is very difficult under permitted development rights.

1.  Apologies for Absence: None.

2.  Declaration of Interests: None.

3.  Planning matters:

17/00589/TEL - Land adjacent to the junction of the B4213, The Old Pitch, Tirley

Proposed 15m replica telegraph pole mast with internal antennas and associated radio equipment cabinet

A lengthy discussion took place and all the points raised by the public were considered.

It was noted that the Parish Council had recently received a letter of complaint about the bad phone signal.

Residents were urge to object to the application themselves.

RESOLVED: Object on the grounds that the alternative proposal has not been duly considered, even though the site is acceptable to residents and the area which will not benefit from the signal is all farm and not residential. Safety concerns regarding the flooding and the area being a turning point. There will be a significant impact on the rural street scene, as there are no street lights etc. The area is on the MOD grid reference. The application suggest the site is in a semi-commercial area, which is refuted. The Parish Council will request the application is considered by Members and a site visit is arranged. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.

The meeting was closed at 7.12 pm.

Signature (Chairman)…………………………………………………………………………..


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