Minutes of Community Council Meeting
Held in Dalmally Community Centre
Wednesday 11th January 2017 at 7.00pm
Present: - Martin Goodwin, John Kerr, Catriona O’Keeffe, Pam Whitehead, Steve Beesley, Janet Buchanan Cllrs Elaine Robertson and Kieron Green, PC Darren Miller and 14 members of the public.
Welcome – Martin welcomed all our guests, and our new members Janet Buchanan and Steve Beesley.
Apologies – Julie McKenzie, Jim Wilkin, John Ogden, James Mallen, John Miller, Stuart Watson, Willie Clark.
Declaration of Interest – No declarations.
The minutes of meeting held 16th November 2016 – Accepted as a true record, proposed by Jeni Rankin and seconded by Martin Goodwin.
Police Report – PC Darren Miller gave a full report on local incidents in our CC area over the last 2 months and a copy of the report has been filed with the CC. Darren introduced the local Rural Watch Scheme that he has spent a lot of time developing. Anyone living in the G&I CC area can now join via a simple application at then entering their post code, membership will be referred to Darren for verification. The CC will try and encourage as many people as possible to join as our security will be greatly increased. Remember this does not replace current crime reporting procedures but addresses interactive alerts and concerns amongst neighbours. Willie Clark will visit in February to hold a more detailed daytime event with Q&As.
Special Interest
Forest Land Management Plan. Community efforts to save A&B C money by engaging proactively with all parties using the B8074 for timber haul has fallen on deaf ears. General denial at all levels, tears and expense to follow! So much for Community Engagement. A&B C not represented tonight as planned.
Dalmally Village Stores. A letter from Elaine Chalmers was read and considered. The CC cannot help financially and the meeting felt that Elaine is looking for more residents to buy from the store and that the CC should do more to stop competition to her business. Regrettably the CC cannot do much in a practical way apart from strongly supporting the need for a Village Shop and encourage residents to use it. The meeting understands that the shop will close.
A petition to the Scottish Government asking for Loch Awe to be designated a National Scenic Area is available for supporters to sign. NFUS have made a comment that under the current CAP there are no additional subsidies available to farmers or land managers in a NSA. Good comments from the floor both supporting the NSA to protect against unwanted development, and from local residents whose families have looked after the landscape well for generations, particularly seeing flourishing wildlife. Every effort will be made to publicise the petition so that residents can choose. This CC remains reluctant to support the change of land designation.
Outcomes and Updates
Bin Collection Cycle Chaos! We were promised that the new 3 weekly bin collection would work. Within a few weeks of introduction it has completely fallen apart. No schedule is being maintained and confidence has been lost as well has potentially huge litter problems following winter gales. Can A&B C get their act together or will serious problems continue? Personal interface and communication (Incident web page not updated) really need to be resolved. Can our elected members help?
Proposed SSE Overhead Transmission Lines. SSE has acknowledged the community’s complete opposition to their preferred route for new overhead transmission lines. We want this to be underground. CC to ask for a Q&A evening session with SSE as soon as possible.
Broadband All the options being explored and solutions are possible. Fairy tale government support.
Phone Boxes. Progress on obsolete phone boxes will not happen without more volunteers!
Various items without outcomes; Jeni Rankin to meet with JK to update the Community Resilience Plan. Cllr Robertson to supply Payback contact.
8 planning applications were noted, some explanations. At least 1 withdrawn, Particular thanks to Jeni Rankin for collating this.
Correspondence noted and filed. By email, John Miller asked about bin clearing at Kilchurn Castle viewpoint. Elected Members will report back on regular collection of commercial waste at this point and throughout G&I CC area.
Any Other Business
Concerns expressed about the condition of the Old Dalmally School House and grounds. Bear Scotland issues in the Pass of Brander. The CC asked to check that the Glen Lochy Hydro Scheme is complying with its planning approval regarding very poor landscaping and reinstatement provision.
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.30pm, with thanks to all.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 14th March 2017. 7.00 pm Portsonachan Village Hall
Any views published in this document do not necessarily represent the views of anyone present or identified in this document.